Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Collette Moreno Killed In Car Crash After Taking Selfie on The Way To Her Bachelorette Party

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A 26-year-old bride-to-be, Collette Moreno, took this selfie of herself and her friend on the way to her bachelorette party and minutes later she was killed in a car accident.

Collette Moreno and Ashley Theobald, both 26, had been happily listening to Taylor Swift when they got stuck behind trucks belching fumes. Theobald, who was driving, said she tried to overtake the car ahead because Collette started having a coughing fit.

“She has really bad asthma and there were a few trucks in front of us that had really bad exhausts and she was coughing, so I was like, ‘OK, we have to pass these.” 

Theobald tried to pass on the two-lane highway, but a 25-year-old man in a 1999 Dodge Ram pickup was heading the other way as they topped a hill. The two drivers tried to swerve out of each other’s way, but the truck still ended up hitting the passenger side of the women’s car, sending it off the left side of the road.

The pickup driver was not seriously injured in the crash. Theobald was taken to the hospital and treated for minor injuries.

But Moreno, who was wearing her seat belt, was taken to a Columbia hospital, where she was later pronounced dead. Theobald, her friend since 7th Grade was shocked at the news;

“I was talking to her. She couldn’t talk back but she was nodding at me. I didn’t know it was as bad as it was, because she wasn’t physically super beaten-up.”

Collette and her fiance Jesse
Collette and her fiance Jesse

As soon as Moreno’s fiancé, Jesse Arcobasso, 28, found out about the accident, he jumped into his car and drove to the hospital.

“I was just trying to hold onto the fact that she was going to be OK.” 

Moreno’s fiancé has now lost his wife-to-be just four weeks before their wedding. The two were supposed to be married July 26 in Jamaica. She leaves behind a 5-year-old son.

Moreno’s mother recalled hearing the tragic news.

“Complete shock. It wasn’t real. It felt like a messed-up dream and I needed to wake up.”

The bride to be, her fiance and her son
The bride to be, her fiance and her son

Jesse says of how Moreno’s five-year-old son Braden is coping with the tragedy.
“He doesn’t quite understand everything just yet. I know it’s going to take time.”

Friends and family have now set up a fundraising page, to help cover the costs of getting her family to Kansas for the funeral.

H/T NYPost

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