Monday, January 30, 2012

Love or Marriage - What are you Settling for?

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A blog I usually frequent published a story recently which seems to have gone viral. In recounting a fictional tale of heartbreak and new beginnings titled If you call it ‘settling’, then yes, I have settled, a lady explains how even though her new boyfriend, now fiance does not 'get' her or give her butterflies, she was happy to be marrying him. Please read the excerpt below and let's discuss.

I’ll be getting married to Tayo. Tayo is born again. He doesn’t have the ready sweet words to speak. He doesn’t dress so nicely. He doesn’t get me or keep me excited. But in him, I’ve found peace and joy. Tayo would leave whatever he is doing if I need his help. He would ALWAYS drive down to the airport to pick me up when I come visiting him in Abuja. It would have been more convenient for him to have me take a cab. The day he offered to do that, I was surprised. Bode would NEVER do that. At his kindest, he’ll ask his driver to come get me. He’ll probably simply ask me to get a cab and he’ll pay. Tayo would never sleep until he has spoken with me, prayed with me and wished me a good night. With Bode, I’d be the one calling and calling.

Tayo has showed me that it is possible to have a good guy, a guy who cherishes and respects you and most importantly, loves God and puts Him first. His level of consideration towards me still baffles me. I never knew such was possible and this is why I shied away from a relationship with him initially.  It all seemed too good to be true. But it has been 11 months of courtship and he has remained the same steadfast, loving, caring man I first met.

As I walk down the aisle, I am sure my belly will not have butterflies in them but I’d walk down confident of the fact that I am placing my life in the hands of a good man. A man who takes instructions from God and passes them on to the home with love. A man who values family and togetherness and would put me before anything and anyone else. A man with whom I am sure I play second fiddle to no one but God. A man who would be a good role model to our children. A man who would stand by me no matter what happens in the home.

My mom has assured me that the sweeping love will come once the sex begins. Apparently, once you start sleeping with a man, the love grows. I look forward to it. But right now, I’m in a happy, content place.

I replied in the comments and said "settling into love is not a bad thing, but I think the attraction and compatibility has to be there too. If she’s already listing things the guy sucks at, believe me, those things will multiply after marriage due to the proximity." I also stated on HoneyDame's Let's settle this issue, that my view is that there's settling and there's settling. No one is perfect obviously but it is better to enter marriage caring deeply for the other person rather than being happy they treat you well.

This situation in the story sounds to me like someone on the rebound. She is settling for marriage instead of love and that is playing dice with one's future. And it seems like there's some pressure from the mother to get married. But if your husband doesn't "get" you, who will? You'll likely be spending majority of your time with this person, and you'll be taking major decisions with this person. If you're both not on the same page, how will your relationship work?

Sure, butterflies are not everything but physical attraction is very important. Indeed love grows as a couple has sex and more sex, but there needs to be a bedrock for you to want to do it in the first place and enjoy it.What a lot of young people who practice abstinence (full disclosure - my advocacy for abstinence is conditional on age and circumstance) don't want to think about is that sex the first few times can be clumsy and uncomfortable. What then? Where is the love going to come from?

I don't know but a marriage certificate does not love make.


  1. Hmmm... To me, this is not a great idea. Marrying someone you don't feel anything for. I can't do that to myself and the person. On the other hand, she's probably thought long and hard about this. All I can do is commit her marriage in to the hands of God.

    1. At the end of the day, it is God that sustains all marriages, but like you, I think it's important to care for someone you want to marry.

  2. Sometimes it's not about the guy who calls you sweet names or toasts you nice and proper, sometimes it"s about the one who treats you like he sees a future with you so I get what she is saying there. She sounds like she has seen both worlds and made her choice- HER choice!

    1. The story is fiction so I wouldn't get too hot about it. But sure, we all have the right to our choices. Others also have the right to their opinions. I have a question though, aren't there more than just two worlds - ie two types of men - in relationships?

  3. Yeah, the kind of attraction we crave for might not be in this relationship. But I tell you this is the kind of man I want. I don't know why she does not feel anything for him...but there is no way I will be with such a man and not have butterflies...because this is my dream man.

    One point I don't get it is, why is she settling if she does not feel even any love for him. I hope she does not begin to have issues soon and hope the man is for real self.

