Friday, August 22, 2014

Morgue Attendant Admits To Having Sex With 100 Female Corpses While On Crack

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A morgue attendant has admitted to having sex with up to 100 corpses while on the job, many times while the bodies were being stored for autopsies.

Kenneth Douglas, a 60-year-old Ohio resident, said he had sex with the corpses between 1976 and 1992 while working the night shift.

Douglas was convicted of gross corpse abuse in 2008 after admitting to having sex with the corpse of a 19-year-old woman who had been murdered and nearly decapitated in 1991.

In 2012, Douglas admitted to having sex with two more corpses. In the case of another murder victim, Douglas said he had sex with her corpse the day she was killed.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Floyd Mayweather Reveals Woman Who Gives Him A Bath Every Morning, Seriously?

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Floyd Mayweather has revealed that he has a personal bather who gives him a bubble bath every morning. The money-miss-road boxer shared these pictures saying this is what his morning looks like

This is how my day gets started. Everyday. MR. MY LIFE IS THE SH*T

And to think he has a girlfriend he was recently hyping on his page. I wonder what she thinks of this morning ritual? It's either this bather is a professional masseuse or I'm just giving them my raised eyebrow!

What do you think? Would you allow your SO be bathed daily by another person? Is he a baby BTW?

Sunday, July 27, 2014

River Mysteriously Turns Blood RED Overnight Putting Entire Chinese City in Confusion

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The Chinese city of Wenzhou woke up yesterday to find their river running blood red... and no-one knows why. Locals say at 4am the water flow was normal but by 6am it had turned a frightening shade of scarlet!

An elderly resident who has lived by the river all his life says it has never happened before. Industrial contamination has been ruled out because there are no chemical plants along it length.

Now environment protection officials in the Chinese city of Wenzhou are taking water samples to find out what is going on. Wenzhou is a well-known town in East China's Zhejiang Province.

35-Year-Old Hides Phones, Batteries, Hacksaws and Pliers In His Butt To Smuggle Into Prison

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AndrĂ© Silva de Jesus, who was visiting his local prison in Ribeirao das Neves, Brazil, claimed he had a cardiac pacemaker, and informed the prison guards he couldn’t go through the metal detector.

However, he appeared “nervous,” to them and so the guards pulled him aside for further inspection.

All of the items in the above picture were removed from AndrĂ© Silva’s rectum. They include;

Monday, July 14, 2014

Three-year-old Girl Who 'Woke' at Her Funeral Has Been Declared Dead Again

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A three-year-old girl in the Philippines woke during preparations for her funeral but has now been declared dead, according to new reports. A cellphone caught the moment the young girl started breathing again at a church in Aurora in the Philippines where her funeral was taking place.

The little girl was originally declared dead on Friday morning after suffering a fever in hospital. Her family were preparing for her burial on Saturday afternoon when a neighbour of the girl's parents saw
the girl move her head. After being lifted out of the coffin she was given water and taken to the hospital.  It was later found that the girl was in a state of coma, not dead.

But sadly, reports now suggest the girl did not survive and has been declared dead finally. A doctor assessed her again today and found no signs of life.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

How Psycho Daughter Slept And Ate Next To Her Mother's Corpse For 3 Years

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A 28-year-old Brooklyn woman, Chava Stirn, had been sleeping next to her mother's corpse for three years according to a report by the New York Post.

It was terrifying enough when police found the skeletal remains in a woman's New York City apartment and learned that they belonged to the tenant's mother.

In a twist straight out of a Alfred Hitchcock movie, the daughter had propped up the remains of her mother, 61-year-old Susie Rosenthal, at the dinner table and dressed her up.

Stirn would reportedly also set up Rosenthal's bones on a bed of trash bags in the kitchen, and would pull a chair near the remains to sleep at night.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Man Cooks His Own Genitals And 5 Party Guests Pay $250 Each To Eat Them

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Gross! A man who had his genitals removed seasoned them before cooking them for five paying dinner party guests, it has been claimed.

Mao Sugiyama, 22, who is asexual, had voluntarily undergone surgery to have them removed. Then the illustrator took his frozen penis and scrotum home from hospital and organised a party.

He charged guests around £160 per person to eat his severed genitalia in Tokyo, Japan. They were garnished with mushrooms and parsley.

Before tucking into dinner, guests sat down to listen to a piano recital and take part in a panel discussion, reported.