Thursday, May 5, 2011

Relationship 15 - I have to drop it.

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So I was reading about Jessica Simpson in the Stand Up to Cancer Naija Blog and the article was about her wedding being postponed because she had to lose the relationship 15. As I read what relationship 15 they were referring to, I began to nod my head. According to that post, relationship 15 "where you gain 15 pounds thanks to late night dinners with your S.O." I googled the phrase, could it be this was a common occurence and I thought it was just me?

I have gained about 8 pounds since I got married, and it's not just from being a writer and working from home. There's also that I'm cooking more regularly, and eating more. When I was single, I used to eat mostly once a day, and munch and snack fruits the rest of the time. Now I eat twice a day while still munching. And not only that, I somehow think dishing a man's food makes me get a larger portion too. Does that even make sense?

Anyway, I have determined to drop at least 5 pounds before the end of summer. And I'm glad I said it here on the blog, I think it will make me more accountable. Wish me luck!


  1. Love your pic. Lol at your gaining weight. Well, I'll be back to check your progress then. Up the veggies and fruities. :-)

  2. Oh o, why is it that the day I'm first you're not offering anything for being first. Lol lol. :-)

  3. Oh no Myne don't get me'll drive me to slitting my _only joking, it's not a cry for help....but tempting just thinking about fat.

  4. I adore that pick and i can;t find the 8 pounds. I used a magnifying glass.

  5. Ok Myne,you also need to lose the relationship 15...hehehehehe

  6. I really do not understand how this works but i know its true. Brides loose weight before the wedding and get all blown up weeks after 'I do'. And then if time is not taken, it becomes a life long weight struggle because soon after that comes baby fat *sigh #unfair

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Is your picture a recent one? you look good .).)
    Wondering if you really need to lose weight, though you didn't mention about you present body measurements, BMI, body fat%...

    Contrary to some people experience, I gain weight when I do not cook. Am a strong advocate of 'get fit in the gym and lose weight in the kitchen'

    Marriage and weight gain uh!

  9. Myne ‎​you truly look lovely(​​​am the one who needs to drop 15 pounds not ‎​you) :)

  10. Fab pix! Love the pose n dress :) Wish u the best!

  11. I love this picture. The beautiful yellow tulips in the background is so captivating!

    All the best on your quest!

  12. But I think you should ascertain whether you really need to lose weight tho. Check your BMI, that is, your height(M2)/weight(Kg). The normal range should be from 18.5-25. Less than 18.5 -underweight... and vice versa.
    Some people get on a mission to lose weight, when they are actually underweight and need to add some to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Anyway, if you must, then I think you'll need this :)
    All the best!

  13. it's true, i put almost as much as my husband's portion on my plate and i end up finishing it too! lol :)

  14. Hi Myne

    Your blog is so fantastic with so many goodies to click on each time I visit, and thats before I read it oh!Mine is dull when compared to yours,I dont even know how to put up a blogrow orbloglist.Nutty tried to tell me but I didnt get it..Then I made her an admin to do it for me but she didnt and so on.LOL. I will get there somehow.

    As for loosing weight, yes I guess many brides want to look slimmer on their wedding day. Unless of course the let the horse out of the stable in which case they marry with a 6month pregnancy shooting

    Oh you gained? Was it due to childbirth and food? or just food like you said?

    Well good luck with loosing some weight


  15. my dad likes to say people eat more when they're happy. who knows... I think you look mahvelous, darling! Love that dress~ :o) <3

  16. Good luck Myne! It seems we are all on some quest to complete by the end of the summer. You should be able to do 5 pounds easily. I'll be rooting for you all the way:-) Go Myne Go Myne!!!

  17. Lovely picture and honestly I cant see the 8 pounds.

    Errr can u please send the dress over? LOL

  18. Thank you all, now I have to go work it, lol...

    At those not seeing the 8pounds, maybe I should have made it a before&after picture. Believe me, it's there o.

    @Nutritionalert, and other tips, will definitely be checking them out.

  19. Totally agree that marriage can lead to weight gain.
    However, you look fab...!
    Jealous much!!
    As for me, what makes it worse is that my hubby eats like a horse and still remains slim...while I only have to inhale the scent of good food and I put on weight.
    Oh well, I have come to accept that my extra layers 'insulates' me against the British cold :)))

  20. Well done ooo, Gaining weight since you were married really shows that married life is treating you really really well, lol. abeg let oga enjoy that small meat on your body. hope you are doing good.

  21. when did you cut your hair..ehh?
    Also, im actually looking into juicing and blending food. Doing research right now.

  22. I love this picture...the dress and the flowers.

  23. good luck :) look good.

  24. Thanks Lara and Ibhade.

    @Chizzy, that was back in March. It's beginning to grow now.

    Please tell us about your research. I've been motivated from reading your blog/.

  25. I can't even shape my mouth to talk on this one!! I'm not married so what is my reason? LOL!!! As I am killing myself here I will think of you in solidarity!

  26. That's a beautiful picture of you! I always eat more in a relationship than when I'm single. Good luck with dropping those pounds (but in that picture you look stunning as you are!)

  27. From my part of the world, its relationship 30... i wish u luck wiv ur weight loss tho u still look good.

  28. Oh Myne, what a summery picture!!! One man's meat is another man's poison. I want relationship 15 so badly...just long enough o gain 3 kg then we divorce. lol.

    If you think you have added weight then I am right behind you as you do something about it. Na so the thing dey begin..

  29. @Caramel, lol...lets lose it together.

    Thanks Jayne and Fehintolu.

    @Ginger, you're not serious! LOL...

  30. Good luck?!

    You know, this explains why most women gain weight after marriage. Never thought of it like this!



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