    1. I also find that very strange, and hence the thinking that this is not the best option. Obviously the man will be the giver in the marriage and the woman will keep taking. Such an imbalance is not a good augur for long term relationships.

  4. I have a feeling the love will come. Hopefully the man will turn out to be a badass in bed that way she'll want him more. Truth is that if you've been in the hands of guys you loved that treated you like crap, you'll take this guy over any butter fly feeling. Love even evaporates in most marriages by the 7th/8th anniversary so whats the whole point.

    1. LOL...if only all men were such badass in bed. You're right though. Our relationship history has a lot to do with the choices we make going forward. I'm not even one for butterfly feelings as my books will show. The guy sounds solid, but maybe not for this girl who starts out listing his bad qualities and how he doesn't get her.

  5. "Sure, butterflies are not everything but physical attraction is very important." I want to agree too ma. Love is beautiful but the physical attraction should be forgone. If it is missing, I suspect, there would be room to look outside. Physical attraction is just crazy sometimes. When you are not attracted to the person u will spend the rest of your life with, who then do you want to be attracted to?

    Well, let me guess, maybe Tayo is not that physically attractive; just maybe...

    - LDP

    1. Good question LDP. One hopes to be married for upwards of 50years, and what if you do find someone you're attracted to within this time? Physical looks is in the eye of the beholder but I tend to agree with you on that one too. Maybe that was why the lady says she is settling.

    2. I would venture the same guess myself about his physical attributes - physical attraction is extremely important; not everything but very much so especially when the babies start coming and you get busier in your career etc...He doesn't have to be a 'pretty boy' for her to be physically attracted to him so long as he's pretty to her and she has the "hots" for him...

      Before I got married, I always joked I could never settle with someone I didn't feel like jumping in bed with - a different set of butterflies on it's own...And I still hold that to be true... his niceness might start to fall to the wayside as you get closer and you realize other important things the more you mature...

    3. she just needs to look deeper and she will find that attraction... 3 aspects of attraction I fancy physical, spiritual and intellectual... We have to be on the same level...

  6. The marriage won't last. Once she has kids she would transfer all the affection to them and they would love her back unconditionally. The husband will be pushed to the traditional role of provider and head of the family. She wasn't looking for a husband but marriage.

    1. Hmmm...I have to say I think that is the case. And indeed if that is what a woman wants from marriage, that is OK too. But I hope they know that and set their priorities accordingly.

    2. The certainty with which you speak baffles me. How can you be certain that the marriage won't last?
      Apart from his looks, i see nothing that can't be fixed.
      His dress sense is easily fixed.
      Sex can easily make him attractive to her (don't forget that he is a guy not a girl and most of what matters in looks are his face and the monster between his thighs).
      The dynamics of human relationships are exceedingly simplified by we humans.No two persons are alike and it is a bit dumb comparing two relationships and drawing misleading conclusions.

    3. As far as I know, this story is fiction and people are just expressing an opinion. There are no guarantees in marriage, we can only look at predicators and probabilities.

  7. I am with you on that Myne. I read that stuff and I was like Oh NO! What is she doing? SMH!

    1. I know it's fiction so I wasn't that worried. But I hope the discussions will be useful to some others.

  8. I think this is a big mistake. Once another man comes around that she feels physically attracted to, she will either drop this one like a hot cake or be torn between the two and kill her conscience with guilt for betraying this man who has supposedly sacrificed everything to make her happy. Comparing the two men is already a no-no. If you can't identify the redeeming qualities of the man you're with without comparing him to the man you were once with....

    1. You hit the nail on the head! Sounds like rebound right there.

  9. I'm trying to understand her reasons for "settling" but I keep getting stuck. I would have loved her decision except I'm seeing someone who have not even prayed about the marriage to know if Tayo is indeed the right man for her.

    People may appear right and good in our eyes but God sees the heart and knows the truly right person for us. I'm feeling for Tayo cos he might be heading toward an ENDURANCE marriage rather than an ENJOYABLE marriage.

    She calls Tayo born again but didn't say anything about her "STATUS" in Christ - Not Good O!I'm not comfortable with her "settling" BUT IT'S HER LIFE AND TAYO'S SHA SO ALL THE BEST TO THEM..

