Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Buhari Interviewed By CNN's Christiane Amanpour [Video]

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After the #GEJMediaChat or #PresidentialMediaChat on Nigerian national TV stations [you can read social media reactions here], CNN aired its live interview between Christiane Amanpour and APC presidential candidate Muhammadu Buhari.

The network has now posted the interview on Youtube where Buhari talks to Amanpour about Boko Haram, corruption and his own controversial past. Watch below...

Nigerians React To #GEJMediaChat With Adesuwa Onyenokwe

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The #PresidentialMediaChat with Adesuwa Onyenokwe held earlier and Christine Amanpour of CNN will later speak with APC candidate Buhari ahead of the March elections. Nigerians who listened to the president's chat are not so impressed. Below are some of the reactions by social media commentators.

Buhari Says He Will Not Islamize Nigeria In Speech To Catholic Bishops

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Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, the APC presidential and vice presidential candidates, met with some Catholic Bishops in Abuja yesterday February 10th.

Speaking during the meeting, Buhari said he had no personal religious agenda and as a practicing Muslim, he doesn't share the views of any extremist group. More pics and his speech at the event below...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Obasanjo Endorses Buhari - He's Smart, Educated, Experienced

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Olusegun Obasanjo, Nigeria’s former president, has publicly expressed support for Rtd. General Mohammadu Buhari, the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Speaking at the launch of My Watch in Nairobi, Kenya on Tuesday, Obasanjo, who served his two terms as president under the same Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) platform that Jonathan is now running on, condemned the postponement of the election, Cable reports.

Okonjo Iweala Releases Highlights of Forensic Audit Into NNPC Missing N20Billion

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Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has released the Highlights of Investigative Forensic Audit done by Pricewaterhouse Cooper into the allegations of unremitted Funds into the Federation Accounts by the NNPC for the period January 2012 to July 2013. It was posted on her official Facebook page and signed by the Auditor-general of Nigeria. Read below...

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Elections Postponed - Jega Announces New Dates

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Prof. Attahiru Jega has just briefed the media on the outcome of all the meetings held earlier today to decide the best dates to hold elections. Jega held briefings with various stakeholders including all the political parties, security agencies, civil society and the media.

The INEC chairman said 26 out of the 28 registered political parties were at the meetings, and with their agreement, the 2015 general elections has officially been postponed by 6 weeks. He said the new date for the presidential elections is March 28th while governorship elections will now hold April 11th. This is after majority of electoral commissioners in their own meeting had voted to have the elections continue according to schedule.

Jega Confused & Under Pressure - INEC Commissioners Reject Election Postponement

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The INEC Chairman, Mr Jega is said to be currently under a lot of pressure to postpone the Nigerian presidential, gubernatorial and federal elections slated for Feb 14 and 21. While the nation waits for his final decision to be announced any time soon via a media conference, rumors swirl that a postponement is a done deal, read here.

Journalists have been waiting endlessly at the INEC media centre today for INEC's chair Prof. Jega to confirm if the elections will hold or not. One of them, Fidelis Mba shared the photo above on Twitter. In the meantime, following a meeting by Jega with electoral commissioners, 21 of them are reported to have rejected the postponement of the elections.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Ekiti Election Rigging Audio - Governor Fayose & Senator Obanikoro Issue Statements

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In a recent recording released by Sahara reporters, it has been alleged that "President Goodluck Jonathan had instructed the Chief of Defense Staff, Alex Badeh, to use the army in arresting and intimidating opposition politicians before and during the election" in Ekiti State last year.

The audio recordings depict the meeting as being attended by Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti, then PDP candidate; Senator Iyiola Omisore; a man identified as Honorable Abdulkareem; the Minister for Police Affairs Caleb Olubolade; and Senator Musiliu Obanikoro, then Minister of State for Defence. Mr. Chris Uba was also there with cash and soldiers.

Supposedly Governor Fayose reveals in the audio that "he had already bribed an official of the Independent National Election Commission (INEC) to bring copies of voter ballots with the INEC logo to him that day." Listen to the entire audio and the staments made by Obanikoro and Governor Fayose on the audio below...

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Economist Endorses Buhari - Calls Goodluck Jonathan 'An Utter Failure'

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Wole Soyinka slammed incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan earlier today for his failure in leadership, encouraging that no one should vote for him in the forthcoming elections, and now the Economist magazine, one of the foremost publications in the world, has come out to endorse Rtd General Mohammadu Buhari, the president's main opponent in the elections. In the choice facing Nigerians come February 14, the Economist says;

"Nigerians must pick between the incumbent, Goodluck Jonathan, who has proved an utter failure, and the opposition leader, Muhammadu Buhari, a former military dictator with blood on his hands. The candidates stand as symbols of a broken political system that makes all Nigeria’s problems even more intractable."

Though they emphasize the choice is tough, the Economist's oped published online today goes ahead to endorse Buhari over Goodluck Jonathan. Check out some excerpts below...

Wole Soyinka Says No One Should Vote President Jonathan

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Wole Soyinka, author and Nobel Laureate has opened up on where he stands in the current politics ahead of the 2015 Nigerian elections. While not openly declaring for APC, he insisted that no one should vote for President Goodluck Jonathan, as his leadership has been a complete failure.

He reportedly made this declaration at the 2015 edition of Vision of the Child (VOTC) event in Lagos, a yearly programme inaugurated in 2012, according to Sahara Reporters. The 2015 edition of Vision of the Child event was themed “The Road to Sambisa.”

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Mr Ibu Slams Actors Guild of Nigeria, Calls Them Sycophants To Politicians

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We have seen both Rita Dominic's video and another of a coalition including Omoni Oboli, Segun Arinze, Ramsey Nouah and Monalisa Chinda, titled Celebrities for GEJ. Now, John Okafor known as Mr Ibu has slammed them all under the Actors Guild of Nigeria,  calling their leaders sycophants who chase after politicians for favours. The comedic Nollywood actor spoke his mind in a new interview with ThisDay Newspapers.

“Nollywood is suffering from so many problems. One of these problems is the sycophancy from the industry’s leaders, the people in power. I mean the people running the industry are just running after politicians.

“Nollywood as a whole don’t have good leaders. All they do is attach themselves to politicians and seek for political office instead of restructuring the industry. We don’t even have a standard office; we are not united and we are not financially structured. You can ask the upcoming stars how they cope; they will tell you the truth of what they pass through to have a role in a movie, especially the ladies. Some of them have abandoned their education to become movie makers. Our leaders are just using and dumping. I mean they are just using the upcoming artistes to act movies and achieve their aims. Sometimes they feature them in their movies without paying them.

Alaafin Of Oyo Prepares To Donate 20 Motorcycles To APC

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Remember the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi? The traditional ruler with all-sparkling wives, up to 10 of them? Well, the Alaafin is set to donate 20 motorcycles to APC for effective campaign. Those are part of the motor bikes in the photo above, with two of his wives riding on two others in the photo.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Questions Trail Patience Jonathan's Permanent Voters Card

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Mama Peace, the first lady of Nigeria, and wife of President Goodluck Jonathan has showed off her permanent voters card or PVC in new pictures that emerged earlier today. Dame Patience Jonathan can be seen in the photo smiling widely and holding on to the PVC.

