Sunday, October 27, 2019

Invest in a New POS System: Your Car Wash Employees Will Thank You

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 Your point of sale system is one of the most important pieces of equipment in your car wash business. It is how you and your employees take payments using your credit card processing services. What you may not realize is that your outdated system is causing a lot of frustration. It is time to invest in a new POS system. Below are some reasons why your team will thank you.

1) Sleek User Interface
If you don’t have a modern POS system, chances are that the user interface is clunky and not very user-friendly. This is simply how things were for a long time in the point of sale game. However, you don’t need to make your employees suffer through awkward, outdated software anymore.

Modern POS systems feature simple and intuitive user interfaces. This makes handling day-to-day tasks significantly easier. There are some great benefits to this:

Ease of Use: Using awkward and unintuitive software is frustrating. With a much more modern, touch screen system, your people will be able to quickly jump onto your POS system and get done whatever they need to handle.

Faster Training: Your new team members won’t need to sit through long and confusing POS system training anymore. Furthermore, your senior staff won’t need to spend as long helping them. Intuitive interfaces are easier to learn.

Fewer Mistakes: Clunky old systems cause errors. These cost your team members time and frustrate your customers. A more intuitive design means fewer mistakes. Additionally, it is easier to fix mistakes if they do happen.

2) Faster Processing
With a modern POS system for car wash businesses, you can process credit card payment significantly faster. That means when a customer walks us to pay, he or she wants to hand over his or her credit card, pay quickly and leave. Old-fashioned POS systems relied on slow connections and took forever to process payments. Newer options are much faster, meaning everyone is happier.

3) More Ways To Pay
For your team members, it is upsetting when a customer is not satisfied. This is especially frustrating when it is because of something they can’t control. If you can’t accept the payment types your customers want to use, they are going to be frustrated and your team members will have to deal with it. New POS systems can accept NFC phone payments, smartwatch payments and more. It is easier and more convenient for customers and team members.

4) Easier Record-keeping
Great POS systems track inventory records, measure sales and integrate with accounting software. All these are tasks that your employees are probably struggling with using your existing system. It is time to upgrade and make things easier for everyone.

Get Started
Are you ready to upgrade to a new POS system? Check out modern solutions like the new Clover Station. These innovative point of sale systems are significantly superior to the outdated, complex and frustrating system you are currently using. Get started with the upgrade process today. Once they get a chance to use the new system. your employees will be very happy about it.

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