Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Results + Thank you buttons

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This is to say a big thanks to all who voted. The votes have been counted and the results are in. Isn't that what they say in all those reality TV shows?

Anyway, the results are in again and this time we almost had a tie again. However, two people more want to move on with the story and hear what happened between Chinedu and Iphey. Could this really be love?

Our next contributor is ATALA WALA WALA. I know other contributors have their own blogs to run so SO will be coming in once in a while. And he's liking the story and wants to remain involved. So the next chapter of the story will be up by Friday latest. You can download a copy of the ebook on lulu now and remember, the first person to comment on the next chapter wins a free copy.

In the meantime, I wanted to appreciate all the contributors so far and all those who will contribute as time goes on. So we (you know who, but let me claim small too abeg) made this button. The recipients should check their emails for the code.

1. Atala Wala Wala
2. Fabulola
3. Isha
4. RealNaija Bloke
5. Cerebrally Busy

However I also wanted a button for everyone who had read, commented and voted on the story, to show you're also a big part of this. There are so many of you and you all know yourselves. Copy the picture below and link it to my blog. You can do this by saving the picture to your computer, adding a gadget for pictures on your template and putting my blog address on the URL area. Thanks again for contributing on my blog and I really appreciate you.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Heart to Mend: Love Happens (eBook)

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Finally, the eBook is ready as promised. This is the cover as it appears on Lulu. The print version of the book and the sequel to Love Happens will be out next month either in time for Christmas or soon after.

The price of the eBook is $9.99 but as a promo and a compliment to my blog readers, I will revise the price down. For the rest of this weekend, the new price will be $5.99. So if you've been hungering and thirsting for the Gladys and Edward story, this is the time to download your copy. The link is on the left side bar beneath the poll.

To those who have already purchased the book, Thank You! I cannot wait to hear your thoughts. If you want to email them to me, depending on whether they could spoil the story for those who have not read the book, please feel free to do so. My addy is mulan.mine(at)gmail. If you can also leave a review on the Lulu page, I'll really appreciate that.

The last entry on Gladys sickness and "I go love oo" was a very small peek at the sequel but will be the last here. I will be opening up a second blog which will only be accessible to those who have purchased and read this eBook for more drafts. As you may have noticed, the URL of this blog has changed. It is now I decided to customize the name thanks to GNG who provided insight and my SO as usual for his support.

The new site will be and will morph into my website when the print book is ready. Don't be left behind, join the train now and be the first in the know of everything good that is coming. A second book is in the works and I will start posting excerpts from January.

In the meantime, the blogsville community story will continue here. I want to appreciate all the contributors and those who have expressed interest. I see a lot of talent here and that is giving me ideas. Please keep coming folks, and don't forget to vote for the story you want.

Thanks again.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Giveaways + Poem

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Fabulola: So I have just confirmed from Fabulola. She is giving us the next chapter of the story by Thursday morning. The votes say most people want to know what happens between Iphey and her Boss Funmi.

Giveaway: And since the e-version of my book is almost ready, the first bloggers to comment on the next three chapters will get free copies of the ebook. So keep your eyes peeled. And if you've not updated your blog list, do so now. Goodluck.

While we wait, enjoy the short poem.


Is it a feeling or an action?
Is it to love or to be in love?
Can one do without love?
A cool love or a fast love?
Which is the better love?
Why do we even love?
When does love start?
Where does love end?
Have you ever loved?
How will you describe love?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Selected Readers.

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Hey all, thanks for all the interest. I have selected some people who expressed interest as follows. They're all in my top 20 commenters.

1. Leggy

2. Ttlola

3. Azazel

4. Histreasure

5. Jabez

Thank you all. I will also send to Neefemi and Fabulola because of their enthusiasm. Please you should all send your email addresses to mulan.mine at gmail. I'll send out the manuscripts this evening.

Afrolivehealthy, you can send me you address too.

You'll have a nice evening now...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Thanks and Giveaways

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My blogsville family, thank you all once again for the great wishes you left on my birthday post. I really appreciate it. Those that asked about the template. I got it from YummyLolly blogspot and it's called 'Change me'. My SO helped me to customize it to the colors I wanted and to move the previous blog. He's a real darling.

Now to the giveaways. Do you want to be the first to read the complete Edward and Gladys story? Please leave an Expression of interest with your comments. The first five people who express interest and are in my top twenty commenters will have the chance to read for free. The only thing I will request is that they point out any typos or inconsistencies in the story and send me back a reviewed document. The story is about 180 pages and still in word document.

What does this mean? It means the story is complete. YAYYYY!!!! I have polished and re-polished with the help of my my writing group, my dearest SO, and another wonderful blogger who took an interest early on. I now need fresh eyes to check it out. I have decided to publish the book myself and hope to send it to the publishers (AuthorHouse) by the end of the week. If all goes well, it will be in print by Christmas. Those who prefer an e-book will be able to buy that by mid November.

I will keep publishing excerpts of the novel until the e-book is ready. Then I'll move to the next story I have been thinking about. I'm excited by all this and hope you are too. I remain loyal and thanks again for all the feedback I got in the last three months that have helped me in polishing up the story. When the book is ready, the top three commenters will get free copies of the novel. Those that said they want to see it in print and will buy, please stand by ooo. LOL

Please keep reading and commenting. Thank you all...