Thursday, June 14, 2012

Have You Been To Your Local Park This Summer?

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Join the America Is Your Park Campaign This Summer!
Vote for Your Favorite Park from May 23July 15

Coca-Cola is calling everyone out to the park this summer to vote in the third-annual America Is Your Park campaign, and I was very excited when I received an email from BlogHer informing me that I would be taking part in the campaign. I am of the opinion that parks are a vital part of our communities, providing free spaces and opportunities for us to be active and enjoy the outdoors.

Clearing my Bookshelf Giveaway Hop

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Do you have books sitting on your bookshelves that you've read but will never read again? How about books you've started but just couldn't get through? Review copies you've accepted but have never read? I do, and that's why I joined up with the "Clear Your Shelf" Giveaway Hop, to pass some of the books on to other book lovers.

I will be giving away a book I really enjoyed a couple of Christmases ago after buying at my half-price bookstore. A Gift of Love is an anthology of novellas by well known romance authors including Judith McNaught, Jude Deveraux, Andrea Kane, Judith O'Brien, and Kimberly Cates.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Indie Author Giveaway Hop - International

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Today's blog hop giveaway is featuring self-published books and at the end of this post, we'll be giving away an e-copy of Abimbola Dare's The Small Print. I read parts of the book on the author's blog and was excited when she decided to self publish. Because I had done it myself, we had several long chats and I was amazed at Bimby's can-do spirit. When the book was released and I read it, I was further blown away.

About the book - My review

The Small Print is an amazingly fast read, with loads of suspense that kept me guessing till the end. Even though this is a Christian inspirational novel, there is no loud preaching voice shoving memory verses down the reader's throat. The author uses her characters as marvellous works in progress to illustrate the message of the book, which is that the word of God stands the test of time and will deliver those who believe in it during times of trouble.

The main characters in the book (they're the ones on the cover) are so true to life that it is easy to get totally engaged in their miseries as well as their triumphs. Wale is a Nigerian immigrant into the UK and is ready and willing to do anything to remain in the country rather than return to his ailing mother and sister in the slums of Lagos. Sade is a beautiful young Nigerian woman hemmed in by her older husband's insecurity and her own childlessness. Jennifer is a British woman whose first mistake is falling in love with Wale when all he wanted was a marriage of convenience.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Review - Michelob ULTRA Light Cider

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When I mentioned to Atala, who is more familiar with the Michelob brand that I was to review a product by them, he asked when I became a fan of beer. I'm not, but I absolutely love light and refreshing drinks like white wine, champagne and traditional ciders, and the Michelob ULTRA Light Cider is billed as an ideal alternative. Also, it was becoming boring to only ask for Smirnoff Ice every time we were out. I wanted more variety and this was a great opportunity to try one out. Especially when a quick look online revealed that it had only 4% alcohol and 120 calories per bottle. Sign me on then!

There was some drama in obtaining the drink at first. While Michelob has some other drinks already in stores, the ULTRA Light Cider is so new that I had to look up the places to buy it at their website, And then, at my nearest QFC, they had yet to put it on the shelves. However, a very nice sales attendant helped me to bring up a pack The drink is available in the usual six-packs of 12-ounce clear glass bottles. I really loved the bright colors and the apple in the design, made it very easy to look out for at the stores and I looked forward to drinking it too.

Well, I got the perfect chance to try out the Michelob ULTRA Light Cider over the Memorial Day weekend at a party with friends. I drank my first one straight from the bottle and then shared the next with Atala who decided to try his over ice. It was good each way though I think next time, I'll stick to drinking it over ice so I"m not tempted to have too much.

Michelob ULTRA Light Cider is very light, very drinkable, and quite appealing even to a new palate like mine. Atala loved it too and remarked on the apple flavor which I also thought was very nice. This is one Light Cider that has got new fans in us both. Below is some information from the makers of Michelob ULTRA Light Cider

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Debut Author Giveaway Hop - International

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Maybe because it hasn't been too long since my first book, I love trying out debut authors especially if they're writers I know, like the author I will be featuring today. Rita Okoroafor is a fellow blogger and her first novel, Against the Perfect Will was published in April 2012. At the end of this post, we'll be giving away an e-copy of her book .

