Monday, October 6, 2014

Woman Using Potato For Birth Control Hospitalized After It Starts Growing Inside Her

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A 22-year-old Colombian woman inserted a potato into her vagina on the advice of her mother, who told her that doing so could prevent pregnancy. Two weeks later however, the potato was germinating inside her and causing her a lot of pain, so she had to go to the hospital....

Friday, September 19, 2014

Man Desperate To Buy iPhone 6 Offers To Share Girlfriend For Money To Buy One

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As queues wind across Asia and North America filled with people desparate to acquire the iPhone 6, photos of the man brandishing a sign that read "Girlfriend Sharing" have appeared on the Chinese social media site Weibo this week.

The offer included the chance to eat, study, play games or go on dates with the woman, although it did warn there would be no "funny business".

According to posters on Weibo, the man claimed his girlfriend was a willing participant in the scheme, which offered her up for 10 yuan (£1) per hour. The identity of the man is not yet clear, though his advertising exploits took place at Songjiang University in Shanghai.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hundreds Want Lewd Statue Of Satan With 'Full Erection' To Be Returned to Vancouver Park

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Petitions have been started to reinstate the nine-foot-tall statue of Satan which was removed by Canadian officials from a Vancouver park. The anatomically-faithful red-skinned Satan is seen holding one hand up in a devil-horn salute, and comes complete with horns and a visibly prominent erection.

The controversial artwork was mysteriously erected on a pedestal at the park, and was removed to protect public interest, but now hundreds of people are demanding that the sexually explicit Satan statue be resurrected.

At least three petitions have sprung up calling for its return. Two petitions, which have collected more than 450 signatures combined, want the statue to be public art. One petition reads;

“By removing the statue of Penis Satan, you are taking from us our freedom of expression, restricting our sexuality, and stigmatizing our religious beliefs. Please return him immediately.”

Monday, September 1, 2014

Boob Job Gone Wrong - Woman's Breast Implants Burst Open Days After Cheap Surgery

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30 years old beauty therapist, Claire Hawker, went abroad for a bargain boob job and was horrified when the implants burst through her skin just days later, nearly killing her.

A friend had recommended the cheap cosmetic surgeon in Prague and the single mother was initially delighted with her new figure. But just days after returning home, her size G breasts started leaking a brown discharge and suddenly burst open.

She was rushed to hospital and surgeons warned the mother-of-two she would die if the implants were not removed immediately. Recounting her experience, Ms Hawker says:

‘I remember feeling scared then angry when I was told my implants would have to be taken out - but I had no choice. I had wanted bigger boobs for almost a decade because they had really sagged after having children. My confidence was rock bottom.'

Though the initial implants were removed, Ms Hawker had new implants replacing them with another surgery in the UK soon after. Photos below...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Mom Gives Her Daughter Tapeworm Pills To Make Her Lose Weight For Beauty Contest

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The story of a Florida pageant mom who fed her teenage daughter tapeworm eggs to help her lose weight for an upcoming beauty competition is narrated by a disgusted nurse in an upcoming episode of Discovery's “Untold Stories of the ER.”

When the girl arrived at the hospital with a bloated stomach and severe pain, the nurses first thought she might be pregnant. An ultrasound didn’t show a baby, but it did show a bizarre growth in her intestines, and a trip to the bathroom revealed a toilet bowl full of wriggly tapeworms.

Nurse Maricar Cabral-Osorio told UPI, “some of the worms were very long and wiggling around trying to get out of the toilet bowl.” The girl’s mother turned white as a sheet with guilt written all over her.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Brazilian Superfan Bleaches His Skin with Acid To Look More Like Michael Jackson

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Antonio Gleidson Rodrigues, 32, the self-proclaimed number one Michael Jackson impersonator in Brazil, has used acid to lighten his skin and had rhinoplasty in order to imitate the King Of Pop.

He also spends around four hours each day rehearsing his dance moves, and takes almost two hours to put on makeup before his performances.

Gleidson Jackson, as he likes to be known, had his first operation five years ago when he had his nasal septum corrected to allow him to reach higher notes when singing.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

River Mysteriously Turns Blood RED Overnight Putting Entire Chinese City in Confusion

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The Chinese city of Wenzhou woke up yesterday to find their river running blood red... and no-one knows why. Locals say at 4am the water flow was normal but by 6am it had turned a frightening shade of scarlet!

An elderly resident who has lived by the river all his life says it has never happened before. Industrial contamination has been ruled out because there are no chemical plants along it length.

Now environment protection officials in the Chinese city of Wenzhou are taking water samples to find out what is going on. Wenzhou is a well-known town in East China's Zhejiang Province.

Retired Couple Receive Shocking Electricity Bill of Over £500m

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Nigel and Linda Brotherton were left shocked when they received an electricity bill for more than £500m. They were also told that their monthly direct debit was to increase from £87 to over £53Million.

