Saturday, November 22, 2014

Maheeda Shares Christmas Bikini Photo As She Celebrates Birthday

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Singer Maheeda is celebrating her 32nd birthday and she has just shared a picture for fans of her nude pictures. This seems like an early santa gift as she is wearing a skimpy, christmas themed red and white bikini. She wrote in the caption;

‘Been there done that bitch I am now 32! What next ? Watch out! It’s my fucking birthday! Peace!!!!’

Update On Shocking Video Of Househelp Abusing A 2-Year-Old In Uganda

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Yesterday, I brought you the story of the little girl who was brutally assaulted by the family's househelp who did not know she was being secretly filmed by a nanny camera. The person who uploaded the video answered some questions about it [see here] but now, even more details have emerged.

Reports say the assault actually happened in Uganda. The girl's name is Aneela and after her parents saw the video, Aneela's dad gave the nanny a very sound beating, almost to death. The police came for him but after he showed them the inhumane video, they took the maid away.

#RIPChazB - His Near-Death Experience in 2012 And How His Wife Donated A Kidney To Save Him

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Popular radio presenter  Chaz B (real names Charles Bruce Chukwuma) has been confirmed to have passed away today. The cause of death was kidney failure which he's been battling with since 2011.

In 2012, Chaz B shared a life changing testimony about how God delivered him from death through the prayers of loved ones. He thanked God for blessing him with an extraordinary wife, daughter, family, friends and listeners.

He talks openly about his acute kidney disease, and how he nearly died from it. But God gave him the strength to fight it with the support of his family and friends. He was able to travel for surgery in India and his wife went with him and donated a kidney herself.

Listen below...

17 Real People Explain Why They Got Divorced

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Most people who get divorced often say they cannot pinpoint exactly what went wrong in their marriage. Sometimes, its because they really don't know or more likely they want to remain polite, and not hurt the feelings of their former spouse. The other easy responses one gets is that the couple grew apart, love stopped, or the clincher, someone cheated.

But even with cheating, it is one thing that leads to another, and only those in the relationship know these things but they're not saying. Or they were not, until now. Earlier this week, Redditors who were divorced opened up on those details. Since the forum is anonymous the answers are probably as as honest and direct as you'll get anywhere. I selected 15 of my favorite responses below.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Teenager Charged After Parents and Siblings Killed In Car Crash During Family Trip To Disney

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A 16-year-old boy driving his parents and siblings on a "dream trip" to Disney World apparently fell asleep at the wheel, causing the sport utility vehicle to veer off the highway and roll over, killing three children and two adults, authorities said Thursday.

The teen, who had a driver's license, was charged with careless operation of a vehicle, a misdemeanor, following the crash on Interstate 20 near Calhoun, Louisiana, at 11 p.m. Wednesday, said state police spokesman Michael Reichardt. The driver, who was not identified, and two passengers were injured, one critically.

Queen Latifah Writes Encouraging Letter To Self As Show Is Cancelled

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Her show may officially have been cancelled but Queen Latifah is not going to allow that to get her down. She posted a touching letter to herself on her Facebook page, talking about the way being open after the cancellation and having to stay positive. She wrote;

This letter is for me, my staff, my crew, and everyone who was by my side for this incredible journey. The most important thing in life is that you wake up every single day and take chances. No matter what the outcome…believe in yourself and continue to fly.

I watched The Queen Latifah Show a few times and enjoyed it. I also remember that she was very supportive of the Bring Back Our Girls campaign. Here's wishing Queen Latifah all the best in her future endeavors. I love her spirit!

Nanny Caught On Secret Camera Brutally Asaulting Toddler - 5 Questions Answered

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When someone shared these videos saying it was one of the most disturbing things she had ever seen, I was like haven't we seen it all before? Until I clicked play, I almost jumped off my seat. Who are these people? I'm currently going through the comments on all the 5 videos posted on instgagram by @datgirlviv to see if this monster was ever identified.

In the videos, the woman forcefeeds the child, then gets angry when she vomits the food. This leads to a extreme abuse including throwing the child face down on the ground, standing on her, spanking her with a torch, kicking her in the body and face, stomping on her back and chest area.

Beyonce Sings About Father’s Cheating and Her Mother Leaving Him In New Single

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Beyonce has just released a new single ‘Ring Off’ and it's a tribute to her mother. When a snippet of the song leaked yesterday, many thought it was concerning the rumors earlier this summer about Jay Z cheating and Beyonce getting ready to divorce him. But that turned out not to be the case.

Beyonce sings that she is happy that her mother found the strength to take the ring off after husband and Beyonce's dad, Matthew Knowles cheated on her several times. Check out the song below...

Janice Dickinson Shares Photos Of Bill Cosby From Night Of Alleged Rape

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Supermodel Janice Dickinson spoke out a few days ago about being one of over a dozen women who say they were sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby between the 1960s to as late as 2005.

Dickinson spoke with Entertainment Tonight, saying that Bill Cosby invited her to Lake Tahoe in 1982 while he was performing there. According to her, the comedian told her he was going to help her with her acting and singing career.

Like the other allegations, Janice Dickinson says there was drugging involved in the rape. She reveals that Cosby offered her a glass of wine and a pill she thought was for her menstrual cramps. That was the last thing she remembered.

My Vision of Husband & Wife - Dwyane Wade & Gabrielle Union's PDA On The Runway

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My Vision of husband & wife and I guess a lot of people's is to marry their best friend, someone they can freely play with and be themselves. Some days ago in Miami, NBA star Dwayne Wade and wife, Gabrielle Union played out that vision as they packed on the PDA on the runway during Dwayne’s third annual 'Night On The Runwade". Now these pictures are trending.

The event was held to raise money for Dwyane’s Wade World Foundation, and the too fine couple had their audience laughing out loud when they pulled up in a Ferrari, got out and started stuntin’. The duo struck a number of funny poses before proceeding down the runway for the show’s finale.