Thursday, June 28, 2012

Freedom to Read Giveaway Hop

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I'm just back from an amazing summer getaway and I feel like sharing the fun. The winner of this giveaway will receive a $10 cash prize! The lucky follower should be able to collect their cash prize via Amazon Gift Card or Paypal funds transfer. Books (including shipping) of same value can also be shipped via Amazon or Book Depository.

There are 4 entries in all, and it is mandatory you leave a comment on this post in answer to the question, Why do you love reaing? Entries close July 5, and I'll announce the winner within 48hrs and also send them an email.

To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter Form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out other participating blogs too!


  1. I don't really have a creative answer for this. I read for fun and for escapism. I love reading because the books take me into all sorts of different worlds and show me all sorts of characters. :)

    GFC: Lynn

  2. Reading allows me to think of situations I may not have experienced, Reading teaches, Reading opens lines of communication, reading fits into our everyday life experiences. Reading allows the imagination to flow, it allows creativity of the mind as you bring vision to characters and places from a book. Reading is relaxing.

  3. I love reading because it gets me away from my life every time I pick up a book. It makes my boring life seem exciting :)

    GFC: Gi-Gi

  4. To read, is to feed the soul and mind.

  5. I love reading because it lets me escape reality & relax. Reading is my drug & I'm not ashamed to say I'm addicted. :D

  6. Reading lets me escape into the world of each book I am reading

  7. I love reading because for me of the adventure every book I read takes me somewhere new to different worlds ,people and other beings I love the journeys books take me on

  8. I love reading because it lets me escape reality. I know I shouldn't do that but who can judge me, right? I just want to see and experience something different in my life even if its just in the books.

  9. I love reading because I can transport myself to a different world. Also, it allows to learn new vocabulary.

  10. Because my mind creates a movie when I read my books and I am in my own little created world of my own

  11. It makes me forget about things I don't want to remember.

  12. I love reading for I feel like I`m role-playing and being in a different body, like I was reborn.

  13. This is interesting, I've never thought about why I like reading. I guess because the people in the books I read ay not have perfect lives, but usually they're better than mine.

  14. I love reading because it stimulates my creativity and helps me get away from the daily problems.

  15. Reading lets me escape, and live multiple other lives through books

  16. because I can travel with out living my home and is not just travel to other countries or city's, I travel through time to, to another era or I can travel in my mind to my own memories.
    thanks for the giveaway.

  17. Really, you expect me to answer that question without writing a book about it? ;) Well in short: reading is my escape. It's where I let go of everything and where I find comfort when needed.

  18. It's definitely my escape, a swells a waytoreach more in depth info into topics.

  19. It lets me enter worlds that otherwise would be impossible.

  20. It's food for my brain and fuel for my imagination. :)

  21. You can experience everything through reading!


  22. I like to read to be taken to another place, find new friends and learn new things.

    kayswederski at yahoo dot com

  23. I love to read because it helps me relax and escape to another world without leaving the comfort of my own home. :)

  24. I love reading because it takes me to places I've never been and it makes me experience that thing I've never experience. I just love it!

  25. I love reading because it is always a friend that is there for me and never let's me down, and always manages to surprise me, enlighten me, encourage me, and inspire me!

  26. I love reading because sometimes I feel like I don't fit in in this world, and reading allows me to escape to other worlds. :)

  27. I love venturing into a new world and falling in love without ever leaving my couch. As Charlaine Harris said "Books are the cheapest vacation!"

  28. I love reading because I can be a hundred, million different people when I read- I don't have to follow my own story.
    GFC as Romi Foster

  29. I love to rad because it helps me escape from reality, where I feel most of the time that there is just no one who shares my interests in the extent that we could really, really talk about it. Plus, I'm kinda the black sheep of the family, so books have becaome very important there!

  30. Because I can learn so much about foreighn countries and people and culture sitting in my room. Reading opens the world for you.
    GFC - Sofija Kapranova

  31. I love reading because I can experience worlds different from the life I'm living right now.

  32. Reading takes me away from my ordinary life. I love to get lost in a good book.

  33. I love reading because it transports me into a different world or life that is so much more fun!

  34. because I like staying at interesting places and books alow me that :D

  35. I am not sure if my answer is creative but it's the truth. I love reading because of the chance to be swept away from my life to a world where things could never happen to me. I get to experience love, pain and joy yet come back at the end of it. I grow to love the characters and unlike movies I get to use my imagination.

    Linda Foster
    GFC Follower
    trombonechick04 at yahoo dot com

  36. I love reading because it's my escape. I get to visit foreign places, travel to different time periods, meet interesting characters (like weres and vamps), and live out situations that I would never get to be part of in real life. In short - my imagination gets to run wild and free for a bit!

