Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Patching Together A Suit To Suit Your Groom

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Man Holding White Ceramic Mug

The clothing you wear on your wedding day is something you will remember for the rest of your life. This outfit will be there with you through one of the best times in your life. So, it makes sense that you should be working hard to get it right. When you’re working to a strict budget and having to piece things together, though, it can be very hard. To help you out with this, this post will be going through some of the ways you can find a suit to suit your groom. And, of course, it has to be something that the groomsman can also get their hands on.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

What Makes A Proposal Truly Special?

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There’s a lot of pressure on proposing, nowadays. There has always been that nervousness, that leap that you have to get right with. But people are bending over backward to make proposals bigger and more special than the last person. Any many of them are doing it to the detriment of what should be a beautiful moment, even to the point that the proposal becomes an embarrassment more than anything. So, what is it that truly makes it something you and your future wife will always look on fondly?

Sunday, June 4, 2017

5 Important Things To Consider Before Your Special Marriage Ceremony

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Ah, marriage. A time when two people lovingly come together and announce their commitment to one another before their families and if they believe in it, their religious deity. This is a time for celebration. However, as many people who have planned and been through their wedding ceremony, it’s also a time for stress.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Choosing the Best Style of Music for your Wedding Reception

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Your wedding reception is a very special occasion. It’s a time when you bring your friends and family together to celebrate and congratulate you on your new union as life partners together. If you want your reception to be fondly remembered by your guests and yourselves, then you need great wedding music to enhance the special moments of your big day.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Different Shades of Gold Your Wedding Band Can Be

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By Evans Connor

How much do you know about the choices of metals for wedding rings? If you are confident that you want to go for a traditional golden wedding ring, have you thought about the “gold colors”? It is 2017, and just saying “gold” or “silver” about wedding rings isn’t enough. Rose gold isn’t a monopoly of Apple. Even jewelry has its own tinges of gold and not-so-gold that you need to check out before saying, “I do”.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Best Wedding Gift Ideas For The Maid Of Honor

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By Carl Aamodt

You’re getting married and have decided to have your wedding by the beach. You may have looked around at the best Ocean City Maryland hotels and decided that this may be a perfect place for your dream day. Besides picking the perfect place to get married and hold your reception you may be thinking of where to get your dress and who to have in your wedding party.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

7 Ways to Look Stunning on Your Wedding Day

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bride, decoration, fashion

It is every bride's dream to look stunning on their wedding day. To achieve this, there are some things that you must put into consideration. From choosing a professional makeup artist to using the right makeup to blend with your face as well.

Monday, April 3, 2017

The 3 Most Common Wedding Battles

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While every wedding is unique in its own way, they all tend to have a few common themes. You can be pretty sure that there’s going to be vows said at some point. There will be rings. Someone will give a speech and it may or may not be embarrassing. There will be dancing, celebration, and the confirmation of a union. So in the midst of all the differing themes, the destination weddings compared to those that take place in the local village church, there’s always a uniting factor.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mamma Mia, It's Matrimonio in Italy!

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Italy is such a romantic country. From the language to the way of life, everything about it oozes love. The food is fantastic, the architecture and the sights both in the countryside and cities are something to behold, and the weather … well, that’s pretty consistent and lovely too. So just why wouldn’t you want to get married there?

Monday, February 20, 2017

Winter Wedding Trends to Watch in 2016/2017

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For people who are planning to have their wedding this winter the following infographic will be useful to help them make little changes to the wedding plan before the big day arrives. The trends of the weddings so far show that;

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Essential Wedding Preparation for Men - Infographic

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It is often the case that ladies are far more excited about, and involved in, wedding planning than their husbands-to-be, but if the groom thinks he can coast through the preparation process, he would be very much mistaken. There are plenty of jobs that the bride could look after on her own, but others require two-person input and then there are tasks which fall entirely on the groom’s shoulders, such as electing his best man and groomsmen, working with them to make sure they’re pulling their weight, and preparing a speech for the reception.

This infographic outlines all the duties for which the groom should accept responsibility in preparation for a wedding, in addition to the main tasks of the best man and groomsmen. Wedding preparation is hard work, but if everyone involved puts in the effort required of them, the wedding day will be one to cherish rather than one curtailed with errors.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

#ZAhmed2016: First Daughter Zahra Buhari Weds Ahmed Indimi - All the Photos!