Against the Perfect Will - My Review

This book tells the story of Omolola, a young girl growing up in a middle-class Nigerian home. Quite intelligent and with most of her future mapped out, tragedy strikes and she loses her father. In a very direct and touching manner, Rita Okoroafor describes Lola's life after this tragedy and how she is able to cope. Life is not rosy for Lola and though she gets to go on to university, it is to a course different from one she had earlier intended.

In addition, she faces other pressures and has to find her own place amidst the confusion and freedom of life away from her home and family. This is a coming-of-age story with strong a moral and Christian foundation and the author uses very genuine scenarios of life in a Nigerian university to showcase the benefits of leaning unto God in all things.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Favorite Reads Giveaway Hop

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For this giveaway, I'll be turning it over to you and asking what your favorite reads are so far this year. The winner will receive a book of their choice up to $5 (including shipping) via Amazon or Book Depository. Entries close on June 6, and I'll announce the randomly selected winner within 48hrs and also send them an email.

To enter, leave a comment on this post in answer to the question, What's the best book you've read so far this year? Also include your email address unless I can contact you via your profile. Goodluck.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Splash into Summer Giveaway - International

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The Splash Into Summer Giveaway Hop is from May 25th to 31st and whoever thought of, and timed this giveaway either knows the weather very well or has some control over it. Can you believe it's been raining almost non-stop for the past five days? Oh well, on this blog, the way I want to splash into summer is to pass that 1300 followers mark. I am also celebrating my books A Heart to Mend and A Love Rekindled, both sitting pretty at the top-ten books on the Worldreader book app. Thanks for all the support.

The winner will receive a $10 cash prize! The lucky follower should be able to collect their cash prize via Amazon Gift Card or Paypal funds transfer. Books (including shipping) of same value can also be shipped via Amazon or Book Depository. There are 4 entries in all, and it is mandatory you leave a comment on this post in answer to the question, What's your favorite summer activity. Entries close May 31, and I'll announce the winner within 48hrs and also send them an email.

To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter Form below.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Love in Bloom is Sweet Romance

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For the past few days, it's been all sunshine and flowers over here. The rain is staying away and the sun is bathing everything in sweet warmth that is just hits the spot, not too hot yet. It gives me this light feeling inside and on our plenty walks I want to stop and smell the flowers or pluck some to put in my hair.

Love is definitely in bloom in this corner of my world and it is just the perfect time for this giveaway. Featuring Lighthearted/Contemporary Young Adult and Sweet/Clean Adult Romance, the hop hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Portrait of a Book.

I really enjoyed reading the following book after winning it in a giveaway and want to share the love. I will be giving away a copy of Found in Translation by Roger Bruner and his daughter Kristi Rae Bruner.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Children's Book Week Giveaway - Celebrating Reading

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Established in 1919, Children's Book Week is the longest-running literacy initiative in the country. Each year, books for young people and the joy of reading are feted for a full week with author and illustrator appearances, storytelling, parties, and other book-related events at schools, libraries, bookstores, museums, and homes from coast to coast! Visit Book Week Online for more information.

This giveaway hop to celebrate and promote Children's Book Week is hosted by KidLitFrenzy, Classic Children's Books, Mymcbooks and I Am A Reader, Not A Writer. I will be giving away a paperback copy of Thomas Riley by Nick Valentino. The reading age is 13 and Up, and this giveaway is open to US residents only.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring Fling Giveaway Hop - International

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Hey, and welcome to the Spring Fling hop hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Eve's Fan Garden. I am an author of romance novels and I will be giving away to the lucky winner, an eBook of my first novel, A Heart to Mend. The synopsis of AHTM...
Gladys moves to live with an estranged aunt in Lagos and to continue her search for a job. Before long she lands the job of her dreams with the foremost oil company in the city and makes several new friends. She also gradually resolves the mystery of why her aunt previously cut all ties with their family. But the best part about her new life is meeting Edward Bestman.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fairytale Giveaway Hop - The Other Slipper

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This hop is hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and features YA Books with a fairy tale theme, or fairy tale retellings. And so I present to you, The Other Slipper by Kenechi Udogu. One random winner will receive an ebook copy by answering the question at the end of the post.

