Thursday, January 27, 2011

My HOT Hot Mug

Posted in:
Erica and Christy want us to share a mug of our favorite hear them..

Simply post a picture of your very favoritest mug. The one you'd choose to drink from every time if it never needed to spend any time in the dishwasher. The one you secretly eye whenever your significant other, mother, brother, best friend, [insert other] grabs it from the cupboard and you hold yourself back from snatching it out of their hand and shouting, "Give it back! It's mine. All mine!"

So do I have a favorite mug? Yes I do.

In fact, I love that mug so much that I've hard used it. Yeah, I use it almost all the time and it's showing wear and tear. I don't actually know what happened, but one day I noticed a chip along the rim of the mug. Soon a crack followed, and has been extending downwards since. Our guess is the mug fell from the hands of someone washing it (Neither Atala nor I is guilty, maybe there are ghosts in the house?) Or it cracked when it was put in the microwave (I'm the only one that does that but I still plead innocent). Anyway, I still use that mug, crack and all, for my tea, coffee, and all...

Below is my hardy mug and its battle scars. Underneath, SO's scarfree mug and the two side by side. Isn't that a beautiful sight?


  1. lol, Myne. You're a case...that last pic of yours and your husband's is epic.

  2. I just gave you the award for stylish and versatile blogger! Go to my page to check out the details.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I do have a fav Mug... I think Milo is sweeter in it and water is colder... and the mug 'speaks' to me... :)

  5. lol
    I can relate to this I have my favorite mug too, its one my mom gave me :-D I drink tea I dont know how many times a day with it.

  6. When you have a mug that special just thought of using another makes you sad.
    Love the side by side.

  7. @Naked sha, LOL...

    @Lohi, thanks dearie,

    @Sisi Yemmie, will be checking that out.

    @Berry and Adaeze, Ahh, So I'm not the only on with a favorite mug? You should put up yours too one day.

  8. Are you still drinking from that mug?

    This occured to me when looking at your his and hers mugs. It is almost like some married couples are after years of marriage: The guy is usually scarfree, looks like he did in his wedding photo et al while the woman has changed under the weight of wifely duties - bearing children, keeping a house, keeping a man...

  9. I think it's great that you still use it cracks and all. But when and IF it does die you still have an extra to love!


  10. @Mary, thats true, and thanks

    @Natural Nigerian, still do, and I'm more careful with it now. Interesting analogy there..

    @Gideon, yeah, I'll have to share with my husband, lol...

    @Stephanie, Thanks

  11. Your mug is well-loved. :-)

    I have a favorite mug, too. I bought it at Cracker Barrel a few years ago. It's a nice, big one with a painting of a cute little bunny. I just love it.

  12. They are so beautiful! Love red and white... as you can tell with my mug.

  13. pretty! And I love the battle scars, too. A mug should have some history.

  14. this is single handed the best story about the mug... i love the crack and the history.

  15. Oh wow! I love that red on white! So pretty. Perfectly romantic!

  16. Those mugs are so wonderful. I love them both, like two lovers side by side. :O)

  17. That's a well-loved mug! It's beautiful.

    My Mug

  18. Can't you tell the mug is begging for freedom lol.

  19. oh! I have a favorite mug, and it's shaped similarly to yours! In fact, I'm thinking I want some coffee right now~ :D xoxo

  20. Ooh, those are great! Cracks just give mugs more character.

  21. Lovely mugs! I have a glass with a crack that I can't give up and I'm afraid it will give out on me but I keep holding on to it, I love it so so I know how you feel!!

  22. What character the battlescars give them! Great pics.

  23. You know it's loved when it's used regardelss of being cracked. My hubby dropped a fave mug of mine (bought it at the top of...or maybe near the base of...the eiffel tower). The handle broke off, but I super glued it back on and use it even though it's imperfect, crooked and cracked. Thanks so very much for participating in the blogfest and for sharing your fave mugs!!!

  24. i have a tea cup that i love, its featured on my detox blog post.

  25. Aww at you and SO's mug side by side...his isn't cracked and it makes both mugs look he's overshadow your weakness with his strength!

    lol...yea I read way to much into things...sue me!

  26. A very lovely mug! The crack gives it character ~ :) Thanks for sharing!

  27. I love pretty mugs which makes it hard for me to have a fave.

    Change the mug joh! lol

  28. Myne, that mug has seen better days, ahn ahn LOL.

    I dont have a favourite mug at hope that's cos i never take coffee and im not a tea fan either.

    however, at work, for fear of contacting something, i have a personal mug and i love it!.

  29. They are a sweet pair of mugs! The chip and crack only adds to its charm!

  30. LOL @ your cracked mug.
    Tres cute!

    I dont really have a fave mug as I always reach out for whatever is close by.

    However, I do have a fave cup - because its really tall and I can make a huge drink with lots of ice. even in winter, I still love ice in all my drinks *smile*

  31. I am laughing my head off cos I'm attached to my fave mug. I do eye it when someone else uses it, lol. It is unique and the morning isn't complete until I've drunk something out of it. It's in front of me right now as I type my comment. Just had some warm water out of it. I might just follow your lead and post a pic of it. Maybe even write it a poem.

    One question though, how can you be sure it's your mug that's cracked? Yours and Atala's look virtually identical.

  32. Apologise for the so many "it's". It's one of those days.

  33. Oh, pretty! I can see why you've used it so much! (and i get attached like that, too--use them pretty much to death...)

  34. Thanks for all the lovely comments, lol. Yes the crack makes me think it's time for the mug to retire, but I just can't. It has lovely memories, for both of us.

    @Naijalines, before the crack, there was no way to know. But after, I colonised that one, lol...

  35. Very pretty mug! I love the picture of the two of them together (they look like little friends!).

  36. lol.. its so cute how u took pics of the battle-scarred mug. I think we all have an item we cant let go off. I know i'm personally guilty of having my favorite mug, spoon and even soup bowl,lol.
    ur an!
    i want to be an author in the nearest future.. lovely blog! :)

  37. I think cracked and worn make for the best mugs. It shows they're well-loved. Thanks for sharing and sorry it's taken me so long to get here!


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