Saturday, February 7, 2015

Rich White Kid Buys 51-Year-Old Nigerian Man - HOAX!

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A story has been gradually making the rounds that a rich white teenager, Skyler Turnquist was bought a poor old Nigerian man, Ezekiel Akpu-nku, to be his toy and play thing by his wealthy father. But you can take it from here that the story is a hoax and made up by satirical website

This was the same site that made up the so-called news of Mary and Vertasha Carter, a 30-something old mother and her teenage daughter who were said to be a lesbian relationship together, read here if you missed it. Check out their new piece below...

Thursday, February 5, 2015

American Sends Over $100,000 to Wife He's Never Met in Nigeria

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53-year-old Steven, an American, claims to have sent $100,000 to a woman in Nigeria, whom he claims is his wife but never met, over the past 2 and a half years. Steven met the woman named “Kelly” online, and according to him, they got married legally in Nigeria. Though they've never met in person, the couple communicate regularly online.

Kelly told Steve that her parents had died in a car accident in Ohio in 2012, and that she was to inherit $25.6 million from her dead parents. And so, Steve is assisting her financially until she gets her inheritance.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Check Out The Real Hot Dancer Behind #LeftShark From Super Bowl [Photos]

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Katy Perry put on an amazing Super Bowl halftime show on Sunday, with four costume changes, a huge mechanical tiger, and blessing some of us oldies with Lenny Kravitz and Missy Elliott. However, some say the MVP was one of her dancers wearign a shark suit. Since then, everyone has been talking about the LEFT SHARK and how he forgot the dance moves to mass merriment!

After seeing some funny memes on Twitter, I wondered if the dancer, that is the actual human being in the suit felt bad about all the jokes that was being poked at him. Turns out the guy is Scott Myrick, and he is actuallygreat eye candy! And he doesn't really mind the attention. Check him out below and how he joins in the fun, saying; BREAK THE SUPER BOWL!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday Laughs - Check Out These Hilarious Photos

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What do you think was happening in the photo above? The caption says it best I think, but if you have a better one, let me know. Check out some more below and laugh it off.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Wedding Invitation In Pidgin - Yay or Nay?

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This pidgin wedding invitation was shared by someone on twitter and he had only nice things to say about it. I also think it's creative though I have a hard time reading pidgin. But this is not a book and the relevant info is right there. So what do you think?

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Funny Video - Truck Carrying Heavy Load Topples Over

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This is probably the funniest video you'll watch today. A lorry carrying more bags of grain than it should loses its center of gravity as it drives down a sloping road. The people in the car behind had their entertainment of the day by getting it all on camera as the truck battled gravity and lost, falling flat on its side. Watch closely to see a guy on top of the bags saving himself by jumping off at the last moment, LOL...

Friday, January 16, 2015

When You Try To Highlight And Contour Yourself - This Is What Happens

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I know Nike said to Just Do It. But I beg you. Don't do It! Well unless you are a professional makeup artist. then you may proceed. Good luck.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Most Annoying People On A Plane - Starring Sir Patrick Stewart [Video]

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In a new segment of the Jimmy Kimmel show, they talk about flight experience. According to them, travel company Expedia conducted a poll asking fliers to name the most annoying types of airplane passengers.

There is the chatty Charlie that will start talking to you immediately the plane takes off, even when it is clear you don't want his/her conversation. There is the stinky snacker who brings his smelly food on the flight. Not to forget the seat climber who jumps over you to get to the loo without asking you to move aside, the seat kicker, and the landing clapper. LOL... I didn't know the landing clap annoyed some people.

And wait, there's more... Jimmy Kimmel was going to just read the list, but he thought it would be more interesting if the great Sir Patrick Stewart acted it out. Watch below...

Man Divorces Wife For Being ‘Romantic’ And Holding His Hand At Airport

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A Saudi man divorced his wife on the spot after she tried to hold his hand in public at an airport. The incident occurred at the King Khalid Airport in the capital of Riyadh, where the woman tried to hold her husband's hand and displayed some romantic gestures.

Gulf News reports that this did not go down well with the ultra-orthodox husband, who insisted that she stop telling him romantic things and asked her to "leave him alone". Abdul Aziz Al Zair, a religious scholar shared the story to his audience while discussing marital issues on television.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Customs Officials Arrest Man Smuggling 94 iPhones Wrapped Around His Body

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Custom officials in China have arrested a man who tried to smuggle 94 iPhones from Hong Kong into Mainland China today Jan. 13th. The man whose identity was hidden, was bringing in the phones from Hong Kong where it's cheaper to buy to sell in mainland China where tax on the devices have made it very expensive for consumers.

iPhones are definitely a big deal in that part of the world. Who remembers the young tech who proposed to his girlfriend with 99 iPhones? She said no though. Read here.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Liam Neeson And Taken 3 Co-star Maggie Grace Play Pranks On Her Ex-Boyfriend

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Liam Neeson is quite close to his “Taken 3” co-star Maggie Grace who acts his daughter in the series of movies. In an interview on “Conan,” the actress revealed that he's the best fake TV dad anyone could hope for, and tries to keep an eye on her love life or lack of it.