    1. All the best to them. And you're right, I didn't even notice that angle. Hmm..

  10. Each to his own I guess...whatever works for the individual.

    1. At the end of the day, that is what it is. This post of course is just for discussion. :)

  11. I love the new design on your blog, it's very pretty. Marriage is not a bed or roses, there's more to all the romance. One should settle for a man with a great spirit, one that is your best friend, because I can tolerate best friends, anything else is just not going to work.

    1. Thanks dearie, and happy New year. I agree with you, your husband is supposed to be your best friend. But I guess it doesn't have to be the same for everyone.

  12. in my opinion, once you have no feelings for a man, you should not bind yourself in matrimony to him.

    forget what people,family or friends are saying. if there's no love, back out. it your life, your "till death do us part". its your happiness at stake here not that of other people.

    so do what you know will make you happy and everything else would be fine.

    1. Totally agree. One hopes for a long lasting, happy marriage and I think one of the things that increases the chances is love.

  13. reminds me of my both ended up not being good for me. my issue with this perfect on paper without love and adventure relationship / marriage is that i would be bored.

    Just the same way butterflies on its own is not good enough, perfect without love doesnt sound good enough


    Different things rock different people's boat

    1. I agree that it's different strokes for different folks. I have read somewhere though that boredom is one of the major killers of marriage. I know I'll be bored out of my skull with someone that doesn't get me.

  14. As for me, I think there's more to marriage than butterflies. I believe she appreciates the man and if the man's love is consistent, hers will definitely grow for him. It happens all the time

    1. I like how you say it happens ALL the time. :) Where did you get this data? How many marriages have you sampled?

    2. I would be interested in this data as well ;) But if you're referring to the arranged marriages or a lot of our parents generation, I beg you to sample each individually and put them in corners where they are guaranteed the spouses won't hear their responses, you might just be surprised at what you hear...

  15. Yes, there is more to love than butterflies and rainbows and unicorns and all that nonsense. We all know this. The question here is, "is the man her friend?"

    Maybe she doesn't have romantic feelings for him yet, but if they are truly friends (meaning she cares for him a lot, she likes spending time with him, they understand themselves and are genuinely happy around each other), then the love will come and they will have a better chance at a beautiful marriage.

    But if not, it's completely unfair to the man. Who says he doesn't want love too? Is it fair that he devotes his life to making this woman happy and she's only marrying him because "he's nice"? She's so happy that this man treats her with love and respect and all that, and it's only fair that she treats him the same way. To be honest, you can't fake such feelings, so she has to be sure that she will grow to love this man (not base love on whatever future sex they might have). Either she successfully fakes 'love' and is unhappy, but stays with him out of guilt/duty/pity/whatever, or he realizes she doesn't love him and ends up resenting or even hating her for deceiving him.

    As far as I'm concerned, she can continue to date this man and wait for the love to grow. Let her feel something for him, let them be true friends before she marries him, or she's just causing trouble.

    Sorry for the epistle. This story really got to me :D

    1. Thank you for the epistle. :)

      I think you nailed it. Settle into love and not marriage. There are no guarantees that marriage will make love grow, when it's not even there in the first place.

  16. For me it's easy, LOVE!
    If I can't love you, it means something important is missing and if that is missing, it means it can't work.
    Anyway, just to make things clear, I'm not good at being physically attracted to people so for me I use a combination of things rather than looks (that is as long as I cannot see you as ugly LOL)From personality to the way you talk, to how you handle certain situations and really, if you don't have it, you don't have it. And it's not by force.

    1. It can't be forced for sure. And I see physical attraction not as good looks but how your body reacts to someone you have deep feelings for. Looks of course are in the eye of the beholder.

  17. There certainly seems to be an imbalance in the relationship described above and that is worrying. Before marriage there should be love or at least an inkling of love from both parties. It shouldn't be one-sided.

    I personally do not advocate for abstaining from sex for adults above a certain age especially those who are already engaged.

    Marriage does not guarantee great sex or love for that matter. I can see disaster waiting to happen in this case.

    1. I hope it doesn't, unfortunately I've heard stories where it can go either way. Fingers crossed, I guess.

  18. What happen to the saying "Marry a man that loves you more than you do because in the longrun you will come to appreciate him"? I think thats the case here and maybe the lady seem to be the only one "taking" from him but I am sure there is a reason the man is attracted to her..

