Friday, September 5, 2014

Mismanagement of UK Church Funds Behind Pastor Chris And Anita's Marriage Troubles?

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Money problems may be behind the imminent breakup of the marriage between popular mega-church pastor, Chris Oyakhilome, and his wife, Anita. According to a new report on Premium Times, the United Kingdom Charity Commission is investigating the UK branch of Christ Embassy over controversial payments.

The United Kingdom Charity Commission has launched a probe into the transfer of at least N941 million (£3.6 million) by the church to overseas entities between 2008 and 2012.

In a statement on Wednesday, the Charity Commission said it has opened a statutory inquiry to investigate Christ Embassy over “a number of serious concerns relating to the use of charitable funds, in particular large connected party payments and the potential misapplication of grant funding.”
According to the Charity Commission, which is the regulator of charities in England and Wales, statutory inquiries are only opened to investigate “the most serious” regulatory breaches.

The commission said the purpose of the inquiry is to “determine whether there has been any mismanagement or misconduct on behalf of the charity trustees; to establish whether charitable funds have been properly applied and take appropriate remedial action if necessary.”

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pictures of Oyakhilome Daughters Surface as Man Sends Open Letter To Pastor Anita on Divorce

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Charlene and Sharon Oyakhilome are the UK-based daughters of  Pastor Chris and Anita Oyakhilome. The older sister, Sharon celebrated her 21st birthday last month, and is a fast-rising gospel singer with the stage name Carissa Sharon Oyakhilome (CSO).

Pastor Anita Oyakhilome, the girl's mother,  had recently filed for divorce from her estranged husband, and the founder of Christ Embassy, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Speculations of the split between the couple came to light after church members in London sympathetic to their Pastor Anita, had set up a Facebook page calling out Pastor Chris for being un-Christian in his marriage, and how he has been treating Pastor Anita in the church.

Following the revelation in the press that it was actually Pastor Anita that filed for divorce, Mr Emeka Asinugo, a London-based journalist, has sent out an open letter addressed to her.

See more pictures of the daughters and the open letter below...

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Christ Embassy Removes Picture of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome And Wife From Website

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Pastor Chris and Anita Oyakhilome at the top of the Christ Embassy website July 2014

Above is Pastor Chris and Anita Oyakhilome at the top of the Christ Embassy website in July 2014. As of today, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and Christ Embassy have removed the image of estranged wife, Rev. Anita Oyakhilome from the church website (

This is following the shocking revelation that she filed for divorce in London this week. Anita Oyakhilome filed for divorce on the grounds of 'unreasonable behaviour' and 'adultery' on the part of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

Members of the church in the UK had shown concern over Pastor Anita’s absence from the church, in which she officiates, since November 2013. This followed some comments credited to Pastor Chris on the ongoing crisis in his marriage.

Recent comments on the Facebook Page set up by those concerned members of the Christ Embassy church show a sharp division over the couple's split. [Read Here]

See the current picture of the Christ Embassy website and some member's comments below

Facebook Page Shares Pastor Chris And Anita Oyakhilome's Divorce Update

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The Facebook page that initially brought to light the issues between Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and Pastor Anita has become operational again. Their stated aim is to reconcile the couple and prevent divorce, but it seems bridges can no more be mended. The message below was posted a week before the news about Pastor Anita filing for divorce emerged.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is very interesting that we requested the closure of this page and were informed that in 14 days, the page will shut down. But... its still here! What happened?

The Lord needs the page open! The purpose obviously has not been achieved. There is a huge question still hanging - "Where is Rev. Anita Oyakhilome?"

I believe the Lord allowed our silence to show us and all of you who are concerned about the ministry just how deep the problems are. It is not surprising the negative, abusive and insultive comments people have come here to make against others because they decided to stand up for truth and speak up.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Childless Couple Lose Faith In God After 16 Years And Burn Their Bibles

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Benson and his wife, who have been married for 16 years without a child, yesterday set ablaze their bibles with their action attracting hundreds of passersby.

The couple, who live in Asaba, Delta State, are members of a popular Pentecostal church in the area around Bonssac quarters, and were angry after their high expectations of making babies were shattered by a prophet who told them they had a delay in having children because they were far from God.

Consequently, they claimed that God has abandoned them, but an insider said that they were disillusioned after several prophets told them that the Lord was totally fed up of their Christian practice,  LeadershipNg reports.

Monday, August 18, 2014

General Overseer's Wife Indicted In Fake Pregnancy and Baby Sales Scam

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The wife of the General Overseer of a popular Pentecostal Church in Port Harcourt, Rivers state, is alleged to be operating the biggest baby factory in the southern part of the country.

