Saturday, September 24, 2011

Picture Weekend - Revenge, my tiny Afro

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I learned a new phrase last night, double infinity.

It's from the new ABC show, Revenge, which I watched on the Friday showing. We missed the premiere on Wednesday cos we went out but now the show has definitely found its place on my must-watch list. Growing up, I struggled with the revenge side of my scorpio, and it's a theme that still holds a fascination for me (see A Heart to Mend). Anyway, I went on wiki and found that the TV show is an adaptation of "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alex Dumas, and I'm a huge fan of that book. There's been a lot of changes obviously, but I'm already liking that the two main characters are strong females, terrifically acted by Emily VanCamp, and Madeleine Stowe, and I look forward to how the writers will pull it off.

On to my hair, I cut my it in late March and the second picture was taken in the second week of April. The first was taken just this Wednesday, and if I do say so myself, I think the hair is growing. As you can see, the front grows faster than the back, giving me a punk look, lol...

Funny thing is, I've not really done much with it. I've put it in corn-rows a couple of times, once in single braids, and then when I was planning to go put extensions to cover/protect it (weaves or braids), I had the fall. I'm hoping to fix it up soon though. Hopefully it will get some rest from the frequent combing, I think it's beginning to shed more than usual and winter is on the way. :(

Have a great weekend all, mwah!


  1. Your hair looks all baby hair soft and curly. Do you apply a lot of creams to get it looking that way? Anyways it def looks healthy and glowy. So do you :)

  2. LOL at the front growing faster than the back. Your hair has grown. Looking good.

    Have a nice weekend too.

  3. i am also a fan of Count of Monto Christo. I love your hair. looks great on u.

  4. Blessings.....
    fro looks good, yeah when the front grows faster you have to keep shaping it. have you tried twists? its really great and you can get a few looks out of it. the first would be the twist itself, they the other would be when you open the twists but not comb it out and last but not least it would be when you use an afro pick and pick it out a bit. Love the versatility of our natural hair, keeps it interesting.

    Stay blessed.

  5. @Ginger, it only LOOKS soft, just try to put a comb through it :). Just before the picture, I conditioned and combed it sha.

    @Prism, Thanks dear.

    @Tam, you know the book, the plot is one of the twisted I know.

    @Rhapsody, thank you so much. I will give that a try soon.

  6. Your hair looks good!!, I have the same problem with the front growing faster. I trim mine every now and again.

  7. The afro looks good on you o, you are working it sha!!!

  8. lol, your hair looks good and soft too. I tried keeping my natural hair once and nearly died from the headaches i got while trying to comb it.

    Yup, now that winter is on the way you should try to do something with it before it all falls of and we're back to square one:/

    Been a while i dropped by, glad to see all is well with you. Have a lovely weekend

  9. I caught Revenge this week. It looks promising. I'm always afraid to get hooked on new shows in case they get canceled.

    Your hair looks great!

  10. Go Myne Go Myne. I'm feeling your hair jare. Please let the afro grow biiigggg. Its nice!

  11. On a totally random note, I love your eyebrow!

  12. You are looking 16 ma. lol

    - LDP

  13. my hair is so tightly curled i will have to hot comb it everyday..
    lol i'll stick to the perm lol


  14. It looks gorgeous! I wish my hair did something.... sigh!

  15. Ooh! I am so tempted! I have been wanting to cut my hair for a few nights now. Seeing your photo is making the urge stronger!

  16. Nothing wrong with short 'n sassy - that's how mine is.

  17. I am so tempted to cut my hair...I will scrap it off soon.

  18. Love the hair and yes it is growing. Misting my hair with a water/glycerin mix before combing helps. I hardly ever manipulate my hair dry. Thinking of cutting it now and starting the natural journey afresh.

  19. hey Myne! yourr hair looks good (wish my hair would grow as fast as your has)my afro is about the same size as yours and its been a year and some months already since i went natural.....oh well.
    luvig the look by the way :) gooooooo natural sistas!!


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