It started with a work out selfie, above, shared by Nollywood actress Mbong Amata on her Instagram, followed by compliments. With requests for her secret to a smooth flawless skin also coming in, the young mother of one decided to share the story behind how she beat acne. She had captioned the picture;
Post workout selfie. Feeling great!!! #Intense #fitness #abs #AllSeasonFitness #lifestyle #MoreAbsNeeded #muscleMilkIn #instamood #happy #justbecause...
I remember watching Forgetting June which had featured Mbong Amata on IrokoTV and how some of the reviews on the site ignored the movie and focused on her terrible acne at the time. It's humble of her to open up on what must have really been a difficult time for her. Hopefully, others will benefit too.
Enjoy her story below...