Saturday, April 18, 2015

Photos from Ivie Okujaye & Ezie Egbo’s Traditional Wedding!

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Nollywood actress Ivie Okujaye and her bestie of 10 years, Ezie Egbo are married! The star of the Let's Move movie had her traditional wedding today and here are the first photos.

Michael Bublé Gets SERIOUS Backlash For Posting Woman's Butt On Instagram

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Michael Buble got into serious hot water on social media for posting a photo on instagram that showed the backside of an unknown woman. He also made some complimentary comments on the shape of the woman and many saw that as misogynistic and insulting. The photo was taken by Michael's wife during a trip to Miami, and according to the singer, he only he posted it on instagram for fun. He added the caption; "There was something about this photo lu took ,that seemed worthy of instagram.  #myhumps #babygotback #hungryshorts #onlyinmiami #picoftheday #beautifulbum"

Check out the full photo and Michael Buble's explanation below....

Friday, April 17, 2015

Ondo Begins Spiritual Cleansing to Appease Gods For Epidemic - What Role Public Health?

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A community of Ondo state is reported to have today begun the process of cleansing their land in a bid to appease the gods over a plague believed to have been brought to them by some persons who desecrated and stole from their shrine. The deadly illness that hit the community has killed at least 14 people so far.

The Ondo state commissioner for Information had earlier announced that the illness and sudden death is connected to an exhumed corpse. That the people who've died so far were those who had contact with the people who exhumed the corpse. But some people believe it is more than simply possible contact with pathogens in a decomposing body.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Nanny Caught On Camera Trying To Breastfeed Employer's Baby - Sexual Molestation?

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Where are all these nannies from hell popping up from? One nanny in Nairobi, Kenya was recently sentenced to prison for abuse of a minor, but this story is about another one who is going too far in the opposite direction. This new househelp was caught on camera attempting to breastfeed her employer’s baby, to stop her from crying. Or the reason could be even more sinister, as some say her actions shade into sexual molestation.

The maid, Grace Mwikali Mwema, had just been employed two days prior to the incident. A hidden camera in the living room showed Mwema offering the 9-month-old baby her breasts to suck. However, the baby resisted. Nairobi News reports that “the baby’s mother says she could not believe her eyes as she watched a live feed from the nanny camera on her smart phone while at work.” Watch below...

Fake Name, Fake Everything - All The Facts About The Nanny Kidnapper

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Three brothers, aged between 11 months and 6 years, were kidnapped by a new nanny, Mary Akinloye, just over a week ago. The children have now been found and the nanny arrested by the police. The woman has been speaking out and making confessions to the police, and so far, these are the facts that have emerged on the case.

Aliko Dangote Attends Daughter's Graduation With Femi Otedola, Take Fan Photos

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Coventry University, one of the top UK universities favored by Nigerians held their convocation for MBA and MSc graduating students yesterday and Aliko Dangote's daughter, was one of them. The married daughter of the cement billionaire, Mariya Dantata, was celebrated by her father, his friend and business partner, Femi Otedola along with the rest of her family and friends.

Femi Otedola and Aliko Dangote were later seen around the campus and were very gracious as they took photos with their fans in the school, some of whom were also graduating. Photos below...

Alarming Confession of Nanny Who Kidnapped Orekoya Children [Video]

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Mary Akinloye, which has turned out not to be her real name, is the nanny who kidnapped the three Orekoya children from their Surulere home in Lagos State last week. After her arrest yesterday, the woman has confessed to also being behind the kidnap of the two boys, Raphael and Michael Esharegan, from the Magodo area of Lagos state, last year.

In a new video, she has opened up on her team, which she said consists of her husband, his brother, and the brother's wife, with Mary fronting as a househelp/nanny to kidnap children. The others run the business side of the kidnapping and had collected N2m for the Magodo kidnap, which occurred December last year. The children were later found in Shagamu, read here.

My Exes Were Right! Michael Jai White Apologizes, Says Women Are Leaders In How To Love

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Hollywood actor Michael Jai White has opened up on how he's found true love with his wife Gillian Waters, with him in above photo. In an emotional open letter, the strongman actor apologizes to all the women he's hurt in the past, saying his intense love for his wife have made him realize how he must have hurt all the women who came before, who loved him and did not get loved back.

He posted the apology letter on Facebook over the weekend, and it has now gone viral with over 60K likes and 36K shares. Michael says giving his heart to Gillian has made him a real man and a more feeling and focused person. He says his exes were right about wanting him to express his love for them in various ways while he was wrong for thinking them to be crazy and needy. Read his letter after the cut...

How Kidnapped Orekoya Kids Were Found Naked In A Bag And Taken To Hospital [Photos]

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Three brothers, Aderomola Orekoya, 11 months, Demola Orekoya, 6; and Adedamola, 4, were kidnapped by a new nanny, Mary Akinloye, just over a week ago. The children have now been found and were reportedly left by the fleeing kidnappers in an uncompleted building in Egbeda/Shasha area of Lagos, Tuesday night, after some ransom was paid into the kidnapper's account.

According to SDK, "the kidnappers were paid N2.5m and they used ATM to withdraw 100k and transferred N1m each to Skype Bank and UBA". This probably led to the arrest, last night, of the nanny, Mary Akinloye who was paraded earlier today, you can see her pictures here.

Wendy Williams Says Women Lose Out In Marriage & Should Delay Coupling Up Till Their 30s

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50 year old Wendy Williams, controversial talk show host, and former radio DJ has shared her thoughts on woman and marriage in a new interview with Forbes. The outspoken host of her own show on BET, and one of daytime’s most successful syndicated talk shows, The Wendy Williams Show, advised women to use their entire 20s to build a career and get married in their 30s.

Wendy Williams first got married in her 20s to a man she keeps private but it was short-lived before they got a divorce. In 1997 she married Kevin Hunter, who is also her manager, and they have one teenage son together. It seems that with the perspective of her own life and experience, Wendy has some thoughtful and thought-provoking words for younger women: