Friday, July 4, 2014

Mommy Time - Beyonce and Blue Ivy Get a Mother-Daughter Mani-Pedi

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BeyoncĂ© has been on the road for the On The Run tour with her husband Jay Z  for over a week, and some would be wondering, what about Blue Ivy? Their little daughter travels with them, and just like Bey and Jay make time for each other, Beyonce also makes sure to spend quality time with her baby daughter.

Beyonce shared these adorable snaps from a mother-daughter time out she had with Blue Ivy getting a manicure and pedicure.

Blue Ivy went for pink and while Queen Bey matched her on one hand, she went for a more grown up red for the other hand and her feet.

They also swam and played with the dolphins. That's the life, isn't it? LOL....

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mommy Time - Mercy Johnson Backing Baby Purity The Traditional Way

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Mercy Johnson was recently in the United States with her daughter purity on the set of Baby Oku in America part 2. The actress and new mom who probably could not travel with her nanny shared these pictures of her and Purity, and this one with the baby strapped to her back in wrapper just made me smile. So cute! See more pictures below...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dakore Akande Makes Motherhood Look So Stylish

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Dakore posted this collection of pictures showing the photoshoot she had for a magazine spread. It seems the pictures are for Motherhood Instyle, one of the pictures in which she has her daughter in a pram is seen on the cover below.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Naijarish Baby and Her Mom Do The Mummy Tag

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You may know her as Lolita, or Naija Runs Girl, in fact her name is Mollie and she is a bi-racial Nigerian woman living in London. Her videos on youtube are either make up tutorials or comedy/satire on the lifestyle of girls who depend on older rich men for money, called reuns girls in Nigeria. In this video, Mollie showcases her mom who is just as funny and a great sport. They cracked me up several times :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Michelle Obama Answers - What's Your Ideal Mother's Day?

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Michelle Obama, after signing copies of her new book, American Grown, in a Washington D.C. bookstore, revealed  to TODAY that she's blissfully planning a quiet Sunday. “I mean, like any mother, I get to sleep in, or for me, it's wake up when I feel like it.”

She says the rest of the day will consist of a workout, spending time with her mom, and deciding what’s for dinner. “My mom and I pick our meal. So we decide what we want to eat that day. So it's our choice.” Marian Robinson, Michelle Obama's mom lives with them in the White House, and I'm guessing that like most mothers around the world, they rarely get to choose what's on the family menu. So this would surely be a treat :)

Asked to finish the sentence, “My mother taught me…,” Michelle Obama replies. “What my mom taught me and continues to teach me is patience and good humor and common sense and openness. You know, my mom is such a good listener. And she has taught me that one of the best things I can do for my daughters is to listen, not talk or always give advice, but to be there with an open ear and a warm hug and an understanding heart because I still find myself going up to my mom's room and just talking to her for hours about any and everything. And that relationship keeps me whole, not just here as first lady in the White House but it has sustained me throughout my entire life. And if I could be half that mother for my girls, then I will have done a good thing.”

That's a great relationship she has with her mom, and I totally agree with her!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Permission from my Mother by Nena Ndioma

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Few African mothers (bless their hearts) will ever encourage their daughter’s divorce. Mine is no different.

I’ve never had a particularly easy relationship with my mother. Now that I look back, I can see that this partly stems from the fact that while I’m a ‘born’ communicator, my mother’s communication style is pretty indirect, and therefore difficult to decipher. Understandably, our communication styles clashed too often for us to get along terribly well while I was growing up. With the passage of time, we’ve gotten better at communicating – or, rather, at accepting that we communicate differently, and at (sort of) trying to meet each other half-way.

I broke the news of my divorce plans to my mother gently, but clearly and directly. I broke the news over a period of weeks, repeating the same message several times to give her time to absorb and make peace with it. Each time, in her characteristic communication style, she shrugged it off like an uncomfortable shawl, nervously laughed a little as if to help take away the sting of the unpalatable message, assured me breezily that the marital situation would get better … and then changed the subject.