Saturday, December 14, 2013

Michelle Obama, With Sasha and Malia, Receives Official White House Christmas Tree

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Christmas is just over two weeks away, 16 days to be precise and all over the world, everyone is getting prepared and decorationg their homes. Michelle Obama with her daughters Sasha and Malia along with their two dogs, Sunny and Bo, received their own 2013 White House Christmas tree last week. The First Lady is as stylish as usual, the daughters look all grown up and very cute and the new dog stands out with his white booties :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Season's Greetings with our Christmas Card

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Thank you all so much for this year. We're wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year in advance. Be safe and have fun.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here

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Let it Snow

Our Christmas tree went up yesterday after it was obvious the world was not going to end and we would all live to see December 25...just joking. Anyway, those following me on instagram would have seen the tree. However, we had gone for the symbolic lighting of the tree in a neighboring city weeks ago, which was when Christmas started around these parts. Shopping went into high gear and decorations and lights went up around the city center.

I chose for us to forego the lighting ceremony in our city and go for the neighboring one cos theirs had more adventure. While the highlight remained the lighting of the tree, following it was something called a Luminary Walk along a River Bank. I was sold.

I put on my parka and boots and prepared for a tramp through the dark woods. What it turned out to be was an almost magical walk along a trail lined with hundreds of luminaries - little paper lanterns placed in a row on the pathway. There were carolers, drum tattoo, and amazing decorations and light displays.

Friday, December 7, 2012

RWoWA Make a Christmas Wish Giveaway

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Hello, friends of RWoWA. Running from December 7 to 13, we have a few goodies for you that we hope will fulfil your Christmas wishes. Here are what we have on offer and how to win them:

First Prize: A $10 AMAZON GIFT CARD offered by romance author, Kiru Taye. Check out her latest contemporary holiday romance, ISLAND BOUND out this December.