    If butterflies is very important, whatsup with arranged marriages that last for years and years of which you see the couples growing in love? I have a friend who is in an arranged marriage, at first she hated the guy even if he was like the guy described in this story, when she took her time to know him, she came to appreciate him and grew in love with him. Now, i no dey hear word again, its all UG this bobo is the best thing that has happened to me blablabla..

    I am not saying its going to be the same for everyone but lets not forget the man too is up to something or wanting something, if not he wont have proposed in the first place..So whether she is taking or the bobo is giving, all join na cos na 2 dey tango abi?

    1. Well, you're right. LOL...@ your friend.

  19. The one thing that pops to mind is a marriage of convenience. I can not pass judgement, but I will say that I can understand where she seems to come from. She's comparing what she had to what she has. Seems the former may have given her all the physical reactions that this one does not. The one to whom she's about to marry does things the other would not. He's much more accommadating and there. However, if she chooses his conveniences, then my only hope is that she understands her decision. I guess I find it odd that she would post something like that in the first place.

    1. That occurred to me too! I will def not prescribe the kind of relationships people can be in, but I know those I would not advice to friends and family. It's just a story though.

  20. Reading between the lines, it seems to me she's letting her head rule her heart. Personally I don't see anything wrong with that. The truth is that you can never predict the outcome of any relationship, let alone marriage. Things can either pan out to be very successful or a complete disaster.

    Love in this day and age is relative and my take on it is that it isn't something that could be reduced to mere feelings and physical attraction. Yes they're both important but of more significance in my view is the ability for both parties to work at overcoming the numerous challenges that confronts every marriage.

    1. I think we're on the same page. I find your last sentence to be among the top factors of a working marriage. However, working does not equate to happy. It is our individual choices what we want.

    2. @Myne, it depends how you define happiness - my view is that it is relative. Different individuals find and express happiness in different ways. I don't think it's something you can measure or quantify.

      We can certainly share experiences around us about Love, relationships and marriage, which can be useful sometimes. Attempting to treat them as science using theories and hypothesis that are often based on our experience and knowledge may lead to inaccurate conclusions.

  21. The main thing is that she said she has peace about the man. The love will definitely and eventually come. Her 'settling' is a different kind and I believe something good will come of it. I have heard stories of little or no love and the love grew out of bounds and proportions. Sometimes those kinds even last longer because each day the person gets to see something she likes and the love waxes more. All in all, communication too is important. As she gets to know him more, she can tell him what she likes and even buy those stuff for him. Yeah given attraction is important but I have seen marriages like hers work. Like you said in one of your comments, there is settling and there is settling

    1. Thank you Stelzz, I know for sure that love grows in marriage and I wish that happens more often, but depending on that can be fickle.

  22. I did comment on this story both on Honey Dame's blog and the actual post. I don't think her 'settling' is necessarily a bad thing- the relationship she had with Bode was destructive for her and she's found someone who loves and respects her...kudos to her in my view..

    1. Yes Bode was destructive, and it was right for her to leave him. Does that justify "settling"?

  23. Love. I need love above all else.
    She should tell him how she feels before marrying him. If he's ok marrying a woman who is not in love with him, great. At least he should know what he's getting into.

    I wouldn't count of love showing up later.

  24. 1st of all,i'd like to commend you for been a super blogger!!

    I am happy to know this is fiction cos i was quite worried the 1st time i read the story.

    This lady is a realist and she has resigned to fate.What is love?butterflies in the tummy?dressing nicely,getting one excited?al these things can be taught to a willing partner and that's wat d guy sounds like

    My mum was seriously worried i and my husband weren't crazy in love before our wedding because we don't do PDA and we call ourselves by our names not "sweetheart, al..My mum doesnt understand why he didn't use to give me flowers,she never even asked if i liked that cos i don't...
    I love my husband to bits just the way he is,but i felt exactly how she wrote she'll feel when walking down the aisle,i had no butterflies anything..he was my first boyfriend and has treated me right from day1 so it's not like i apprciate him more cos of a bad experience i had

    i just interpret this writer as not been in puppy love,that fizzles out anyway...She just appreciates all his other qualities a lot more because of her bad experience.
    Like i use to tell her,we are mature and realists..not in "puppy love"
    I love my husband to pieces,he's my #1 fan,we are in the same industry so he fulfills all my "looing up to needs" i.e @ work,spiritual, it
    i dunno if he excites me,maybe i need this things further broken

    1. Thank you madame, *takes a bow*

      I feel your post sha though I'm of the opposite type. You won't see it by looking at me o, lol.

  25. when will we get this sorted in our heads that there are no formula to a successful marriage. Just do what seems reasonable, commit your ways to God (if you believe in him)and just move on. No human can determine how this woman's marriage will go,not even TB Joshua.For every 1 marraiage with similar characteristics that failed,you will easily find one that succeeded.
    This thing called love is oven exaggerated.
    the dynamics of human relationships have been studied since the begining of time and are still not understood. Don't be deceived by all these relationship gurus who have an answer to every problem (I am looking at you,Dr. Phil).
    The fact that long distant relationships have do not work is no reason why yours will not work. The fact that your spouse was chosen for you by your parents is no reason why the marriage is doomed.
    The fact that you got married a virgin does not guarantee anything.
    The fact that you married a pastor is not a pointer to anything substantial.
    The fact that both of you are even sexually compatible (whatever that means) is no proof that both of you would grow old together.
    Damn the misleading consensus,be reasonable, know what you want, put God first,lean on His direction and JUST DO IT!!

    1. I totally agree with you that there are guarantees, but we can try to put in our best before jumping or is it settling into marriage. :)

    2. To be honest @ jakes... I see ur point that there is no formula to successful marriages. However, I beg to differ this is because a)people have values and principles and it is usually governed by ideologies, culture, knowledge, experiences, upbringing and religion sometimes. Now, some people their values are polluted and not constructive/accountable in addition to that some people also have bad motives and selfish intentions too. These and many more things I believe can a affect a marriage, partnership, relationships, etc basically everything we do in life...

      LOVE is not overrated or exaggerated but it is misunderstood, YES it is. There are couples that have lived happily yes happily through the ups and the downs and they love each other dearly that if one goes today, tomorrow the other says goodbye i mean passing away. Obviously, our idea of love is influenced by different concepts, in my case it is influenced by the bible and teachings of the Word of God so LOVE for me is special and indeed important not just in marriage but everything else.

      I agree with all the FACTS u mentioned... well said.

  26. Myne,i couldn't have said this better @ I replied in the comments and said "settling into love is not a bad thing, but I think the attraction and compatibility has to be there too.

  27. This story sounds soooo familiar. I have a frnd who's doing this and i wish her well. The only thing that worries me in the story is that Tayo doesn't 'get' her.

    1. That is certainly a red flag for me too.

  28. I'm glad the story is fiction but then there are numerous similar and exact cases like this in the real world. I believe she is making a major mistake marrying that guy because she is happy or comfortable with him and not because she loves him. Love matters a great deal in marriage because when the chips are down, it's the love you have for your man or woman that would sustain you in the relationship. At this point, every comfort or happiness you thought you had would have somehow disappeared. Love might not be all a marriage needs but it sure accounts for a large percentage of what holds any marriage together.

    People, THE GEEBEE CHRONICLES is back. Catch up on the latest episodes.

  29. Hey Myne, it's been ages. I have been a runaway blogger yet again but I think I'm back (emphasis on 'think'. lol). Meanwhile, I have some issues I would like to discuss with you. Perhaps I could email you or let me know if you'd prefer a more efficient method of communication. I await your response.

    People, THE GEEBEE CHRONICLES is back. Catch up on the latest episodes.

    1. Welcome back Geebee, nice to see you around again. And I gbadun your comments a lot.

  30. @ Jake
    "...For every 1 marriage with similar characteristics that failed, you will easily find one that succeeded..."
    "...the dynamics of human relationships have been studied since the begining of time and are still not understood..."
    "... know what you want, put God first,lean on His direction and JUST DO IT!!..."

    Beautifully constructed words, which I think point to the crux of the matter. We are all guilty of over-analyzing relationships, it is natural. Man is a creature of habit and most of our actions are shaped by our experiences. At the end of the day, the advice we give others is built out of our own experiences and the experience of people around us. My take on it? Love is a choice and also an action. Using music as an analogy, there are some songs that u like the first time u hear them, there are other songs that u may not initially like, but the song grows on you the more you listen to it. Either way, you pick the song you want, no one picks for you...pretty feeble comparison, but I do understand the different viewpoints, and they are all logical...Sorry for the epistle!

    1. Like they say in Niaja blogsphere, GBAM!!
      You said it way better than my feeble attempt.
      Respect to you.

  31. This story sure has made its rounds...i've seen it everywhere. Anyhoo, just came by to say Happy New Year, Mayne!!

    1. Happy New Year to you too dear. Yes o, this marriage decision is not a small something. :)

  32. I'm loving the comments and feel Jake's especially. pity the reply thingy isnt working.

    I wont deny that my m&b upbringing cringed when i first saw this note but my head tells me 'she'll be fine'.
    I think M&B has spoilt our heads and made many women to expect rainbows and twinkling stars. if it works for you fine, but loving is definitely a daily decision.
    Myne, you asked for examples..i'm sure 80% of our parents generation are examples. 70% of Indian marriages too. To them the recipe was god family standing, good income, respect, a man that can provide for his family. The Taj Mahals that adored their wives were a Now love is the currency..and see the divorce rates..

  33. Quite a few bloggers have been discussing about this settling issue and I have to wonder. Do we have seriously grand definitions of "love"? I personally think I do. I don't know I can't really explain it but I think sometimes our expectations of "the one" gets it the way of find "the right one". Those 2 may not be one and the same.

    But all in all, I think women generally settle due to societal pressure.

  34. Seriously?..i'm telling myself..what else is Love?..or better still how else shuld love be? personally?..i'm like the girl next door who wishes for a guy maybe tall dark n handome or otherwise...hey d films we watch,d novels we read make this 'perfect picture' to seem easy!...every one cannot be like Angelina Jolie n Brad Pitt!....from what this bride to be has described,i see a man who cares so much for his woman that little details do not excape him!..i read somewhere ladies tend to 'love' d 'black sheeps' dt donot love them..and endure d 'good sheeps' dt do! true! haven read silhouette and eharlequin,and watched romantic happily ever after cartoons.. nollywood,and all d woods, for more than 10 years,one can imagine d kind of love i want 2 settle for!..defintely a guy who makes my heart go Gaga wit butterflies rumbling in my belly..i think they call it blind love right?..y shld d lady settle for an illusion or a mayb when she has a man who obviously loves her n worships d ground she walks upon...and his weaknesses?..who doesn't v them?..i think she shld give herself a brk and d opportunity to love indeed!..and stop looking for the a matter of fact,if she fails to marry him now and they keep on for years,she might not find those butterflies 2ru him.y?..because her subconsciousness has already determined dt he is d cool,gentle,peaceful n kind its only normal for her to search for d head over heel 2ru a rugged,smooth,swaggery..guy who does not appreciate girl,dnt go searching for them lillies,u have it right under ur nose and if u dnt appreciate him now,other women might.....

  35. Here's my biggest issue with this - "He doesn’t get me or keep me excited." A nice man can still get you or keep you excited... Excitement doesn't mean butterflies...I'm afraid because she didn't know a man could treat a woman nicely, she jumped on the first nice person she ran into without realizing she could get that and some excitement...

    I think age has a huge part to play in this decision - if she's a more matured woman - mid thirties and up, I can see the chances of this working for her because I believe she fully understands what she's getting into (assuming she probably knows herself very well at this point)...

    On the other hand, for younger women in their twenties, I do not subscribe to such decisions because by the time she hits her 30s and knows herself better and realizes he's everything she didn't want, she'll be out the door faster than she can think...

    Hubby and I did not get married with butterflies but that first line is reversed for us: we get each other and he keeps me excited...AND while walking down the aisle, I was very excited!

    While it wasn't puppy love, we were in love and it's still a pretty important part of a relationship. Above the puppy love, we placed compatibility - the fact that we got each other, were best friends and could talk about anything!

    I don't agree that once you start sleeping with a man, love grows - if not we would have so many people in love on the streets today...

    Myne, I love the way you phrased this: my advocacy for abstinence is conditional on age and circumstance... I couldn't have said it better...

    I already commented about physical attraction further up... I go commot myself now Myne...

    1. she believes God brought this man for her so therefore it is berra than nothing....