The problem arose after the Scottish Power electricity board installed a new meter at the couple’s cottage home. Their electrician connected one of the wires the wrong way round so that instead of recording the number or units used it didn’t register any and continued showing zero.

Nigel and Linda, 59, say that they did not notice because they paid their bill by direct debit each month and were never asked to give a reading. But after they recently switched suppliers to Npower, a man was sent round to read their meter.

When he entered a reading of 'zero', Npower’s computer wrongly assumed the dials must have gone all round the clock – and automatically flagged up the huge bill.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Husband Wants A Divorce Yet He Had Sex With Wife The Morning Of Their Divorce Trial?

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A housewife, Mariam Jimoh, has rejected a divorce suit instituted against her by her husband, Sunday Jimoh, on Monday, 21 July, at a Customary Court in Lagos.

Mariam was taken to court by her husband who is from Oyo State, seeking for the dissolution of their 10-year old marriage which has produced 2 children.

The mother of two insisted that her husband still loves her as they are still living together in the same apartment, sleeping together in the same bed and making love regularly as husband and wife.

In fact, she says, the man had sex with her first thing that Sunday “early morning” before they came to court for trial!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Police Officer Dies During Sex. His Lover Was Allegedly Laced With Magun Thunderbolt

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An Assistant Superintendent of Police, has died in Ondo State in the bid to satisfy his sexual urge while on duty.

He reportedly died while having sex with a woman allegedly laced with the dreaded ‘thunder bolt’ (magun).

Vanguard reports that officer, after reporting for duty on the ill-fated day, inspected the officers on duty. The residence of the woman he had sex with is said to be a walking distance to the police station.

It was gathered that the relationship between the lovers had been on for a long time, and the police officer, who had no premonition that death was lurking around the corner, walked into the embrace of his lover only to somersaulted mid way into sex.

Friday, July 18, 2014

It's A Second Wedding For 9-year-old Boy And His 61-year-old Wife In South Africa

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A nine-year-old schoolboy has become one of the world's youngest grooms for the second time -- marrying his 62-year-old wife again.

Looking a little taller but still in last year's silvery tuxedo, baby faced Saneie Masilela clutched the hand of Helen Shabangu as they repeated their vows one year on.

Last year the boy, from nearby Tshwane, tied the knot with bride Helen after claiming he had been told by his dead ancestors to wed.

Shockingly his family took the message from the heavens seriously and hurriedly forked out £500 for the bride and a further £1,000 for the big day.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Diner Finds Cockroach in His Food, Waitress Eats it To Prove It's Edible and Normal

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A waitress has shocked diners at the restaurant in China where she worked by picking up a dead cockroach from a customer's plate and eating it right it in front of them.

The bizarre incident began when a man, Zhang Yen, went to a restaurant in Sichuan and found a cockroach in his food. When Zhang complained about the cockroach, Jin Kuo, the waitress, engaged him in a heated argument, telling him it was very normal to find a cockroach in restaurant food. She said;
'No matter which restaurant you go to, you will always find cockroaches in the food. It is very normal.'
It was at this point that one of the people who was with Zhang grabbed his mobile phone and started to video the incident.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

How Sex Sent Me to The ER Woman Became Allergic to Her Husband's Sperm [Photos]

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According to a recent episode of TLC’s “Sex Sent Me To The E.R.” show, it wasn't always this way for the couple, Kristyn and Sean.

After their son's birth, however, Kristyn developed a ton of allergies and other health issues that stopped them from having intercourse for a full year.

On Sean's birthday, Kristyn surprised her husband with sex, during which Kristyn had a much more severe reaction than usual. She mysteriously experienced severe swelling, burning sensations and had breathing difficulties so severe that she passed out on the way to the hospital.

Doctors suspected she might be allergic to Sean's cologne, but tests revealed another allergen -- his sperm.

Mexican Mayor Marries Crocodile Princess in Local Ritual Wedding [Photos and Video]

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The mayor of a Mexican fishing town has married a crocodile in an elaborate ceremony where the bride wore white and guests danced with the reptile. 

The reptile is a princess, according to local tradition, and it is hoped the nuptials will boost catches of fish, shrimp and other seafood along the Pacific coast.

Before the ceremony, the wedding party walked with the crocodile bride through the southern Mexican town of San Pedro Huamelula.

“It’s my wish to marry the young princess,” mayor Joel Vasquez Rojas said as the pair tied the knot. He then danced with his new wife in his arms before guests joined in.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Debbie Delamar Has Biggest Boobs in Britain, Charges £35 To Send Topless Pictures to Fans

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Debbie Delamar is a mother-of-two and has become the proud owner of Britain’s biggest fake breasts, clocking in at a whopping 30KK at just 5ft, and a size 8.

Delamar said: "People stare at me wherever I go but I enjoy it. I love the fake look and want to be as big as possible. I know I'm not a conventional army wife or mother, but I'm not hurting anyone.

"I really just like the fake artificial look. Some people like blonde hair or black hair - I like big fake boobs. It was never intentional to be the biggest in Britain, but it just sort of happened.