Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I’m Almost Fed up with Nigerian Politicians, and Here’s Why

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Watching this video, I could literally feel my skin crawling. Are these grown men or squabbling touts? Touts may be better even, considering that these men probably are educated and are well dressed. Goes to show how superficial such things are, and we use them to elect people to govern the rest of the country. The only reason I put "almost" in that title is because someone had the mind to record a video and air it. At least.

It is said the Speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly where this happened has been impeached. I think they all need to step down, or recalled by their respective constituencies. But this is Nigeria after all. Politics of come or go chop. E go better.


  1. What a disgrace, Are these People fathers, lawmakers or thugs?

  2. I'm disgusted too but at politics in general not specifically Nigeria. This chair throwing and such happens in lots of countries not just in Africa. Latin America, Eastern Europe etc.

  3. Adjenughure Don EJuly 10, 2013 12:34 AM

    A disgrace of d highest order,not welcomed at all.i wonder what they are teachin their children.

  4. Omg....since all hell was breaking loose why didnt the guy in suit take that stick from that guy and also break his head. What rubbish. He could have killed him.

  5. OMG!!!!!!!!! what did the guy do??? This is just barbaric!

  6. This is serious........and these are grown up acting in a wild way....

  7. The video made my skin crawl too. It reminded me of the magnitude of work a visionary leader would have to do in Nigeria. These touts posing as politicians will not go down easily. They will not like to loose control of Nigeria's bank vault.

  8. shebi na tax payers money dem go use replace those bashed computers?

    shame on them

  9. He actually broke that man's head! And all those office equipment! Disgraceful!

  10. I read this in the papers earlier and I lamented but according to a friend "it happens everywhere, even in the US". Pls those of you in the diaspora educate us pls, does it get this baaaaaad! over there too?

  11. I hope that soldier was also arrested. Ha Nigeria see the uneducated fools ruling over the masses. That man in white will go to a function this Saturday and he will be chairman of the occasion. Some people will even pat him on the back. So until there is a revolution, things will continue as is.


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