She admitted that she opened up to Liam Neeson about an ex who got her heart broken and the actor wasn't too happy about it, saying, “We have to set this kid straight.”

Maggie Grace and Liam Neeson then made a call to her former boyfriend's office so her TV dad could tell the guy off. She also recorded the call and it was played on the show. Watch below...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Russian Woman Desperately Seeking Billionaire

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Russian Nadeea Volianova has a new year resolution. She want to nab a billionaire in 2015 to take away all her money worries. The aspiring pop star took daring to a whole new level after she stepped out on a busy raod with a bold "Desperately seeking billionaire " sign, with her real phone number on the other side of the sign for those interested.

Many of the passers-by in the pictures appeared very interested, but are they billionaires? That I guess is the billion-dollar question. Her phone is likely burning up now with teenagers like the one sneaking a picture above.

Dressed in a see-through crop top and bum shorts, the singer shared the photos on social media herself, probably as a way to elaborate the search for her billionaire.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wedding Photoshoot In Disarray After Bride Is Thrown from Horse

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Photographer Jarrett Hucks was photographing a soon-to-be bride on a beach when a group of equestrians rode by. The client decided that “since you only live once,” she wanted a photo of herself riding a horse.

The shoot was being held at Myrtle Beach State Park in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina about 5 weeks prior to the wedding. What happened next is captured in the video below....

Friday, December 5, 2014

How To Hook a Man This Xmas Pt2… Starter Pack - Toke Makinwa Is A Joker

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This week on Toke Moments vlog, Toke Makinwa gives tips to the single ladies abroad who are coming to Nigeria for Xmas on how they can hook a Lagos big boy husband during their visit. This is a sequel to "How to hook a man this xmas pt1" which she did last year. For those in Nigeria, Toke also has some words of encouragement.

Watch the video below and learn. But don't take her too seriously, this is in a lighter mood, lol...

Friday, November 21, 2014

Scolding Dad Can't Stop Laughing After Sons Cover Themselves In Paint - Watch

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These are the fun parts of being a parent that make me look forward to being one. This viral video is of a dad who starts off annoyed as he scolds his sons for covering themselves in paint. But I guess the look on their painted faces as they realize they're in trouble just got to him in the end and he couldn't stop himself from laughing at them. They even join him at some point.

The dad starts by asking, "Who's idea was this? Did you think this was a good idea?", and along the line, one of the boys ask if they have paint in their hair. That was when dad couldn't keep it together anymore. But they still get their punishment, though :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

This Viral Break-up Text Sounds Like It's From A Nigerian Man

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This numbered breakup text has gone viral, supposedly sent by a 30 year old man to his girlfriend of 2 months who has now shared it online. The aggrieved ex-boyfriend listed reasons he decided to breakup with her, #2 of which is that he is annoyed she attended a wedding she was invited to without taking him along.

Why do I say the man sounds like a Nigerian? Well, his name appears to be 'Bobo', and some of his issues include that she uses foul language and won't disclose how many sexual partners she's ever had. One reason I'll agree he's not Nigerian, he says she was 'rude to his cat". I don't think Nigerians do cats, and definitely not young Nigerian men. Or am I wrong? LOL...

Monday, November 17, 2014

TV Host Karl Stefanovic Wears The Same Blue Suit On Air For a Year & No One Noticed

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Australian TV host Karl Stefanovic, has been wearing the SAME SUIT EVERY DAY FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR on air, and guess what? NOBODY noticed, until HE pointed it out. The Today show co-host wore the exact same fake Burberry suit to prove a point about the double standards women face, especially in the television industry.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Funniest Amazon Review - Man Gets Thermostat Revenge On Ex-Wife After Bitter Divorce

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A man who calls himself 'The General' on Amazon has left what has got to be the funniest review ever on the online marketplace.

In discussing the merits and demerits of a Wi-Fi Thermostat, the man narrates how he got his revenge on his ex wife using the remote controlled device he had earlier installed in the home they once shared. Check out his revenge MO below...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Meet #SeanKory - The New Hot Mugshot Guy Who Hates Fox News

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Social media has got a new heart throb and he is Sean Kory, a new ‘hot mugshot guy’! Supposedly, most people love Sean Kory not just for his looks, but because he's not a lifetime criminal like the last hot mugshot guy Jeremy Meeks. Also, liberals love his back story of not being a fan of conservative Fox News channel, LOL...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Groom Falls Hard While Carrying Bride Into Their Wedding Reception, Ouch!

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When you hear about a groom falling on his wedding day, you want it to be that they fell in love with their brides all over again because she looked so amazing in her wedding finery. But for Julia Magdaleno and her groom, Chad Kannard, the fall was real!