Someone asked a question though. "How come her own picture is at the top right? Every other person's own is at bottom left." Maybe it's an old picture? See some other people with their PVCs below...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

80 Year Old Grandma/Widow Donates Life Savings to Buhari Campaign

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Malama Fati Ibrahim Talle-Tara, 80, donated her entire life savings to support the All Progressive congress presidential candidate, Buhari, and now she has opened up on why she supports his campaign. The widow and grandmother who is a popular food vendor in Koko, Koko/Besse Local Government Area of Kebbi State says she has 15 children and 15 grandchildren, and most of them are the ones helping in her business.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

AIT Blames APC For Rigging Online Presidential Poll Causing It To Be Cancelled

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AIT started an online Presidential Opinion Poll a few days ago, but it was shut down on Wednesday, January 28, 2015. Since then, they have received a lot of backlash by APC party supporters who called them out for being biased and cancelling the poll because Buhari was leading.

This widespread criticism on social media platforms and online news media has now prompted the management of DAAR Communications to release a statement stating the reasons for the poll being shut down. And according to them, supporters of the All Progressives Congress (APC) massively rigged the polls in favour of their candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari. Read the official statement below:

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Okonjo-Iweala Descends To More Name Calling In Response To Soludo

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I was among those who were energized by reading Soludo's article on the failing Nigerian economy, here. It may not have been 100% accurate, but it worked with facts and figures, mostly eschewed ad-hominems, and slammed both Buhari and GEJ for their faults in their ongoing campaigns to be president. As the incumbent, GEJ obviously had more of the blame, but that is only as it should be. He is the one with a lot to prove and lose at the same time.

Unfortunately, his defenders have not towed the same line towed by Soludo but have mostly descended to name calling because of Soludo's previous political ambitions. Fami Kayode was the first to dash off a meaningless response that did worse damage on GEJ than Soludo's article.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

'Soludo Is Confused' - Fani Kayode Goes on Personal Offensive Rather Than Facing Facts

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Femi Fani- Kayode, the Director, Media and Publicity of PDP Campaign Organisation, has responded to former CBN governor Charles Soludo who calls on President Goodluck Jonathan to stop campaigning on the platform of economical gains to the country. Soludo had explained in an earlier article how the incumbent president had failed woefully in that regard. Read article.

Reacting in a public press statement however, Fani Kayode goes on a personal offensive and makes no reference to the facts and figures used by Soludo, only pointing to a couple of reports listing Nigeria as a growing economy. He accuses Soludo of having lost touch with reality, of being partisan and supporting Buhari. Read the cringe-worthy rebuttal below...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Charles Soludo Slams GEJ & Buhari - 'The Real Debate is Still Not Happening'

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By Charles Soludo

I need to preface this article with a few clarifications. I have taken a long sabbatical leave from partisan politics, and it is real fun watching the drama from the balcony.  Having had my own share of public service (I do not need a job from government), I now devote my time and energy in pursuit of other passions, especially abroad.

A few days ago, I read an article in Thisday entitled “Where is Charles Soludo?”, and my answer is that I am still there, only that I have been too busy with extensive international travels to participate in or comment on our national politics and economy.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Buhari’s Daughter, Halima Talks About Father - 'Fond Of His Grandchildren, Passionate About Nigeria'

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Halima Buhari, the fifth daughter of Muhammadu Buhari, has spoken about her father in a new interview with writer and journalist, Lola Shoneyin in Abeokuta. Halima had a no-holds barred talk about the All Progressive Congress (APC) presidential candidate, his relationship with his kids and grand kids, his passion for Nigeria and why he is the man to get the job done. The video is posted on Kayode Ogundamisi channel, with excerpts below...

Friday, January 23, 2015

President Jonathan Moves To Postpone February Elections By 6 Months?

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President Goodluck Jonathan, is actively working on plans to postpone the general elections, earlier scheduled to hold February 14, according to SaharaReporters. This is based on the fact that the National Security Adviser Sambo Dasuki, had publicly called for the postponement of the elections on a couple of occassions.

The NSA initially made the call while speaking at a Chattam House lecture in London on Thursday, January 22, saying that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) was yet to distribute Permanent Voters Cards (PVC), to all eligible voters. During a BBC World Service radio interview broadcast on Friday, January 23, Dasuki, again repeated his call for the elections to be postponed.