Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nigerian Woman Bails Boyfriend Locked Up For Stealing Her Money With ATM Card

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Some women can be totally gormless when it comes to love, bearing out the saying that love is blind. I remember watching Love, Regardless on Iroko and the main character was calling out her friend for giving a cheating boyfriend a hard time, knowing she would still take him back. As it turned out, this was not the first time the man was cheating, and indeed the girlfriend took him back.

In this case, a lady discovers that her boyfriend has been using her ATM card without her knowledge. Stupid thief that he was, he even went with her to the bank to lay the complaint. Luckily, the bank had CCTV footage of users of the ATM machine and the times of the withdrawals from her card corresponded with the man using a card at the ATM. The bank arrested him for fraudulent use of the card, but you can guess what happened.

APC Presidential Candidate, General Buhari Speaks at Chatham House, London [Photos]

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The presidential candidate of the All Progressives’ Congress (APC) General Muhammadu Buhari spoke earlier today at the Royal Institute for International Affairs, Chatham House, London.

His 25-minute speech, titled Prospects for Democratic Consolidation in Africa: Nigeria's Transition, focused on the postponed Nigerian elections, the need for its credibility and transparency and its implications for democracy across Africa.

ISIS Executioner Jihadi John Identified As British University Graduate

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The ISIS executioner known as 'Jihadi John' has today been identified as a university graduate from London. The man in the black cloth who beheaded several foreign hostages in Islamic State (ISIS) videos was identified by British security services as a British citizen from London.

His name is Mohammed Emwazi, 27, of Queen’s Park, west London. Known in the news media as “Jihadi John,” he is said to have been born in Kuwait and traveled to Syria in 2012. The story was confirmed by a senior British security official, who said that the British government had identified Mr. Emwazi some time ago but had not disclosed his name for operational reasons.

Forgive Me Before I Die: Woman Whose Affair Broke Her Marriage Writes Open Letter To Ex

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Nina Joy from Leeds in the UK had an affair twenty years ago which destroyed her marriage. Nina has recently been diagnosed with stage four incurable cancer and has written this emtional letter to her ex husband asking for his forgiveness so that she can pass on with a clear mind. Read below...

South Korea Removes Ban On Adultery

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In surprising news, because it's hard to imagine that any country had adultery as a criminal offence, South Korea has been reported to have recently legalized adultery. Not that they just said to their people to go ahead and have extra-marital affairs, but but they won't go to jail for it. The law that made adultery a crime has been repealed.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

APC Alleges $20,000 Bribe From Presidency To Anti-Buhari Protesters in London

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APC is alleging that the presidency is behind the plans to stage a protest which is meant to embarrass their Presidential candidate. The All Progressives Congress (APC), General Muhammadu Buhari is billed to present a lecture at Chatham House, London today titled: “Prospects for Democratic Consolidation in Africa: Nigeria’s Transition”, and it has emerged that a Pro-PDP group is also planning a protest at the venue at the same time.

The APC is showing as evidence, a document detailing how the so-called pro-democracy group has been funded by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

Crowds Gather To See Adulterous Couple Stuck To Each Other After Sex [Photos]

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There was drama in a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa, as a man and his adulterous lover became glued to each other after having sex in the woman's home last Thursday. According to the report the man and the married woman screamed for help, after all their efforts to separate from each other came to nought.

Finally, their cries got the attention of their neighbours who joined in the efforts to no avail. Soon word spread and many people in the neighbourhood gathered to see the unique sight. Witnesses suggested the woman's husband, a Zimbabwean, may have put a muthi charm on her similar to the Nigerian Magun!

Beyonce Works Out To Eye of The Tiger [Video]

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Beyonce has just shared an Instagram video of herself working out in a private gym to the soundtrack of “Eye of the Tiger.” If you don't know the song by name, it is the theme song to Rocky 3 with Sylvester Stallone where he makes a comeback to the ring. Most of his training in the movie are scored to the song.

In Beyonce's video, she is wearing black T-shirt and striped yoga pants, and does standing side crunches, sit-ups with a kettle ball, punching with weights, lunges, high step squats and more. The video is to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Let’s Move, First Lady Michelle Obama’s national health initiative. The first lady was tagged in the post and has already reshared it on her own page. See video below...

[Video] Madonna Falls Off Stage At #BRITAwards, Gets Up and Continues Song, WOW!

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UPDATE - Madonna has spoken out about the fall saying she is fine, and thanking her fans.

Poor Madonna fell while she performed her song Living For Love at the ongoing #BRITAwards. The iconic singer was reprising the performance with the bull male dancers that she had done at the Grammys earlier this year. After the fall however, she got up and continued the performance to the end.

Video has emerged that appears to show someone trying to pull off the cape on Madonna’s shoulders, but it failed to detach properly. Madonna was thus yanked down three stairs and onto her back on the stage. See videos and photos below...

Nigerian Accountant Jailed For Stealing £23,000 From Home Expert Alison Cork

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Abeyomi Ogunagbadaro, 44, has been described as ‘devious and calculating’ in a report that details how he stole £23,000 from a TV star’s home improvements company over just 6 weeks. The accounts manager has been jailed for 16 months for the crime.

Abeyomi had only been working at home expert Alison Cork’s Alison At Home furniture business in Regent Street, central London, for six weeks when he started stealing from the firm, Daily Mail reports.