AND THE WINNER IS TecknicoleurGrl

The Other Slipper is a twist on the Cinderella story, it is not really a retelling, rather it weaves another story thread and new characters into the fairy tale. Jo is a teenager who is present at the dinner where Cinderella meets the prince. Things take a magical spin when Jo stumbles onto Cinderella's glass slipper and has to return it, leading to a journey of adventure and self discovery. The author tells it better...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Minku Designs Marks Anniversary with Giveaway

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Minku is a leather goods company started last year by Nigerian designer Kunmi Otitoju. They are based in Barcelona, Spain, and with a branch in Lagos Nigeria. They design and hand-make leather goods that inject fun and uniqueness into everyday life. For more information about products and updates on their new collections, please visit their website.

To celebrate their first Anniversary, Minku Leather Goods is sharing this opportunity for readers to win the amazing product in the picture above from the new Minku collection which will be showcased on their website from April 25. Click to read full details...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Showers of Books Giveaway Hop International

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This hop is hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and One A Day Y.A. April Showers, they say, bring May flowers and so I will be featuring GoneReading, who are dedicated to providing showers of books to libraries and reading-related charities around the world.

GoneReading markets a unique collection of gifts for readers, and donates 100% of after-tax profits to charities like ReadGlobal in Nepal and and Ethiopia Reads. In the United States, GoneReading is currently piloting a fundraising program to raise money for public libraries. If you represent a public library in the U.S., you can read more about their library fundraiser opportunity. Please also check out their store for several amazing products.

Monday, April 16, 2012

No Strings Attached Giveaway Hop - International

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This giveaway is tagged "No strings attached" for a reason. You don't have to do anything to be eligible for the prize except leave your email in the comments. You can also simply say hi and leave out your details if I can contact you via your profile.

To flag things off, this is me saying hi. We've gone halfway through April and I hope you've been having a good month so far? Whatever the case, here's to wishing everyone better days ahead. I will be giving away an eBook copy of A Heart to Mend to the lucky winner. Good luck.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Olay Total Effects Tone Corrector Review and $50 Giveaway

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After I hit puberty, and all through high school and university, I was regarded as the lucky one. Lucky, because I had minimal acne. While my sisters and friends battled mild to severe acne, I got away with occasional outbreaks which, when they quickly passed on, rarely left any spot behind. But I didn't really consider myself that lucky.

You know like when people keep pointing out your blessings, and you don't know how to say "but what about this other thing?" Yeah, that was me. True, my skin was mostly without spots but there was something I didn’t like so much about it, especially where my face was concerned.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hoppy Easter Blog Hop Giveaway

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It's time for the Hoppy Easter Blog Hop giveaway, hosted by the BlogHop Spot. Several authors and bloggers are taking part with various prizes to be won - see full list of participants in the blog hop.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hoppy Easter Giveaway Hop

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Happy Easter {in advance} to you all. So many good things have happening in my life and on my blog this year and I am very thankful. My novels, A Heart to Mend and A Love Rekindled, continue to do well at various retail outlets. Thanks for all the support and for commenting regularly too.

The Hoppy Easter giveaway hop is hosted by I Am a Reader Not a Writer and I want to use this opportunity to learn more about the picture above. Tell me more about Easter, eggs and bunnies and stand the chance to win a $10 cash prize!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Charity Hopping Around the World Giveaway - PROJECTALERT

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Most of my regular readers must have guessed that I am quite passionate about women's rights, and so the charity I will be talking about is PROJECTALERT. Project Alert is a charity set up in Nigeria to promote and protect the rights of young girls and women. hey "seek to influence society by actively advocating for zero tolerance for all forms of violence against women and young girls".

This hop hosted by I Am a Reader, Not a WriterReading Away the Days and Reading a Little Bit of Everything) and my giveaway is an eBook of A Heart to Mend, which slightly deals with the topic.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kick-Butt Characters Giveaway Hop

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Hosted by I Am a Reader Not a Writer, this hop features the best Kick-Butt Characters in Young Adult Books. Several bloggers are taking part in this giveaway and featuring amazing books with fantastic characters. Check out the list of participants.

My giveaway is Cynthia's Attic: The Missing Locket by Mary Cunningham which features two friends, time travel, a family mystery, and lots of escapades.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring into Books Hop - What does Spring mean to you?

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Welcome to the Spring into Books Hop hosted by eReading on the Cheap and Beck Valley Books. The hop lasts from March 20 - March 31st at 11:59 PM EST. Each blog participating has at least a $10 book related Prize. There will be two winners here,