Monday, September 16, 2013

Dear Myne - Douches Seem To Work For Me, Why Are People Against It?

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Dear Myne, top of the day to you. Good blog you have here, i must say. Tackling all issues, social and health. May God bless and keep you. I was going to respond to your post about keeping the vagina clean and smelling fresh immediately you wrote it, but i decided to wait out my treatment.

I'm a young lady in my late twenties, i can confidently say i'm a neat person and my sex life is zero but i get vaginal infections all the time; mind you they aren't sexually transmitted ones. You know, itching and heavy discharge. I just go to the clinic and take drugs, use them dutifully but somehow i just keep getting the infections again. It made me a permanent wearer of panty liners.

Later i started reading the test results myself before going back to the clinic and i found out that what i keep having is candidiasis. When i asked my doctor about it, she explained what it is (you can check on wiki, so i don't bore you with details)and recommend most of the things in that particular post of yours; putting on cotton pants and all..

I stuck to most of them but couldn't spread my undies outside as i share a compound with my neighbours. However, i got candidiasis again about two months ago and just got fed up. I went to the clinic again and my favourite doctor wasn't around to show my HVS result so i went home. On my way home, i just thought to go to a well known pharmacy. I met the lead pharmacist who was old and seemed somewhat experienced to me.

I showed him my test results and he gave me the 'usual lecture' and some drugs, nothing different from what i know except this time he advised to use a douche in cleaning up which you advised against in your post.

Darling Myne, i think it's working for me. This is because i haven't changed my routine and i am absolutely fine! No itching and very little discharge if at all. Just finished my period and usually the dryness and itching that follows a few days after isn't even happening. I am clear for two months straight in my adult years. I was even getting used to itching and smelly somewhat smelly and funny coloured discharges, thinking maybe it was normal afterall and those labs had to just come up with something.

The particular douche i use says on the pack that one should use as a supplement to prescribed treatment in the case of vaginal infection. It also says that it was specially formulated to protect the fragile natural balance of vulvovaginal flora.

Everything got me thinking that maybe for this particular issue, it's different strokes for different folks; but most importantly, i think we need a sound reproductive health doctor to address this issue so we can know for sure our dos and don'ts.

Asides that Myne, is there a particular reason you are against douches?


The main reason I am against douches is that they destabilize the natural flora of the area, and also people use them as self medication, sometimes daily for an extended period. This should not be so. Douches that are mostly water, and if prescribed for a medical personnel for a fixed period and a specific infection are OK.


  1. My gyno said that douches were bad because they rid the va-jay-jay of both good and bad bacteria which would eventually lead to an overgrowth of the bad bacteria and then you're back to where you started from.

  2. And what you have may not be candidiasis. It may be Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). They have the same symptoms. You need to do a swab test of you vagina AND a scan of your pelvic area. And you need to hurry. PID can cause infertility, if left untreated. Douches are bad because they also kill good bacteria!!! Wash your vagina with water only and your panties need SUN. Musky bathroom heat is a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria. Good luck.

  3. Good responses everyone.
    I was gonna also suggest the PID thing. And Myne answered well too. DOuches can be prescribed by doctors and for a specified amount of time.
    You may have some medical condition (that may not be so bad anyway) and so you need regular check-ups ok?

    I don't use anything on my V. And I've been conscious about using even the soap I use. I simply rinse thoroughly with water and I don't smell nasty. I should think my down below smells like a normal V. LMAO.

    Glad you got help.

    PS: Be more conscious of using other people's toilets.
    You can spread your pants outside pls. Ur vaginal wel-being is better than ...PR or?
    U could get those very fanciful rounded undie hangers with 12 or 10 pegs. Wash ur pants and spread with ur handkies or face-towels to distract some neighbor and passersby who don't know how to mind their businesses. My bathroom is lighted up and airy but occasionally I still spread my pants outside.

    When you bleach, rinse off very well. Rinse more than ur usual rinsing that is. I try to bleach once monthly.. you know when.. Lol

    These simple things matter a lot even though we dont pay much attention to them - or rather, we pay attention to the wrong things.
    Much Love.

    1. Yep soo true I change my undies every 3months and it really helps

    2. Kool.

      All the best dear.

  4. I once had uti (urinary tract infection) nd d woman in charge of d test advised mi 2 get a hand-drier 4 ma panties-since I kant spread dem outside kuz of my neigbours...d hand-drier (4 hair) is 2 heat d underneath of d instead of dat I use iron-I iron ma panties,dat way it also kills d germs & I'v nt had uti sinc den agn,so u need nt spread ur panties outside..... I use douches (whose ph are specially made 4 d vagina) bt NOT frequently,I use water evrydy nd I dnt smell down dere.....All d bst!

  5. I once had uti (urinary tract infection) nd d woman in charge of d test advised mi 2 get a hand-drier 4 ma panties-since I kant spread dem outside kuz of my neigbours...d hand-drier (4 hair) is 2 heat d underneath of d instead of dat I use iron-I iron ma panties,dat way it also kills d germs & I'v nt had uti sinc den agn,so u need nt spread ur panties outside..... I use douches (whose ph are specially made 4 d vagina) bt NOT frequently,I use water evrydy nd I dnt smell down dere.....All d bst!


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