Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How Celebrating Wedding Anniversaries Has Made Our Marriage Stronger

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By Nkem Akinsoto

Atala and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary on Valentine's day back in February. It was a couple of weeks after I returned from my 3months stint in Nigeria, and I remember leaving some threads hanging loose and a few people asking me to extend my stay for a couple more weeks so I could tie them all up neatly before returning to the United States. I told them plainly, not gonna happen. I care a lot about succeeding in my business and will make allowances on how it would affect my time with Atala and thus our relationship, but my wedding anniversary is very important to me.

It all started on our first wedding anniversary. We had followed the tradition I found out while getting ready for the wedding, that the top tier of the cake is often kept and is brought out by the couple on their first wedding anniversary. That sounded great to me. None of my previous relationships had ever crossed the one year mark and here I was getting married at over 30 after having thought all the while that I would never find "the one".  So though I knew I really loved him, I was still scared that my short tolerance fuse would blow and I would want out sooner rather than later.

So as we set out to our honeymoon, the top tier of the cake remained in the freezer. Atala travelled back to the US with it, and I joined him a couple of weeks later. Living together as man and wife is no cake walk, but we remained loved up even after we had those deep discussions that follow big blowouts. Our cake continued chilling in the freezer. A week to our one year anniversary, I was like wow, we made it!

For the first anniversary, I printed out new personalized wedding vows - the bishop who officiated our wedding used the generic ones - and we pledged them to each other. We ate our cake, and a tradition was born. We would always mark our wedding anniversaries. And I tell you, it has made our marriage stronger and healthier.

There are a lot of jokes abour one spouse or the other forgetting their wedding anniversary; but I take them really as jokes. Really, who would forget. If you set the date and got married that day, surely it is worth remembering. For us, Valentine's Day is a distraction but it also deepens our feelings of love on that day. It is also a time for us to think of our original vows, and if necessary, make new ones that are in keeping with the growth and development of our marriage.

Anniversaries are great for spending quality time with your partner. If possible you both need to discuss how the marriage is treating you both thus far and if you need to rekindle the fire of your romantic relationship. This is really important where the burdens of life are pushing you away from each other. Gifts are not imperative but they are great as a way to show appreciation of all the love, care, and joys received from one another, as well as the acceptance and encouragement given in other aspects of life.

For our fifth wedding anniversary, one of the things we did was to take some commemorative studio pictures and I've shared some of them below.


  1. Awww happy Anniversary to you and hubby.
    Can't wait to celebrate my first year in marriage, we are just three months, looking forward to it.
    May God continue to bless your home.

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both! May almighty God conitinue to fill your home with joy, laughter and every good thing that your heart desires!

  3. Aww Happy Anniversary, may you marriage be fruitful and continue to be filled with joy and happiness. :)

  4. Awww.. happy anniversary. You guys look great together

  5. Happy anniversary,may your love continue to grow stronger

  6. Happy Wedding Anniversary Myne. This post has given me hope, I'm almost exactly a year from 30 and none of my past relationships have crossed the one year mark either. But I know there's hope.

    Congrats, I wish so many many many more beautiful years ahead. God bless you and your home.

  7. Happy anniversary Myne. May God bless your home. Amen.

  8. wooooooooow! Congrats Myne, God bless your home

  9. awww!!!..this is beautiful!!! d pixs!..Happy anniversary!

  10. Aww, this is so beautiful! Myne I admire the way you hold your relationship with your husband in high regard and celebrate him often.. May God continue to bless your home xx

  11. Happy Anniversary in arrears. The pictures are lovely

  12. Happy wedding anniversary, may the Good Lord continue to bless your home.

  13. The pictures are just so lovely sis.. Happy anniversary once again and more glorious years together ahead.. :) <3

  14. Thanks for all the lovely comments, much appreciated

  15. Beautiful pictures! Happy anniversary and I pray you celebrate many more in Jesus name, Amen!

  16. Congratulations Myne and Atala. May you continually find joy and peace in your union IJN.

  17. Happy anniversary in arrears Myne. May your home will filled with joy, peace, fruits and love always. Congratulations to you both

  18. Happy anniversary Myne, may the Lord continue to shower your home with happiness and blessing. I admire you both and pray my marriage will be as cool as yours!

  19. Happy Anniversary. May God continue to uphold your home amen. More of this.

  20. Firstlady MariamMarch 20, 2014 6:32 AM

    Happy Anniversary Myne,may God in his infinite mercies continue to bless and uphold your home always. Your patter of tiny feet will be home before your next anniversary ijn.Amen

  21. Hey Myne. Happy anniversary. Have I missed you? May God keep you and what is yours. Bless.

  22. God bless your home.

  23. Happy anniversary, Myne! You're an inspiration. Love the pictures.

  24. Congratulations once again Myne!

  25. That was really heartfelt! happy for you guys :)

  26. Congratulations Myne. Just like @Thoughts of a Wandering Mind, my past relationships hardly crossed the one year mark. I'm over 30 but with this post, my hope is once again renewed. I believe my Man (God fearing) will come and Father Lord, I will come back here to testify of your Faithfulness. Myne I will be part of your testimony when you carry your baby too. God bless US ALL

  27. beautiful pics, lovely couple. May God continue to preserve your home and surround you with blessings.

  28. Awwww...happy wedding anniversary! God bless you both and keep your love stronger.

  29. These really are lovely pictures, you look like you have so much chemistry and above all, you look happy! I think it's wonderful that you're spending time together and I hope you're enjoying your anniversary!

  30. All are amazing pictures and great photography. Congratulations for completing five years of your marriage!! I think this is great way to showing love to each other. Here I got inspirations to make marriage relationship unbreakable and joyful. Thanks!

  31. Happy wedding anniversary guys! Lovely story!

  32. Congratulations guys! lovely story! :))


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