Friday, March 22, 2013

The Timeline of Tuface and Annie Idibia's Romance

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Tuface and Annie Idibia's traditional marriage [see photos] and upcoming destination Dubai wedding are probably the most high profile and anticipated celebrity events in Nigeria since Funke Akindele got married [photos] last year. Both events have not been without their controversies - can celebrities really avoid that? - but weddings IMO are always happy events and a time of celebration.

With friends and family already in Dubai and other Nollywood and music stars on their way to the wedding which takes place Saturday, March 23, Bellanaija has made a wonderful post with a timeline of the love story between Tuface and Annie Idibia.
How They Met

Well, it began from a tender stage; one that many, till this day, would toss aside and regard as ‘puppy love’. Annie and 2Face (or Inno’ as she endearingly calls him) first met at Even Ezra Music Studio when she was just fifteen and in her words, “I think there was some electricity that second”.

They Started Dating

They were friends first but had started dating officially by the time they shot the “African Queen” video in 2004. That was when 2Face announced that they were together during an interview.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Too Bad Tuface and Annie Idibia Decided to Receive the SUV

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Tuface Idibia looking on as the Akwa Ibom commissioner for Information, Aniekan Umanah, presents the state sponsored SUV keys to Annie Macauley–Idibia.

I am happy for Tuface and Annie Idibia on their marriage, any couple that decide to go into the future together deserve only well wishes. However, I am disappointed that are accepting their traditional wedding gift which is akin to going along with the Akwa Ibom governor to deplete state funds for their personal gain. I guess one can defend their action and say that's the only way ordinary Nigerians get their share of the National Cake, but at the detriment of who?

Also, Tuface is not an ordinary Nigerian, he makes millions of naira from being a musician, a lot of it from the pocket of Nigerian masses. Does he really need this state handout in the form of a jeep? Earlier, he said he was yet to decide on whether to accept the gift. I guess we now know what his decision is. But, what do I know? In the press release to justify and defend the actions of the governor, this same commissioner in the picture said;

Friday, March 8, 2013

TuFace And Annie Idibia's Traditional Wedding Photos

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Annie Macaulay, now Idibia

Tuface and Annie Macaulay got engaged last February with a public proposal, and now they are sealing it. Initial photos of Tuface and Annie Idibia's traditional wedding were posted on Instagram by Nollywood Actress Kate Henshaw, and some other friends of the couple. Both celebrants are all dressed up and the wedding is going on right now in Eket. I will keep adding photographs as they come through.