Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall Into Fantasy With Wisteria by Bisi Leyton

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Welcome to today's giveaway. I'll be featuring Wisteria, an urban fantasy by Bisi Leyton. To win an eBook copy, use the rafflecopter form below. Check out the book blurb, about the author and an excerpt below.

Sixteen year old Wisteria Kuti has two options—track the infected around the Isle of Smythe or leave the only known safe haven and face a world infested with flesh eating biters. But even with well-armed trackers, things go wrong and Wisteria ends up alone facing certain death, until she is rescued by the mysterious Bach. Uninfected, Bach is able to survive among the hordes of living dead.

Seventeen year old Bach, from a race known as The Family, has no interest in human affairs. He was sent here to complete his Great Walk and return home as a man—as a Sen Son. The Family regard humans as Dog People, but Bach is drawn to this Terran girl, whom he has never seen before, but somehow knows.

Hunted by flesh eaters, cannibals, and the mysterious blood thirsty group called Red Phoenix, Wisteria and Bach make their way back to the Isle of Smythe, a community built on secrets and lies.

Wisteria Author, Bisi Leyton, was born in East London in 1978. She grew up in London, Nigeria and the States, listening to the stories life and love from aunts, cousins and big sisters. As a fan of the Sweet Valley High Series, she started writing fan-fiction at eleven, will never reveal under pain of death.

Currently, she lives in London, but has worked around Europe including France, Germany, Ireland, Belgium and the Czech Republic. She has a fondness for reading graphic novels, and

You can email Bisi on as she would love to hear from you. You can also follow her on  TwitterFacebook or her Blog.


Wrapping her arms around herself, she moved away from him. Once again, humiliated and feeling foolish. “Goodnight, Bach!” She strode angrily to the side of the roof in order to climb down.

He grabbed her and held her back

The guy came here just to tease her, yet again! Didn’t he know he was hurting her? Didn’t he care? “I’m tired of all this nonsense. I’m actually tired and need some sleep. I’m done with this. All of this!” She should’ve left the roof when she saw him appear. “Let go, so I can go.”

“Wisteria, it is not that.” Exhaling heavily, he released her. “My people could kill you if they knew I wanted you.”

This wasn’t at all what she’d expected him to say. “What?”

“I am in love with you. I do not know why, but I am. And it is selfish, because I just want you for myself.” Sadness filled his eyes as he spoke.

“Why would they do that to me?”

“Because you are human and because we see humans as Terran, or dirt people.”

“And you believe that too? So why are you here, living among us, if we’re so disgusting?”

“You are not disgusting. You are beautiful.” Rubbing his temples, he seemed troubled and bewildered. “But I chose Earth, because I came here as a child. Your people treated me so badly in the past. When I learned about the Nero disease, I wanted to see your world die.” He paused. “You were right when you said there was something wrong with me.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out other participants below.


  1. i enjoy all maria v. snyder books...
    fantasy, adventure, magic ang lil' bit romance...
    love them !! :)

    thx u for the giveaway...

    chikojubilee at gmail dot com

  2. The Raine Benares series by Lisa Shearin is amazing :)
    Thanks for having the giveaway!

  3. Aprilynne Pike! Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I really enjoyed Anna Dressed in Blood! =)

  5. nothing recently, but I do love Harry Potter.

  6. I will always enjoy THE LORD OF THE RINGS series. Thanks!

  7. recently i enjoy throne of glass

  8. Pure by Jennifer L. Armentrout!!

  9. The Chronicles of Nick series :)
    GFC Cassandra Hicks

  10. In the Shadow of Swords by Val Gunn

  11. Erilian: Kouzla na obzoru by Tereza JaniÅ¡ovĂ¡ (book in Czech republic)
    I love this book! ^_^

  12. Liam Hearn's Otori series. it was excellent. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. I'm currently reading White Cat by Holly Black and it's pretty good so far!

  14. I loved Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor! Can't wait for Days of Blood and Starlight!

  15. I am currently reading A touch of magic by maria snyder and loving it!

  16. I finished Throne of Glass recently and loved it!
    GFC: DeeDee Griffin

  17. Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid Chronicles is amazing!!
    Lisa Hackney
    yankssssrule08 at yahoo dot com

  18. The Chronicles of Nick from Sherrilyn Kenyon
    gfc wanda f

  19. I love the Harry Porter books
    fotw_1999 at yahoo dot com


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