The suspect identified as Emeka Precious Chinyere, was alleged to have sold babies to desperate women between N 2.5 million and N6million. Her beneficiaries, we gathered, come from all parts of the world.

Her modus oparandi as gathered, included giving desperate women concoction which would make their stomachs to start protruding, until the day of delivery. However, the delivery process is said to shrouded in mystery which the Police is trying to unravel.

It was gathered that most of the beneficiaries were women who had waited for years without bearing children. The amount paid for each pregnancy as gathered, varied according to the age of the individual and the period of waiting.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Christian Radio Host says Ebola is a Plague to Cure America of Abortion And Homosexuality

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Christian radio talk show host, Rick Wiles has compared the deadly Ebola virus to a cleansing plague on his program – Trunews.

He said. “Ebola could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography and abortion”

Wiles also claims that President Barack Obama may intentionally spread the disease so that he can have power to declare martial law. “It may be the great attitude adjustment that I believe is coming.”

Monday, August 11, 2014

Catholic Church Bans Sign of Peace Greeting And Communion on Worshippers’ Tongues

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To check the likely spread of the Ebola virus, the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja has announced new procedures for worshippers at Church Mass.

The measures were contained in a directive by the Catholic Archbishop of Abuja, His Eminence, John Cardinal Onaiyekan, and include the administration of the Holy Communion on the palm of the faithful as against placing it on the tongue of the recipient.

It also calls for the stoppage of hand shake by worshippers done during consecration of the Holy Communion as sign of peace.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Christian Bridal Shop Under Fire For Refusing To Sell Wedding Dresses To Lesbian Couple

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A bridal shop in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania is causing outrage in their local community and online after they refused to sell wedding dresses to a lesbian couple.

The store's owner Victoria Miller says she denied the lesbian couple dresses because of her Christian religion. Store owner Victoria Miller, who identifies as Christian, told the Press Enterprise;

'We feel we have to answer to God for what we do, and providing those two girls dresses for a sanctified marriage would break God’s law.' 

One of the disturbed brides to be, who didn't want to be identified, wrote a Facebook post about W-W Bridal's unfair treatment towards them based solely on their sexual orientation. The status read,

'I was put on hold for about five minutes so that the lady could get her appointment book. She took me off hold and said unfortunately she would not be able to schedule an appointment for us because they currently do not service same sex couples and it's just not something they do.' 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Pastor Paul Adefarasin Lays Down the Law For Female Dressing, Bans Short Skirts

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Pastor Paul Adefarasin of House on The Rock Church laid down the law about ‘distracting’ female dressing in his Sunday sermon yesterday. He warned female members of the church who wear mini skirts to cease and desist.

“I will assume that the members that do this, are probably new or uninformed ones. But we don’t allow mini skirts in this church. If you must wear something short, make sure it covers your knees. Otherwise, an usher might need to come and complete your dressing.”

Friday, July 25, 2014

Pope Francis Surprises Vatican Employees by Joining Them for Lunch In The Cafeteria

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Pope Francis today showed again how much a pope of the people he is when he joined Vatican employees for lunch in the cafetaria. He even stood in line and served himself!

Just yesterday, the Pope met with Meriam Ibrahim and her family whom he thanked for "their courageous demonstration of constancy of faith" [see pics].

I wish more leaders had the down to earth spirit of the Pope. He shows everyday that he is just a man, and lives and teaches by example. This is true humility.

Meriam Ibrahim Arrives Italy To Meet The Pope Who Praises Her Courage and Steadfast Faith

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Meriam Ibrahim, who was released from a death sentence for renouncing Islam by the Sudanese Supreme Court, is in Italy and has met with Pope Francis.

On arrival, the 27-year-old and her family were received at the pope’s guesthouse for about 30 minutes. According to a statement released by the Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi;

“The pope thanked Meriam and her family for their courageous demonstration of constancy of faith. Meriam gave thanks for the great support and comfort which she received from the prayers of the pope and of many other people who believe and are of good will.”

“With this gesture the pope wished also to show his closeness, attention and prayer for all those who suffer because of their faith and in particular Christians who suffer persecution or restriction to their freedom of religion.”

Children Who Believe In God And The Bible Have Difficulty Telling Fact From Fiction

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Are you a Christian or Muslim, training your child from birth in the way the good books say they should grow? Then be aware that you are affecting their ability to understand what is real and what is not.

A new study published in the July issue of Cognitive Science claims that "young children who are exposed to religion have a hard time differentiating between fact and fiction."

