Thursday, May 2, 2013

Vacation Time - Van Vicker and Family in Paris

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Sometimes you just need to take a break, and that is what Van Vicker and his wife did, and they took the children along too. Check out more pictures below, and see pictures of other celebrities here.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Renew Vows in Disneyland

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Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon usually renew their wedding vows on each of their anniversaries - last year they renewed their vows in Paris at the Eiffel Tower [see post] - and this year is no different. That is, they did renew their vows, but this time it was a family affair with their twins, and they set it in Disneyland.

High School Students Hold Integrated Prom in Georgia

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Race in America is still a touchy subject even in 2013 with the President being black and having won his second term just months ago. Dating across race lines is even touchier. While no one should be coerced into dating outside their race if they don't want to, there are those who do, and yet feel walled in by decades of racism and segregation.

Students of Wilcox County in Georgia bucked against the trend last weekend when they pulled off an integrated prom. For as long as anyone can remember, according to CNN, "Wilcox County High School hasn't sponsored a prom for its 400 students. Instead, parents and their children organize their own private, off-site parties, known casually as white prom and black prom -- a vestige of racial segregation that still lives on. Mareshia and her friends bucked 40 years of local customs this month by organizing their own integrated prom, a formal dance open to Wilcox County's white, black, Latino and Asian high school students."

Why I Hate School But Love Education

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Can I say that I do not completely agree with the message of this video. While the lines about mixed messages coming from authority is right on point, and while education and exams may need to be reformed and students given more room to explore their individuality, calling schools obsolete at this stage may be taking things too far. Some parts of the spoken word;

This one is for my generation. The ones who found what they were looking for on Google. The ones who followed their dreams on twitter. The ones who pictured their future on Instagram. Accepted their destiny on Facebook...

Someone said, "Give anything a rhythm and say it to solemn music and you'll sound powerful." And that is true a lot about spoken word performed. It's hard to know whether you simply like the performance or it's the message that touches you. The message in the quote above sounds very juvenile, but I shouldn't be surprised, the speaker is a young man.

How Much Do You Tell Before Marriage?

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Before and after plastic surgery

Who remembers this picture of a Chinese woman who supposedly was sued by her husband for deceiveing him into marrying a post-cosmetic surgery beauty, without letting him know she was not so good looking in the real sense. How did he find out? They had a not so pretty baby that looked like none of them. The story goes on to say he got several millions in damages. True or false, it made me think of what we keep to ourselves when about to get married, and what to share. Some things that come to mind include;

1. Sexual History - Some will ask, what's your number? As girls I hear it should never be more than 1, OK maybe 3. Say you're a secondary virgin, old things have passed away and refuse to give a number, it's a lady's prerogative not to kiss and tell. If push comes to shove, claim virgin and use alum.

2. Previous Cosmetic Surgery - Like the lady in the picture, if you have changed drastically in mostly irreversible ways, it would be nice to let the other person know. This also includes massive weight loss, breast and butt implants, etc.

3. Medical History including STIs, Genotype, Chronic or Genetic diseases. This is more serious, and even more important. If you guys end up together, your life and that of your children could depend on whether you have shared such crucial information.

May - Happy New Month

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Another month ended and another starts. Congrats to all those who started and completed their A - Z Challenge. May is worker's month, most countries have their worker's day in May. I really hope the new month brings great good things for everyone.

Tips for a Healthy Marriage - Sex

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I'm not the most comfortable dishing advice on relationships, because I'm still learning myself day by day, but I just feel ike I should share some of these lessons that I'm on the course for too. I want a healthy and happy marriage, and each day I work towards it. I read, I dream, I imagine, and I put some in practice. Over the coming week, I'll be sharing some of these with you.

Number one on the list is sex, and not just sex, but regular satisfying sex. The kind of adjectives that should come to mind, or used to describe one's sex life should be words like often, every day, every other day, or at least once a week. When you begin to hear, or think about words like once a month, seldom, or rarely, there is trouble in the land. When never enters the conversation, that is the death knell for a supposedly romantic relationship.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring Fling Giveaway Hop - International

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Hey, and welcome to the Spring Fling hop hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Eve's Fan Garden. I am an author of romance novels and I will be giving away to the lucky winner, a $10 Amazon Gift Card and an eBook of my first novel, A Heart to Mend. The synopsis of AHTM...

Gladys moves to live with an estranged aunt in Lagos and to continue her search for a job. Before long she lands the job of her dreams with the foremost oil company in the city and makes several new friends. She also gradually resolves the mystery of why her aunt previously cut all ties with their family. But the best part about her new life is meeting Edward Bestman.

Edward is good-looking, super rich but emotionally scarred. Gladys gets him to see that she loves him and that together they can surmount all their differences. However, when they return from a romantic trip abroad, they find that some unnamed people are about to take over his business empire. Edward's past has come back to haunt both of them.

Solomon Akiyesi Apologizes, Tells His Own Side of the Story

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There is the saying that for every story, scandal, quarell, or disagreement, there is usually at least three sides, this side, that side, and the truth. I will say that in this Akiyesi sage, there may be up to 5 sides or more. Read here, here, and here.

For those following the story, the church spoke for Uloma, the foiled wife to be. Some have heard from Ezinne, the first wife, others from Lillian, the second wife, Now Solomon after some theatrics on Facebook, has granted a more comprehensive article to Sun News. He writes;

Over the last one week, hell has been let loose on me.

I’ve not only suffered verbal attacks, but also vituperations and near fisticuffs, all because of another futile attempt of mine at my journey towards achieving that which I honestly and passionately desire – a peaceful home and family. Social network sites and blogs have been awash with how I left Lilian, my “pregnant” wife, to marry Uloma, my Lagos “mistress” whom they also claimed was pregnant for me. Nothing can be farther from the truth.

Only a mad or cursed man would simply leave his pregnant wife and elope with another one. And lest I forget, I urge you, as you read this, to have an open mind to listen to that which is true instead of taking sides and jumping into wicked conclusions with its attendant wicked insults and uncouth commentaries about how Solomon is running his life and how he is not. I’m not asking for pity or trying to buy anybody’s love at this time.

This is my life. If at my age I don’t know what I want, then I may just remain the dumb ass that I’ve been called over and over again. I don’t think I need anyone to give me any lecturing on how I should exercise my privileges.

Kim and Kanye Ask For Charity Donations Instead of Baby Gifts

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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are expecting their first child this July and with speculations flying about the kinds of gifts the baby should expect, the couple have made the decision not to have a gift registry. They are telling friends not to buy them baby gifts. Instead, Kim and Kanye are reported to be requesting that any donations be made to the Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. The hospital has already corroborated this news and thanked the couple in a statement;

"Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago would like to extend its sincerest gratitude to Kim Kardashian and Kayne West for their thoughtfulness and support of the hospital. We wish them all the best in the upcoming arrival of their baby. Funds donated on behalf of Kardashian and West will be directed to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Fund which will help care for the most critically-ill babies and their families."

So to Kim's diehard fans - Berry, I see you :) - don't give or buy gifts for any baby registries bearing the Kimnye name, they are definitely fake.