  37. I don't have a creative bone in my body not even to save my life! So I'm going to give it to you straight, I read to escape reality.

    Cherry Mischievous

  38. I love reading because after I am finished with a book I will always have the characters and relationships forever.

  39. I love reading because I get to live vicariously through someone else for a while

  40. I love reading because it gives me solace. Just imagine, the beautiful adventures, romances, experiences, scenes etc.Simply put, I am a voracious reader.I love a good book!

  41. Lets me escape every day life, and use my imagination

    GFC darkmotive

  42. I love reading because it is relaxing

  43. Yes, I love to sit in my room to read.

  44. I'm simply interested in more things than I can, or want to, experience first hand.

  45. I love reading because it makes me feel so much! I laugh, I cry, I get anxious, I get scared, I get happy, and all this can happen in a couple of pages. It's magic really. :D

  46. I get to escape my life once it gets a bit dull or boring!

  47. Reading allows me to spend time alone with myself without being alone.

  48. I love escaping to a good story, I prefer happy endings the best :)

  49. I love reading because it is relaxing. It gives me a break from the day.

  50. Reading pulls me into a new world with new people and makes me feel as though i'm living their adventure vicariously.

  51. I love to read because as an escape and to learn

    s2s2 at comcast dot net

  52. I get to escape my life and live someone else's
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  53. Reading is private getaway into another world...


  54. I love reading because I can imagine things I've never experienced before or places I've never been to and it opens my mind to different kinds of people and it has a great impact on the way I feel and think. Thank you! :)

  55. I love reading because it's like I get to live someones else's much more exciting life. I get to get away from reality for a little while and just destress :)

  56. When I read I can travel back in time, fly out into space & do it all in my PJ's. Reading is magic.

  57. Thanks for then giveaway!
    I love reading because that's my escape. For some people music is an escape. For me, it's a book all the way! It let's me believe that there's a whole new world out there, and I can explore it via imagination. :)

  58. I love reading because I can learn so much from other people's point of views.

  59. I love reading because I can escape to my own world full of imagination and it helps me to understand some problems more complexly.

    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  60. Reading means everything to me! Every single time I open a book it's like stepping into another world!

  61. I love reading because it's an escape and I can be a part of any kind of story I choose!

    - follow on GFC as Suz

  62. i love reading because it's like living another life every time you open a new book :)

  63. Reading takes me to another world.
    It's like utopia :)

  64. Reading gives me a break from reality and its a pleasure to read so many great books!

  65. i love reading because it inspires me to dream

  66. The Rafflecopter form was a no show for me and I waited. Anyway. I love to read it's cheaper then going away for vacation.The great escape.
    ;-) DebP

  67. Reading not only gives me some down time to relax, but there are few things in life as fulfilling as getting sucked into a good book. That feeling of simply not being able to put the book down, because you HAVE to know what happens next.
    Tracy A.J.

  68. Reading is an excellent stress release.

  69. It is what I do. I enjoy it for its escape, for its new friends, for all the great places I visit. I depends on my mood why I read; I just do it all the time!

  70. I have loved reading for as long as I can remember because it gives me the opportunity to escape my own reality if only for just a little while and live in someone else's life.

  71. I live in an all male household and reading is what keeps me sane.

    Gfc Cathy m
    Caity_mack@yahoo dot com

  72. I love reading because it makes me feel so many things, it makes me travel, and it lets me escape reality...

  73. Always allows me to destress and unwind

  74. I love reading and leaving reality for a new world of what could be (maybe)or coming back to meet with old friends that have helped me get through some of the toughest times.

  75. I love reading because it can take you to new places and worlds, and it gives you a break from reality. Thanks for the giveaway, and Happy 4th of July! :D

  76. I love reading because I can escape from reality and be absorbed into other worlds. :)

  77. reading is really relaxing to me

  78. It's a friendship between myself and people I never would've experienced had I not picked up the book

  79. For me, reading is a journey of self-exploration. It is through reading about different characters, different settings, and different places that I understand how I feel about the world around me - how I relate to it, how I respond to it, and how I experience it. Along with being that, it is also a study of the human condition. A book is a portal that allows you to escape your reality and venture into other worlds and universes, and find refuge for a little while from the constant barrage of information being thrown at us in the society today - it is a way of slowing things down, and really connecting, be it with a character, or with the narrative, or just a certain emotion evoked by the story. That, my friend, is why I love reading! :)

    Thank you for being part of this giveaway hop, and for your immense generosity. Have a wonderful summer and let freedom ring!

