Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blowing my Trumpet - 10 things I like about me

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We need to credit ourselves more and know that we are full of "good stuff". So says Aloted of Purpose Driven Blog who thinks most of us rarely blow our trumpet due to social conditioning. I agree with her, and when she listed her own positive 10 things and threw open the floor, I decided to get on it. Watch out, cos I'll be tagging...

1. I can be very playful, and I like giving free reign to the child within me. It makes me feel very carefree, like going on the swings in a playground. I used to be a tomboy too, so don't be surprised if you see me climbing a tree. Thank God I'm still athletic enough to pull that off.

2. I find it very easy to say I'm sorry and mean it. Growing up I was very stubborn but with age, luckily, came some self awareness and maturity.

3. I don't take myself or things too seriously, I have learnt to let go and let God in most cases. If you insult me, I can even laugh. I might vex for a few minutes and then I brush it off my shoulders. Life is too short, abeg.

4. I think I make a good friend. I am a great listener (even if I do say so myself). Oh yeah, I'm blowing my trumpet here so let me go on soun :). I can be irritatingly logical if that is what you want, or we can throw sense to the winds and just do it. I will also be very loyal if warranted.

5. I usually look on the positive side of things. One of my tags on Twitter is Optimist and that's because I see it as a very big part of who I am. That is also the base of the romantic in me. I usually see an unfilled cup as half full rather than half empty. When I see a situation or a person, I first imagine what nice things might come of it.

6. I can be very open-minded, and will rarely judge and condemn a person or a situation. Most things have their good and bad sides and the debater in me will usually look for it, and help me keep my mouth shut, or try to be diplomatic when speaking.

7. I love love LOVE, lol... Yes o, anything to do with love sweets my heart. All kinds of love mind you, including the love of parents for their children, the bond between siblings, the links that friendships can build. But even more awesome is that love between two people that didn't know each other from Adam, and decide to be partners through thick and thin, and maybe for life.

8. I can get things done. I usually joke that once I'm part of something, it's not long before I'm noticed, and if I'm not careful, I'll be co opted into a leadership position.

9. I am generous. While I'm not father Christmas, I will usually give of what I have, and I will not ask for or expect anything in return.

10. I am adventurous. I like trying out new things in various areas. If there's a mountain, I want to climb it; a new city, let's explore it; an untried recipe, I want to put my own spin on it; having children, hmmm...why not? get the idea.

So who will I tag? After doing it, I've decided to throw this open. I realize that not everyone might want to post something like this on their blog for all to see. However, it made me think, and I benefited from it. So, I encourage everyone to go ahead and do it, and it's left to you to post on your blog or not.

Have a great weekend. Mwah!


  1. Blow it Ma'am!!! Nice to know you better jare...
    I fee you on that Numero 8. As for 10....*clears throat* Let's define adventure...does it include food cos that's the only one I happily go on

  2. I found the one im looking for in thinking of what i will ask
    its nice knowing more about you.
    keep leading

  3. A way good post of letting people know more about you. Being a good listener is one of those qualities we both share.

  4. LOL @ Honeydame..
    We much in common..I will just copy paste this for my tag :)

    Who dont like adventure and LOVE? ha!

  5. Two things interested me most; the fact that you love Love and the fact that you can climb threes even till now.That's very nice.

  6. I feel you on number 7. I love love, I love to see people in love....sigh!!!

    Its nice letting us know more about you :)

  7. aww thanks for doing this. I love your list! i was just smiling all through :)

    Still waiting for your email :)

  8. This is inspiring! I will not only post 10 things about me, I'm going to post 30 Things about me that I've been contemplating either to post or not. Thank you Mine.

  9. Beautiful! I see myself in that list... :)
    Good to know you more!

  10. thanks Myne,I love your list. I also love adventure even the daring ones, I am a great listener too I also think I can make a good counselor.smh!(blowing my own trumpet)as for the leadership positions, you deserve all of it and from what I have read so far, you will make a good leader anytime and day. I love the positivity about you too (wish I were like that)thanks for sharing.

  11. generous, loving, adventurous, open minded, etc.... all of these are good qualities that our lives should always project and I'm happy you could share these with us ma. it's a good thing to know you through your blog

  12. generous, loving, adventurous, open minded, etc.... all of these are good qualities that our lives should always project and I'm happy you could share these with us ma. it's a good thing to know you through your blog

  13. Really lovely things about you..would love to do this sometime...I love all i have read, following you right now!

  14. I felt you on these mehn. For the most part, I was nodding and nodding and telling my self that's so me. Blow your trumpet all you want, it's definitely something to be proud of. Not many people can put a nice balance between the child and the adult in them. So hell yea, that's a big plus if you've got it. And if you do, please flaunt it :)

  15. I was like this is Myne, you truly represent this traits, love ya

  16. Abeg, blow am well, mek everyone hear jare! Lol. Love this post! You're just lovely and lovable! xx

  17. Myne,

    Great list! If I was to write a list, it would look exactly like yours. You might as well have been talkiing about me. Lol.

  18. sweet a post. I like 'em gan. hmm...this would be a bad idea for me to do also on my blog o. These days we hardly acknowledge the good in us which could be quite re-inforcing

  19. I saw the post title and came running after I jumped down outta ma tree, hee hee. Loved this Myne and true, we're definitely not socially conditioned to blow our own trumpets. I may do a post too.


  20. Nice to learn a bit more about you Myne.

  21. I think Aloted hit on something really important when she started this tag. It is so much easier for most people to be critical of themselves than to highlight their good points.

    I don't think you needed to share no. 7 with us. I think we figured it out. I really enjoyed going through your list.

  22. awww myne blow it o...i knew some of these things already like i actually see it through the way blog :)

  23. Fun post. I enjoyed learning more about you, and thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog!

  24. Myne, you sound like an all round mover and shaker.

  25. No 7 lol. If you didn't how can you write romance?
    Atala is a lucky man :)

  26. I love it :)LOL @ not being "Father Christmas", and it's amazing that you find it easy to apologize and MEAN it. Sometimes when I apologize,it takes me a little more time to mean it. Hopefully, mine continues to improve with self-awareness as well. As for #7, no surprise there. We certainly have that in common.
    One thing about's my birthday today! I see you're a fellow October baby. We rule :)

  27. I love it :)LOL @ not being "Father Christmas", and it's amazing that you find it easy to apologize and MEAN it. Sometimes when I apologize,it takes me a little more time to mean it. Hopefully, mine continues to improve with self-awareness as well. As for #7, no surprise there. We certainly have that in common.
    One thing about's my birthday today! I see you're a fellow October baby. We rule :)

  28. Myne, Thank you for sharing about you! I love getting to bloggers better.

    Thanks for your comment on 1st Writes today. :0)

  29. Ooooh! Myne, I love this, and I'm tagging myself in it as a marra of fact. I, too, am very playful. Anyway, lemme wait till I do the post. Cool stuff!


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