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The President of Nigeria, Mohammadu Buhari has tried to keep the wedding of his daughter Zahra Buhari to Ahmed Indimi as low key as possible, but photos emerged online of the celebrations which have now spanned several days starting from Wednesday with traditional rites. They started with the kamu, meaning “to catch” the bride with colourful elegant outfits celebrating their rich culture, and marked the wedding fatiha yesterday at the national mosque in Abuja. See all the photos below...

Friday, December 16, 2016

How to Celebrate Your Wedding with Customized Art

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By Jenna Brown
Couples often obsess about finding the right photographer to memorialize all the details they have agonized over for months. Choosing a picturesque location, gorgeous accessories, the perfect gown, and making sure everyone’s hair and makeup are flawless is a time-consuming process. Each component is brought together on the big day and capturing the perfect wedding pictures is the final component in creating a magical and memorable event. There are numerous ways to bring the wedding into your home to enjoy on a daily basis by creating a custom canvas print of some of your favorite moments.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Wedding Planning for Busy Couples: Engaging Apps to Make It Easier

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By Fiona Williams

Planning a wedding can be a stressful, time-consuming process that leaves you feeling helpless at times: there’s catering to organize, a venue to find, the guest list to complete...it can be overwhelming.

There’s help available, though. In today’s constantly-connected world there are plenty of applications for your mobile devices that can help keep you organized and take some of the stress away from you and your future spouse. Here are some of the most popular apps that can help you with many facets of your wedding, so you can rest assured that your special day will be as great as it possible can be.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Weddings Wows Not Wedding Woes

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If you want your wedding to be completely unique then using creative and personalized details will really show off your signature style. If you’re wondering how to personalize your wedding, here are several ways to make the day bespoke.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Hand-fasting, Stone Oaths and Other Celtic Style Wedding Traditions

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The Celts had some unique wedding traditions and it may not be that surprising to know that many still exist today and still take place in some modern ceremonies. The handfasting ceremony that the Celts used is one such tradition. Back in Celtic times, this was a public declaration of two people who intended to marry. It was the Celtic way of announcing an engagement.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Young Love! Twitter Celebrates Couple Who Met at 7, Got Married at 20 Years Old

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Young American couple Kris and Jamal who got married a couple of weeks ago have been receiving lots of love on Twitter after their love story went viral from the Kris's tweets of their wedding pictures. The couple met at 7 years old, became romantic at 13 while in middle school and are now married at 20. Some people think they're too young but most people love their story and are praying for them. See tweets and photos below...

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Fabulous Facts From Weddings Around The World - Infographic

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There are so many wedding traditions around the world and they are a way to celebrate the historical significance of wedding. The most important thing of a wedding is number of guests, once you have an idea about this then it will be very easy to plan everything. The next important aspects of a wedding are the DJ for your wedding and the type of wedding that you select. The DJ that you have selected for your wedding will contribute 75-80% success of your wedding reception. In the below infographic you will read about the Fabulous facts of wedding.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Do You Know The 20 Most Expensive Weddings, Ever?

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The 20 Most Expensive Weddings list includes several big name celebrities, some of which you may be familiar with and others that a little more obscure. Couples included famous names such as Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta-Jones & Michael Douglas, Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes, Wayne Rooney & Coleen McLoughlin and of course, one of the most widely publicized weddings of the last century, Prince William & Kate Middleton.

Friday, September 16, 2016

8 Top Tips for Brides-to-Be to Get in Shape for the Big Day

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So, you’ve decided to tie the knot and set the date for the big day! I bet you’re both, excited and nervous about your wedding. The huge task of planning a wedding can do that to even those with nerves of steel. There’s so much to take care of - from deciding the venue, menu, theme, color schemes, to selecting your wedding dress, choosing bridesmaids and running errands – the list can be exhaustive.
One more important concern that rules the minds of most brides-to-be relates to being in perfect shape on D-day. A lot of them try to get into the process of exercising and modifying their eating habits. In keeping with that, here are a few tips to help you, the soon-to-be-bride, look spectacular on your wedding day: