Thursday, March 1, 2012

Can Women Propose to Men Without Saying the Words?

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A couple of posts by fellow bloggers got me thinking about Leap day and that obscure Irish tradition where a lady can ask a man to marry her on this day that only occurs once every four years. Fragile Looks says she's feeling stressed, and what does the doctor order? Get Married! As if. As if it's so easy to get married, right?

I can just imagine a woman walking down the street with a placard around her neck saying, "Marry Me?", until a man stops her and takes her to the nearest priest or registry. Or, she'll barge into her neighborhood bar and pick up the first guy her eyes land on. I hope you're imagining this happening in Nigeria? What do you think will happen after that?

To be fair though, the scenario is only as far fetched as the origin of Leap day reverse proposals. The whole story has Sadie Hawkins and other women chasing down men like cattle and dragging them, kicking and screaming, to the old ball and chain. Now don't ask me where that whole comparing marriage to being tied down comes from, check out Doll's post - 2weeks+ of married life :)

Anyway, Ego Du Jour was exploring how the men may feel if their ladies popped the question.
I imagine there are men out there that would find a "reverse" proposal emasculating--regardless of whether or not they planned to propose. After all, it is traditionally a man's job to propose and who knows how he will feel having that "taken away" from him? Besides, women ask men to propose everyday with words, actions, etc so after all that work why not just let him propose?
I totally agree with the first part. I think many men would not like their women to ask first if they regard it as their role. And with society as it is, many men will feel that way. But, I got thinking about the actions Ego was referring to? Are indirect words and actions really enough to let a man know you want, and are ready, to get married? Let's consider some of them;

1. You sleep with him? That could just land you in forever "Friends with Benefits" slot.
2. You cook for him? The man may not be a foodie, or he doesn't need another mother.
3. You get pregnant for him? If you're not careful, you only get a Baby Mama position.
4. You talk endlessly about your life together and the children you'll have? You become boring!
5. You go direct to it and ask him to define the relationship? He gets skittish and zooms off.
6. You withhold sex till he puts a ring on it? He might move on out, or worse, sideways.
7. You're the diva GF, waiting till marriage to turn domestic goddess? He marries Ekaette (no offense).

What do you guys think? My conclusion is that if you feel the time is right for you and your boo, and you're both on the same page, don't play games. Just go right out and say the words, "Will you Marry me?" And you don't have to wait till the next leap day either. :)

Welcome to March everyone, and do have a great month!


  1. *smh, I disagree*
    Call me old fashioned but I wont propose to a guy. Yes, I may leave subtle hints but say the words? Naaaah

    1. You're not alone. I think most women would rather not propose. :)

  2. Me I can't propose to a guy o. Lai lai.... I can't leave with the fact that when people ask about our proposal story I say or he says she proposed. Ha! Doesn't help matters. Read a story years back about a woman who did they proposal. And years into the marriage, children and all, every small issue, the man goes after all she proposed (that kinda you forced me into it). She was then contemplating divorce because she couldn't stand the every time referral to the fact that she proposed and she ku proposed cause she felt they were on the same page and she as a modern woman didn't see no wrong in proposing to a guy. She said it was like her husband just wanted to embarrass her every time.

    When it comes to such stuff, I no be modern woman o. Lol. I think somethings should be left to guys to do. Feminism has made us believe we can do everything a man can do (true to an extent) but let's not take away some of their natural God given duties away from them me thinks.

    1. I should have added that. I also think it is more romantic for the man to propose. But the case of the couple may be because they were having issues?

  3. NOPE I'd never propose to my man! Heck, I don't even like asking guys out on a date. I'm traditional when it comes to that for sure but I admire the ladies who are willing to take charge! I'm just missing that gene:(. Besides, I don’t want to be haunted for the rest of my life with the question “If I hadn’t proposed, would we even be married right now?” That's just me.

    1. I feel you, lol. But do you think the men ask themselves that question the rest of their life?

  4. Being proposed to by a gurl?! Well,lets just say i'd like to do the proposing and not the other way round.Those listen do not to it though.You can do those things and not get proposed to,you decide not to do those things and get proposed to,it's really not dependent on those.

    1. I agree with you. Nothing is guaranteed in relationships, that was actually one of the points of this post.

  5. Well, with hubby, right from time, intentions were known and he didnt beat around the bush, same with previous relationships. Its kindda hard for me to say since I've never been in that position.

    On the other hand, I think I'd feel like "if I have to ask you then it means you really dont want to be with me till death do us part"

    1. Of course, my tongue was firmly in a corner of my mouth as I wrote this. Don't tell anyone though. :)

  6. It's true that women propose without words. I remember how I 'talked' my fiance into proposing lol (no am not sharing it here) but in all he did the 'official' proposing and I have a story to gist the girls. You don't want to be embarrased years after when people ask you how he proposed and you go " I actually proposed to him...' you'll have the eyes rolling and be on the hot seat of gossip. that said i believe women should drop subtle hints and if he doesn't pick your signals then he's not your man oh BTW I proposed to a guy once and he thought I was joking.

    1. You did! Wow. I don't even think I have that in me. I think with time, these things will begin to matter less.

  7. Ha, Myne. no be me and you oo. If na Oyibo i fit. But African man MBA. Fa fa fa foul!! I totally see where Deronks above is coming from and can envisage it. Let the man do the chasing please. let it be all his idea. In this I will play the culture card. It is not our culture.
    Same reason why i could never approve of getting pregnant before marriage. Till our marriage is signed sealed and delivered I aint brooding no baby. I don't want to be remembered for pushing a man into marriage. I can hint, and I can give ultimatums like guy if you don't get your act together before this year runs out, i am walking away ala Craig David...

    1. I was just about to close the tab for this post when I saw your comment, specifically the "fa fa fa foul" part, lwkmd...

      lol at "I am walking away ala Craig David..." :D

    2. You got me laughing too. Some African men should be cut some slack on this tradition thing sha lol. But don't you think asking nicely is better than ultimatums? I personally hate those.

    3. Haha throwback! Miss Craig David.

  8. Choi! All the work African women go through to gain the title "Mrs."

    God's time is the best and if he's really the right one then all the extra work will be unnecessary.

    1. Women everywhere do seem to have to work harder these days to get their man. Hmm...maybe proposing is not the answer?

  9. Chai propose ke..Haba my liver no strong reach that side yet..I will play the traditional woman role here please..Me self I want story of him proposing at Fiji island :D or Burj al Arab or in front of me and my pots and yam oh..Kai..
    LOL but I will pass on that please..I could give hints hey bobo I am ready but thats about it

    1. LOL...your pots and yam! Yes o, on that score, I totally agree.

  10. I so much love this topic because its sooooo controversial......i think i kinda 'love' the idea of proposing to my man..i mean this is my man here not a 'boyfriend'! this rate,we are both matured and smart enough to know what we desire. If the guy is dragging his feet-and i know,and i really really know that he is my equality,my complement,my tomato,my chocolate..and blablabla...who says i can't grag it out of him? I love watching American films/drama where i gotta cry at the end of it and say..orrrrrr so tolching! We all watch this films,so if we can copy their wedding traditions,their wedding gowns,their wedding styles and everything western....pray tell,why can't we go the long way and propose. Yeah yeah i hear you this is Africa right?...but trust me,if i see or hear of a marrried couple where d gel propped d question,i'l respect d lady. Lets be factual in this issue. I'm a feminist to the core and an African woman in totality,but in this kind of matter,let her say d say jare.

    Look into his eyes,make sure its a romantic setting with candles,music..or anything that calms you both..and look deep into his eyes...hold his hands and 'politely' ask him if he would marry you.

    I think if the guy has marriage in mind at all,he 'should' respect her. Like i said earlier,this is not her friend,puppy love or 'boy' friend!...but for God's sake..her matured 'fiance'!....someone that she had shared her life,future,present,past with,her soul..if not her body. Then if not this 'lucky guy' then who else? I'm not a fan of a female doing the toasting though...but if this is about MARRIAGE?...abeg,let her ask the question....i think i gas to drop my pen here....happy new month to you too

    1. i mean this is my man here not a 'boyfriend'!.

      ----- im confused..... how is he your man when you have yet to propose to him?

    2. I think you miss the point. you say {Like i said earlier,this is not her friend,puppy love or 'boy' friend!...but for God's sake..her matured 'fiance'!.} ............... but again if he is your fiance, then you wouldn't need to propose to him.

    3. Anonymous, next time please use a name so we can tell if it's the same person speaking.

      You don't seem to understand Damilola. She's right. What I meant is not toasting, but someone you have been dating or talking to for a while nd both of you know that marriage is on the cards. Some people use fiancee to refer to such people rather than boyfriend.

    4. Thats what i'm saying.i'm sorry if i have been mis interpreted. My stand is that i see no reason not to prop the question to 'someone i have been dating or going out with for a while and marriage is on the card'...i only commented on the toasting where a female asks a guy out......and @ anonymous 2.34,,,,,i think one should get to a point in a relationship where u have so much defined it that you can call him 'your man' even before proposal.

  11. Interesting article...excellent comments too.
    Lol @ "fa fa fa foul"...Some New Masquerade ish.

    The proposal part is tricky, gotta admit that. Most women flash signs and unfortunately most men misinterprete the signs (not always), men and women don't think the same away, we are wired differently.

    But the truth is, proposing requires courage, tis a pretty bold step to move to the next level, no matter how "sure" you are of the relationship. So if a man doesn't have the "cojones" to propose, I don't think the woman should, the dude has to man up! If he can't decode the repetitive subtle signs she gives, then either he is not ready, doesn't want to or floating on a different frequency entirely.

    To all the ladies, stay strong, keep sending those signals. To the guys, "Just do it"!

    1. Good advice, hope the men are reading. Cos a lot of ladies are sure sending out those signs with no result.

  12. In as much as it is the guy who should do the chasing and proposing, I would like to ask, how long should a woman wait for a guy to propose before either taking the hint that he is not interested to commit or giving him hints to propose? Sometimes I think, would I have proposed if my husband was stalling? I guess I would never know.

    1. I was asking myself the same question as I wrote this too. I don't think I would have with Atala. Maybe with another person, who knows? But I have to 100% certain.

  13. I think that'll b fun considering that sometimes, some men hope that some factors may come in play 2 spur them up like pregnancies or this kind of proposal.
    Personally, if a lady (total stranger) walks up to me with a marriage proposal I will take it (especially if she plays the guitar), then we date nd see how it goes.
    March is a special month 4 me as my birthday comes up in less than 2 hrs 4rm now (i.e 2nd March).

    1. If a lady walks up to you with a marriage proposal, it's for marriage and not for dating!
      Personally I think proposals should be treated just like making an offer on a house. It would make people think twice before breaking hearts :)

    2. Happy Birthday to you Bempillar! I love people who play the musical instrument too.

    3. There are men who "hope" a pregnancy will comeinto play to spur them into a decision?

      REALLY? Lol, I don't believe that AT ALL

  14. Would I like it if a lady propose to me? Sincerely, I wouldn't. I wouldn't mind all the healthy hints but having to ask me to marry her... I guess she's defeat the 'chasing and pursuing' role that belongs to me. I wonder how the relationship would go thereafter. Would she continue chasing him for life?

    - LDP

    1. But at the point of proposing for marriage, probably the man has done all the chasing. We're assuming that they're both now ready to take the next step.

    2. Interesting point, LDP. I agree. If she feels the need to propose (and this is with particular regard to the Nigerian/African cultural context), she would probably continue chasing him for life. Not the best way to start off a healthy relationship. My two cents sha.

  15. *Coughs* I'll stay with the "actions" gang oh! Not sure it'll sit well with me - short or long term :) Being on the same page should help, though!

  16. I love all d comments passed by d ladies here, ...they make me wanna play d man! Lol. Still 'singl n searchin'... But in all honesty, men have to live up to this call. However, it's important to say it's not just about who's or not doing what's supposed to be done or not, it's about BEING READY for marriage and accepting d other person as your would-be life partner. shikenaah!

    1. Thanks for that wonderful comment, I totally agree. :)

  17. Thanks for the linkage Myne!

    People, I fully expect for women to have a conversation with their men about marriage, where the relationship is going, etc. Everyone should do that at some point in a serious relationship.

    However, when it comes down to the physical act of getting down on one knee (or not) I could not, would not, and even SHOULD NOT have to do it.

    Part of it is because I AM for women empowerment and this is a man's "job" so he should do it. Lets stop making it so easy for men! We've already taken over so much, giving them a pass. Let them swallow their manliness and do the asking!

    I sense a blog post coming.

    1. You're welcome. How is proposal really a man's job or 'duty'? Or you're going with the biblical, "He who finds a wife?" Look forward to the post.

    2. Am with the He who finds a wife school of thought o. Like a Pastor once said it is he who finds not she who finds... Lol.

      Seriously though, yeah hints could work once you are on the same page and the relationship has progressed but nobody really wants to set themselves up to be rejected so I understand when even guys take their time. It takes courage to ask a girl out in the first instance not to talk of proposing. And being on the same page is relative o. You might think you are on the same page and the other party is miles behind you. There have been situations where the guy proposed thinking she would say yes and got a solid NO. So much for being on "the same page".

      God help us.

  18. I think mine is more of pride. If a man REALLY wants to spend the rest of his life with me, he should propose. Nothing (but maybe money-- like "I am saving for the ring i KNOW you deserve") Ofcos I will give signs if I feel same BUT if he isn't ready to put a ring on it, ever! or REFUSES to promise anything then I will walk away -- he isn't mine, mine is coming :)

  19. Myne your post inspired an interesting conversation -

  20. Half the couples I know, if you ask about the proposal, really don't have any idea how it came up, let alone who raised it. The whole formal asking thing is happening less and less, I think, and becoming more of just a gradual process of agreement - kind of like the way people don't formally ask each other out on dates anymore, but just kind of gradually get more romantic each time they get together.

    1. I have also heard of couples who simply went with the flow, or maybe one of them said, Let's get married, or it's time, or something.

  21. I think formal asking is cute sha! I fully expect that, although I don't know about it being in public.

    I'm also not sure how a couple wouldn't have any idea how a proposal happened. I assume they don't remember who discussed marriage but the actual asking was forgotten? Do they also have no idea how the wedding was planned?

    Sha, I wrote my little post here: Maybe I Am Not A Feminist After All

  22. Chai, I can't propose to a guy oh, I really wish I had d courage to but I don't.

  23. I don't even wish to have the courage!โ„“☺โ„“ I want the traditional thing! But wait o,when a woman proposes to a man does she buy a ring for him or a ring for herself?hehehehe

  24. This topic is interesting but I would like to say there is nothing really novel about it. If a man is suddenly approached by a woman who brazenly proposes, his normal reaction would be retreat from an obvious act of desperation. But this should be put in context. If circumstances have thrown both of them together in such a way that there are always in physical contact with each other on a regular basis, a certain level of rapport or even dislike is bound to arise. It is in such circumstances that a woman who fancies a man can give him a "green light" without putting it into words or looking cheap at all; any man of average instincts or basis could pick up such signs and act on it. Where he does not act on it, my advice to a lady in such shoes is to either wait patiently or turn her attention to someone or something else otherwise she may end up badly.

  25. Just wondering why women who live and believe the 'equal rights' thing suddenly become traditional when it comes to proposal... Seems it's the only vestige of tradition left :). It's clear based on previous comments that women cringe from proposing majorly because of the fear of being ridiculed by men when things don't go well. But like Myne rightly asked: don't you think men feel the same fear and uncertainty?
    Besides, what signs unambiguously indicate that a woman is ready and interested in a man? I remember a friend of mine who loved this guy and did 'everything' to let him know except saying the words. He merely interpreted her actions as normal probably because he grew up in a family where those same actions were normal expressions of love...
    So what do you expect a woman to do when she loves a man and he doesn't know yet? Hope and pray? We've somehow come to accept the fact that women have the right to express anger, worry, despair--everything else except love. Is it any wonder that women are more prone to depression?
    A word to the men: when a woman is bold enough to propose please could you be kind enough to treat her utmost respect (even if you don't feel the same way)? Just imagine what she'd gone through to do that. And she's not a cheap flirt--because you're not being one when you propose to your woman.


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