    Name: Hira Hasnain
    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com

  80. Because, when I'm deading, I live in a magic world, a perfect world where I can't be affected b the others

  81. I love reading because it lets me escape reality & relax.

  82. I love to read because it gives me break from my life.

  83. Because when I read, the world gets better. The world IS better!!

  84. I love to read because it is a way to burrow into another person's mind and gobble up their thoughts!

    mel brock

  85. I love reading because it allows me to escape.

  86. I love to read because I can slide into another world for just a little while.

    Jennelle J

  87. I love to read to escape the madness of my life and experience the tries and tribulations of the story, couple or whatever the topic. and ignore my own for a little while. Sometimes even reading whatever I can say well my life isn't that bad LOL.

  88. It helps me escape, see the world differently, teaches me what a true friend is and makes wonder what sort of person I am.

  89. I love reading because it takes me away for awhile.
    Amanda S

  90. I love escaping into the story. I also love being inspired by characters. I'm motivated to be a better person.


  91. I love reading because lets my imagination travel to a different place.

  92. I like to read because it takes my mind off of my problems.
    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  93. I love to read because it's an escape from my boring everyday life.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. i love reading because books give me the chance to dive into a world so different from my own (and at the end of a good book i usually wish the characters were real so i could be friends with them!)

  96. I love to read because reading gives me a break by taking me to another place and time.

  97. reading is my hobby and people will do anything to fulfill what is their hobby, reading also help me to forget any worse problem that happens in my life and reading also can make to join into new world and amazing author brain in their writing :)

  98. I love reading because I feel like I am living the story. I become a character in the least until the story ends :)

    Thanks for the chance & have a nice 4th of July!


  99. It seems to be one of the only ways to tune out the world. No stress, and all excitement, without having to get out of my jammies. LOL

  100. I love reading because it helps me experience life in someone else's point of view!!

  101. It a way for me to forget about my stress!!

  102. I've always been a bookworm, ever since I was a kid! I love the escape that reading provides. It evokes so many emotions: Happiness, sadness, fear, the possibilities are endless! I like to read different genres, depending on whether I'm looking for a feel-good story and something gripping!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  103. My favorite thing about reading is how it allows you to escape into other realities for a short period of time. I saw a quote on Pinterest awhile ago that said something about how, "I get absolutely and undeniably attached to book characters to the point where I laugh and cry with them, and physically miss them when I finish reading a book." It is so true!

  104. Reading is time I can spend by myself in another world. It captures my imagination and I truly relax and look forward to the next adventure.

  105. Reading relaxes me!

    GFC - sweepingtheusa

  106. I love reading because I can escape from the real world and live in my own world for a while when I read. It also make me relax.

  107. I love reading to kill boredom.... hehehe

  108. I love reading for the same reason I love travelling: I like to discover new things

  109. I love reading as an escape hatch...sort of like bathing in takes me away!

  110. because it takes you to another world!!
    thanks for making this international!

  111. I love to read because I like to get involved in the characters and their stories. If a book doesn't have fully developed characters, then I just can't get into the story.

    the imagine tree at aol dot com

  112. I love reading because it takes me to places that I wouldn't be able to visit or that don't exist outside fiction, and let me experience what I'd never be able to in real life.

  113. Reading is my escape rout from reality and so far it's doing a wonderful job. I just love to lose my mind in someone else's problems and to leave mine behind. It's relaxing and entertaining!

  114. reading can makes me happy...i can imagine anything and makes me relax from my work...i just love reading...HR...YA...paranormal romances...fantasy...mystery...suspense...anything....

    thx u so much

    love, nurma

  115. I love reading because it makes men seem like decent people. When in real life you want to mash their head in.

  116. I love reading because it takes me away from my reality for a little while and lets me live and see into someone else's!

  117. I love reading it is such a great escape to think about about other things then being sick all the time. Im so greatful for a good book and a great story!
    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  118. to escape into new worlds or return to them

  119. Because it is an escape from my sometimes overwhelming SAHM life!

  120. I love reading because it allows me to have an escape from reality. I can escape into a new world where my problems are nonexistent!

  121. I love being able to visit places & people that don't exist - to be drawn into their world.

    isabelli3619 (at) aol (dot) com

  122. I love to read because my life is so hectic and at times, overwhelming... when I'm reading, I get to escape the tediousness of my life and just be somewhere else for a while. Reading is my drug of choice... yes, my problems will still be there when I put the book down, but maybe, just maybe I will find something that relates to my life or a new perspective on a situation.

  123. I love reading because it opens up a new world, entirely different to the one you're living in. You get to experience things, you get to live more than one life.


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