The study found that children who went to church or were enrolled in a parochial school were significantly less able than secular children to identify supernatural elements, such as talking animals, as fictional.

Does this study make you question giving your children a religious background, or teaching them to believe in the bible and in God?

Saturday, July 19, 2014

8 Ways T.B. Joshua Is Completely Wrong On His Prediction Of Malaysian Airlines MH17 Crash!

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TB Joshua through Emmanuel TV, the Youtube Channel of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), yesterday released a video where he supposedly predicts the Malaysian Airlines crash. Flight MH17 crashed in Eastern Ukraine with the almost 300 passengers and crew dead.

The video is dated February 16, 2014 and the narrator claims that TB's prophesy about Russia in the clip is actually referring to the tragic crash. TB Joshua says;

“I was telling you about Russia that you should pray for the young man, a very charismatic leader, that he should take note of his airspace. Because when I was saying I want to see where this attack is coming from…airspace.It could be in form of aircraft crash or whatever.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Prophetess Kills Boy, Lands His Brothers in Hospital With Fake Spiritual Cleansing Drink

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A prophetess has been arrested by the police in Ondo State for allegedly causing the death of a 10-year-old boy after she gave him a poisonous substance to drink.

It is reported that the mother of the deceased boy had taken him and his siblings to the prophetess for spiritual cleansing and she had given them the drink. The two other siblings of the deceased who also took the substance administered by the prophetess are currently in hospital.

Ironically, the prophetess had told them that taking the spiritual holy water would free them from any food poisoning, spiritual attack and bad dreams.

The police say that the prophetess prepared and gave the substance to her clients, which the mother gave to her three children to drink. I wonder if the so-called prophetess did not taste/test her own concoction?

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Church of England Approves Women as Bishops at the General Synod

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The Church of England's national assembly, known as the General Synod, has approved the historic measure to allow women to enter its top ranks as bishops!

The Church voted this decision at its meeting in York today, according to UK media.

The measure had the support of Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Prime Minister David Cameron.

The vote comes two years after similar legislation failed to reach a two-thirds majority among the General Synod's lay members, despite approval from bishops and clergy.

Man Accuses The Redeemed Church in UK Of Causing The Breakdown of His Marriage

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Ayadi Moniaye, a Nigerian man based in Manchester UK, claims the Redeemed Christian Church of God‘s “Jubilee Parish”, breaks up marriages so as to obtain permanent stays for female members, but in the process they tarnish the image of Nigerian husbands abroad.

He is accusing the church of brainwashing his Nigerian wife, and teaching her how to use the UK legal system to obtain permanent residence through him whe they broke up.

When they divorced in 2009, she also got their children, and the house and property they owned together. Since then, Ayadi said, she and the church have ganged up on him and are insinuating that he is insane.

Ayadi Moniaye is also claiming that the Redeemed Church's hierarchy in Nigeria are ignoring him after he has sent official letter to them to look into the case.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pastor Chris Okotie Celebrates His 56th Birthday With Church Members [Photos]

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Pastor Chris Okotie of the Household of God Church was 56 on the 16th of June, but he was celebrated  in style by members of his congregation who marked it with him in a Church service on the 9th of July.

Friday, July 11, 2014

How Chris Okotie's Alleged Romance With Roli Bode George Made Church Pianist Quit

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Mr. Okiotor Dafiaghor, a.k.a. Dafphee, has spoken out about his time as a pianist at Rev. Chris Okotie's Household of God Church and why he left.

In a new interview with SaharaTV, he explained that the major reason for calling it quits with Rev, Okotie was discovering his services were not for "God."

Dafphee also discussed some romantic relationships Chris Okotie had with different ladies, and how Okotie's relationship with Ms. Roli (Chief Bode George's wife and new NDLEA's Director under President Jonathan) made him finally quit the service for Okotie.

Watch the video below

Monday, July 7, 2014

Pope Francis Asks Forgiveness For The Sins of Child Sexual Abuse in the Church - Full Text

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Pope Francis today celebrated a strictly private mass with six adults – German, Irish and British – who were sexually abused by priests as children and he apologized to them and to all who faced the same abuse.

The homily he said at the mass was the first complete text dedicated by any Pope to "the crime and grave sin" of child sexual abuse that had rocked the Roman Catholic Church and its clerics.

The Pope also apologised for the sins of omission on the part of Church leaders. At the end of the mass, Francis spent over three hours with the victims, holding a series of private interviews with each one individually.

Read the text of the Pope's homily below. Some are calling it a PR Stunt, but I find it very heartfelt and I believe victims will be moved to forgiveness and healing.