Friday, February 18, 2011

One Queen for every kingdom - Real Love Story

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By ChiChi of From Now Till I do

The introduction

Afam and I met back in 2007, where we were both volunteers at a Youth Conference. My mum, also a youth worker, actually introduced us and at the time I remember us being very polite about the whole thing and were like 'hi - hi'.

Four months later we were both going to the National Conference and Afam’s original transport plans didn't go as planned. Through no fault of his own he missed his lift to Wales and I ended up driving us both down to the conference. It was during those two hours, while my sister slept in the passenger seat that we got a chance to talk and realised that we had quite a lot in common.

Living in different towns we communicated regularly by telephone and email. We would talk for hours about anything and everything and he made me laugh. I enjoyed his company.

We were both at a stage in our lives where dating was not an option. We didn’t want to be in relationships which didn’t have a purpose, so very early on in the relationship we laid our cards out on the table. This was key because we didn’t want to waste each other’s time.

It was on a cold Saturday night back in October 2007 where Afam told me that he cared about me a lot and believed God was calling us to develop a relationship that would eventually lead to marriage. That November I came down to see him for his birthday and we had our first proper date together.

Journey to the altar

The following year, after a fun filled family Christmas, Afam took me away for some one on one time. He booked us a table at a beautiful Thai Restaurant by the river and then proceeded to give the most romantic proposal.

'Darling, I have always known that there's one woman for every man, one Queen for every kingdom. From the moment you stole my heart, I have waited for this moment to say these words. I love you, I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?'

My words back were 'yes, yes I will, you know I will'.

It was great end to 2008.

After months of planning, relocations and job changes on June 26th 2010, we stood before our family and friends and committed our lives to each other.

Early days

For me I love the companionship and partnership that marriage brings. I love my husband dearly and enjoy building our lives together, setting up home, making goals. Even the mundane day to day things are much more enjoyable when it is with someone you love.

Before I met my husband I was a very independent person, now I am an interdependent person and love sharing my life with him. He is kind and incredibly selfless. He always wants to make sure I am okay, he consults me in everything and we truly are great partnership.

Afam takes his responsibilities as a husband very seriously and loves the Lord with all his heart. He has taught me so much; encouraging me to grow and develop in my faith and skills as a wife, for which I am grateful.

Success in marriage

Communication and trust are the two things I think are essential in marriage. Being able to effectively communicate with your spouse is so important as every argument or fight is bringing you one step closer to oneness. Trust allows you to grow, be yourself and develop together. You also need to approach marriage with a selfless attitude and know that it is for life.

Love endures all things... 1 Corinthians 13:7

Afam and I pray daily together and commit our lives and marriage to God. We also ensure that our own personal walk with God is sound as this is fundamental in ensuring that our relationship is successful. We regularly read and watch marriage DVDs as well have an older couple who advise, support and pray with us.

Be prepared to make sacrifices and be prepared to learn, as marriage is a journey of personal development and growth.

For those of you who are not yet married, don’t waste your single years. Prepare yourself to become a wife (or husband) and strive to become selfless. Learn to depend on God and not in your own abilities (Proverbs 3:5) as this same dependency and submission you have for God is what will be transferred to your husband in your marriage. Last but not least don’t settle!

Marriage takes commitment and you have to work at it daily but it is also a beautiful partnership and the rewards are sweet!


  1. These two are very matured! And like i've always said, they mentioned it again... COMMUNICATION IS VITAL.
    God bless their marriage.

  2. Wow... I enjoyed reading this.
    I think Chichi once shared it on her blog before so it's my second time reading yet, its still very profound with clearly unmissable lessons.
    God bless Mr and Mrs E.

    - LDP

  3. No mush mush.....still a good read.
    Mature relationships seem to be profound. I am loving these stories.....when do we read yours Myne?

  4. Omoregee, haven't you read Myne's before? She's got it on this blog somehow... (She once shared with us) find it. lol

    - LDP

  5. Beautiful! I enjoyed reading this.

    Yes, I agree with Chichi, COMMUNICATION is a very vital key in any relationship (especially marriage)

    Myne, I LOVE these love stories. Well done!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Thanks for the comments, it was a pleasure compiling them. Love manifests as differently as we all are, but does it happen, SURE!

    @Omoregee, I've shared it once before, but maybe I will do so again to close this month of love.

    Thanks all for reading!

  7. Beautiful.
    ChiChi is always an inspiration.

  8. Please do! I think It'll make a grand finale.

  9. ChiChi (and her blog) has always been an inspiration when it comes to this marriage matter. I am so glad to read this but more important for me are the lessons to take out of it...

  10. Myne God bless you for yielding yourself to God...he is using you to minister to ‎​married and singles alike.

    This story makes me know a GOOD marriage is very possible and there is a TESTIMONY here to garnish and lace the meal.

    God bless them always amen and you Myne :)

  11. Thank you so much Enobong, I'm happy to be a vessel. These are bloggers that inspire me, and I wanted others to get to know them too.

    Thanks for reading.

  12. Great story, so loving, love reading her blog, she's a great person...:=)Happy Weekend Myne, how you de?

  13. Lovely story. Interdependent? I love that word, sums it up perfectly. I agree, communication is key, with that comes trust. Nice one Chichi.

  14. The thing I love the most about this love story is that it comes across as a "well thought out, practical, we-know-what-we're-doing" kind of relationship, as opposed to the "I fell head over heels in love and couldn't control myself" kind.
    I'm of the "love is a decision and not just a feeling" school of thought so this story right here is inspiring.
    Thanks Myne for bringing us positive role models that we can refer young people to xxx

  15. Thank you everyone for your kind comments and Myne, thanks for the opportunity to feature!

  16. What a beautiful story! A hope to find love like this someday and I definitely agree with her saying not to settle. That is so, so, so important.

    That GOOD GOOD Blog

  17. Chichi,
    It was really nice to read your story. I love that you both got to know each other as friends and then moved on to a more intimate relationship.

    I like 'interdependent'. Lots of women, single and married alike, struggle with this concepts as they are unwilling to relinquish their independence.

    God bless you and Afam and may your marriage continue to be an example to all who witness it.

  18. Blessings.....

    Congratulations and may your love endure all things and be everlasting.


  19. Wow! ChiChi and Afam, you are both blessed!

  20. Awwwwwww
    I just love the part of "there is only one woman for every man, one Queen for every kingdom"

    Wishing them both many many beautiful years ahead

  21. This love story actually does seem achievable, as opposed to the fairytale kind lol. Good luck to them! :)



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