As the number of Ebola victims in Nigeria increased to 4 with the death of Justina Ejelonu, and a female doctor was confirmed to have the disease yesterday, the unsatisfactory situation of the patients and suspected cases in isolattion is beginning to come to light.
An exclusive RML source close to those who had access to Justina Ejelonu before her death sent this to me;
Very sad. We did a lot to save her. She complained oxygen was being supplied to only the big wigs there and we sent two yesterday. 8 cylinders more were on their way today before she died. We made sure water was reconnected in the facility after it went off, and we increased pressuring the govt. We wrote to the minister and introduced a researcher on nanaosilver. They made contact and ordered it. The drug was ordered from US and is also on its way with a doctor and will arrive today. I was so sure she was going to scale through. It's heartbreaking. I'll send you more info later