Thursday, July 4, 2013

4 Top Nigerian Actresses Use Their Star Power For Positive Change

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Screen Divas is a reality TV show on EbonyLife starring Kate Henshaw, Uche Jombo, Funke Akindele and Rita Dominic. In Screen Divas, the four Nollywood stars will lend their star power to talking and tackling domestic violence and child abuse. Together, the four actresses are filmed as they produce a short film titled 'New Horizons' which aims to give every woman who suffers domestic abuse hope for a better tomorrow.

Magazine Covers - Kerry Washington on Vanity Fair

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Scandal may be off season right now, but it's still the TV Show to beat, and Kerry Washington is talking it up as she covers Vanity Fair in a white swimsuit. From the show, it's now obvious Kerry shares the love of swimming with Olivia Pope, and the white suits too. Kerry Washington took up swimming as a child after her parents told her it was the one sport in which being good at it might mean being able to save a life." Deep! I should really start learning.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Kerry Washington Married To Nnamdi Asomugha

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Kerry Washington and Nnamdi Asomugha

The Scandal actress, Kerry Washington got married to Nigerian American NFL player for the SF 419ers Nnamdi Asomugha last month in Idaho. The couple wed in a secret ceremony on June 24 in Hailey, Idaho.

Blogger and Makeup Artist Adenike Ogungbe Dies in Childbirth

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I was saddened to read the news of Adenike Ogungbe's death, not because I knew her personally, but that she was a blogger, and had died in childbirth tugged at my heart. In her last post on her blog, she had written, "Its being a while, i've being off the radar for sometime now due to 'Nature's call'. I honestly can't wait to get back to work and blogging regularly too."

Why Betty Should Not Face Lawsuit For Big Brother Africa Sex

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Betty and Bolt

There have been quite a few sex stories out of the Big Brother Africa 2013 house(s). I earlier blogged about Natasha using a sex toy here, but tried to keep my eyes and ears and mouth shut on the others especially the gratuitous shower and sex pictures and videos. The first video was of Betty and Bolt, and that has sparked off her country men. Now, the lawyers have picked the gauntlet to charge her for public sex.

My Mother Was OK With Me Bleaching My Skin

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By Anonymous

My mum has repeatedly told me that I'm "too dark". One day I even told her that I plan on bleaching my skin (of course I had no plans to, I just wanted to see her reaction) and I wasn't surprised that she was OK with it. When family members that haven't seen me since I was a baby (I was much lighter as a child) ask about me, she'd tell them how I took after my dad's side of the family in terms of complexion.

Couple Love - Matse Uwatse and Her Fiance

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Radio presenter, Matse Uwatse is planning her wedding to fiance, Ekemelu Bertram Nnoli before the end of this month. The couple are currently on a pre-wedding holiday in ‘the middle of nowhere’ as she calls it. They look happy and relaxed.

Naijarish Baby and Her Mom Do The Mummy Tag

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You may know her as Lolita, or Naija Runs Girl, in fact her name is Mollie and she is a bi-racial Nigerian woman living in London. Her videos on youtube are either make up tutorials or comedy/satire on the lifestyle of girls who depend on older rich men for money, called reuns girls in Nigeria. In this video, Mollie showcases her mom who is just as funny and a great sport. They cracked me up several times :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Deeper Life Bible Church Suspends Love and John Kumuyi

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The leadership of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry have announced the suspension of Love and John Kumuyi from carrying out any activity in the church because they flouted Church standards during their wedding in Jamaica recently. Apart from my dismay over the couple's apology letter is finding out that the wedding did not even take place in a Deeper Life church.

7 Things to Know When Moving Continents or Countries

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Moving anywhere can be very daunting, especially when you're not going to be joining family or friends at your destination. When I moved here, I had Atala so it was easier, but when I moved from Nigeria to the UK I knew no one at all in Edinburgh, and though the masters programme was a stabilising factor, it was still a massive challenge.