  36. OK, I am going to be controversial here ohh…
    This was the response I left on Temisvilleblog and I still stand by am posting it here.

    I just think its a cliche when people say God blesses us with good people… I don’t believe anyone is good. But I believe some people have good intentions and motives, hence it transcends into their character. I must say I have a different mindset so stories like these do not shack me or rock my boat. I just want the dude to have the whole package, be Godly at the same time HAVE A PERSONALITY(I do not mean he should be superficial/vain)…..

    Can I just clarify:

    Difference between attraction and Love.


    Having a strong attraction is normal i.e. butterflies, heart skip, goey feeling etc etc the whole shabang etc… However, it does not equate to love, its normal your body is responding to what your eyes sees, which your brain process and in turn the nerves connected to the part of your brain that sense something goods goes with the flow… you can say its a feeling or infatuation. . We humans have desires therefore we are mostly attracted by what we see or feel. Now, the difference is some people act on it and make false judgement and some people DO NOT cause they know its what they see (its ok, your body is just reacting).


    Now LOVE is a decision we make. I make mental decision to LOVE someone that means I should be ready to lay my life for them, work with them, support them through the thick and thin and just be there like God is for us and JESUS does for us basically incorporate 1st Cor 13. Now, with love I might not get the goey feeling, or my heart skipped etc. I know what makes me down for them deep is deeper than emotions…. After all it is this LOVE that remains after all the goey feeling dies

    But God knows, I like to find my HUSBAND attractive and LOVE HIM. I want to get goey feeling because he is just so on point with everything and yes, I want to feel nervous around him and @ the sight of him I want to go gaga and get excited. At the same time I want to LOVE HIM and do what it takes to compliment each other.

    My point is: They are guys I find attractive but I will not indulge in it or encourage it. Why: nothing good will come out of it from both sides. It is normal to be attracted to people, what is clear is DO NOT ACT ON IT. However, I want/need both attraction and LOVE. I am very dynamic individual with quirky habits and I want HUbby to be quirky and COOL too. I WANT A RAINBOW…lol. But then again, God knows what I need and he will only supply my needs so if I do not get goey feeling, will have to deal with it. But I will still confess, I want to be attracted to him in all levels and Hubby has to be on FIRE FOR ME TOO OHH…….

    abeg pardon the essay ohh..

    1. different strokes for different folks.. at the end of the day we are on a journey.. soooo

    2. comparing 2 men you have been with, doesn't necessarily mean rebound! That's what learning lessons from the past is all about. You look at a circumstance you've faced before and the way you handled the 2 instances and decided which led to better results for you. The fact that she mentions an ex doesn't mean she's still raving for him. Maybe had no other guy treated her like crap, she'd take Tayo's behavior as her due. Now she sees it as the special effort on her account that it is and appreciates its in context and properly.

      She also said nothing about not caring for him. Merely that she's not giddy over him. Giddy is good, but it can cloud your vision. Chocolate is deeply gratifying and very fattening. Yoghurt is not as gratifying but is much healthier and is still fun to eat. The point I think is that the absence of butterflies is not the divorce harbinger people seem to think it is. In my opinion, her clearheaded, decision that her heart is at peace with makes for a much better marriage than butterflies would have.

      As to the consensus on his looks, I find it rather loopy. Are you attracted to every good looking wo/man you meet? Sometimes you see a fine specimen of fe/male, and you admire without getting excited. How is a lack of perpetual excitement necessarily rooted in his looks? No matter how stunning a partner is, after a year of them being yours, you don't get a delicious quiver of possession every time you look at them.

      If he doesn't 'get' her but accepts her, she's in a better place than many wives I know whose husbands may get them, but are unkind about the parts of them that are not so easily got.

      Heady, cinderella stuff is great if you find it. But holding out for it interminably can cost you every good deal that comes your way. It is not for nothing that fairy tales close at the wedding. Life continues in the morning. You'd better have something other than butterflies and cataclysmic sex to build on.

      Good luck girl! good thoughts Jake!

  37. Smart girl. This is the problem with women, you meet the perfect guy but you think he's too boring for you. Better follow her advice, there's so many other ways to get thrills stop daydreaming. You think real life is 50 shades of grey? My female friends are all roasting cos they keep waiting for idris elba on a white horse, silly girls


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