Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The 10 Types of Men And Women You Should Never Marry

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By Jarrid Wilson

10 Men A Woman Shouldn’t Marry

1. The Late Night Texter
You know, the guy who only texts you after midnight. He’s the guy who only contacts you when he wants something, or someone to talk to. You can go weeks without hearing from this person, only to rarely get a text full of smiley faces and a message that reads, “Hey! How are you?” They aren’t consistent. Don’t fall into the trap.

Komla Dumor's Wife Kwansema, and Children Share Touching Tribute at Burial

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Komla Dumor, BBC presenter extraordinaire died just over a month ago and had his last funeral rites some days ago. He was survived by his wife, Kwansema, and their 3 children, Elinam, Elorm, and Araba. One of my greatest fears has been losing those I love, but when the person you love has lived a good life it is easier to have peace. In the following tributes from Komla Dumor's wife and children, we see a glimpse of the husband and father behind the public persona of the BBC presenter. May his soul rest in peace.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Young Lady @bambiiiii_ Shares Her Domestic Violence Experience on Instagram

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Oversharing on social media is usually for people who love to show off their best faces to others, but today it was used as a tool by @bambiiiii_ an aspiring Victoria's Secret model and actress to share the face of her domestic violence experience at the hands of her boyfriend of 8 months. See her message and pictures of her taken after the abuse below...

Advice Corner: My Friend Says Her Brother Is Into Me Because of My Money

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Dear Myne,

I have been dating my friend's elder brother for months now, We met in their mum's birthday party. We are not best of friends, but I take her to be my good friend, we stayed in together in my first and second year in school, even after not staying together anymore, we still act like we do.

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Three Categories of Men That Can Make or Mar a Woman

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By Eniola Ake

It's a pity that some men do not know a woman’s worth. Sometimes, I think why do women always have to go through all the physical, emotional and psychological breakdown (harassment) at the hands of the men that are supposed to build them up? That question has not been answered till today as we see many women still undergoing torture in the hands of their men.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Maternity Style - Kerry Washington Wins at the NAACP Awards

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Heavily pregnant Kerry Washington looked absolutely takeaway in her navy-blue and peach gown yesterday on the red carpet of the NAACP Awards. The amazing star actress also won the outstanding actress in a drama series award for her lead role in Scandal. Congrats to her, and wishing her a safe and healthy delivery.

Mommy Time - Annie Idibia Out and About With Mom and Daughters

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Annie Idbibia shared the picture above of her out with daughters, Isabella and Olivia on Instagram with the caption, "Beautiful ,fun ,Saturday outing with my angels n mom!!!! #supamom #supawoman #supaMe hehehehe good morng Naija! Gdnyt LA". Since Annie's mom is not in the pictures, she's obviously the photographer. And Annie is really training that waist, she looks great!

Daddy Time - Julius Agwu and His Beautiful Children

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Julius Agwu's children are so cute, and his son, Zadok is growing up so quickly. Proud dad showed off this picture of his prince and princess on instagram. The two months old Zadok was dedicated a week ago. See pics from the dedication below...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The See Finish Syndrome (For Couples Only)

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By Charly Boy.

When two people, lovers, friends, partners or even team mates can consistently predict one another's moves like clockwork, it is called see finish.

See finish can help one in fully understanding your partner. However, see finish in a marriage has its own bad sides, if not checked can lead to the death of DESIRE in a marriage, especially, sexually. That's when couples start to take each other for granted and no longer as granted. See finish in a marriage is when one spouse is desperately yearning for more sex, connection or physical closeness, and the other for whatever reason seems a bit unconcerned about their partner’s feelings, or just not with it any more.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Tuface Idibia Insists He Did Not Get Any Woman Pregnant

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It's no secret that I'm a fan of 2face. Still, I cannot vouch that he really did not get a woman named Teniola pregnant. All I can say is that I'm more inclined to believe him than a faceless rumor. I saw the tweet from him some days ago, and decided not to blog about it. On receiving this release from his publicists, I decided to post it.