Monday, April 5, 2010

Mama says, "He made the right choice." ... by Myne + Folake Basola

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By the time Iphey finished her call and begged off from lunch with Jane, she had developed a headache. She knew the cause of the headache was the coming showdown with her mother. Coming on the heels of her face-off with Bisi, it was a bit too much to know that her Mother was in town and spoiling for a fight. Still numb from the things she heard from the conversation between Bisi and Funmi, she grumpily set about getting ready to leave the office. She was further taken aback to realize that the dark-blue pencil jacket which the dry cleaner had dropped off now sported a very visible stain at the collar. And he had left with his full payment. Terribly frustrated because she had so set her mind on wearing the dark-blue jacket the next day, she felt like cursing him for ruining one of her best jackets.

About thirty minutes afterwards, she was at Ngozi's place. As Iphey rolled down the driveway and parked, she saw her mother outside, pacing the length of the small compound. She had to pause for a minute when she noticed Mama’s eyes boring into hers with hurt and disappointment. Immediately Iphey knew this was one of those days one wished to go back to bed and wake up with all the past events being a bad dream. Not that her dreams had been very peaceful at the moment. Iphey sighed and got out of the car.

As she walked towards her mother, it was obvious Mama was angry. She was as tense as a cat on a spring and ready to pounce. Instantly, Iphey began to dread the days ahead. She didn’t totally welcome her mother's temporary visit under any guise because she knew how much Mama loved planning other people’s lives. As she guessed, Mama was too angry to notice Iphey’s discomfort and began to barrage her with questions even before they were inside.

“So that was why you ignored all my calls to your mobile phone these past few weeks and just sent me text messages? If the information had not now slipped out of Ngozi, you had no intention of telling me that you found my missing son-in-law?"

Iphey continued on her way into the house. "Mama, I'm sorry but..."

"How long did you think you could keep such vital information from me, Iphey? Or do you think I have no right to ask?"

"I didn't want to be the one to tell you. I hoped Ngozi would do that. James is her husband..."

Her mother cut her off again. "Or as you believe and have never minced words to let me know, it is not my business? You don't want to get married and now you want to put your sister's marriage in jeopardy?" Mama poured out more questions.

They were now inside and Iphey spied Ngozi on the sofa. She sat with legs crossed and her jaw resting on her flexed fist.

"Ngozi, you better tell your sister that life is not all about work, work work!"

At that point, all Iphey could see was Funmi’s smiling face as she handed over a query or termination letter if she returned a minute late to the office. She turned to Ngozi for help, finding none there, she turned back to her mother.

“Mama, I’m sorry for everything, but could we do this quickly? I have to get back to work.”

Giving her a smothering look, her mother retorted, “Not this time around, Ifeoma, you will stay here and answer all these questions I’m asking you!”

Being fully acquainted with her moods, Iphey knew her mother could be highly irrational when she got like this. In a reconciliatory voice, she quickly gave a short version of the whole story.

“I bumped into James about two weeks ago in a taxi. That evening he came over to my house to explain why he abandoned his family. He said he lost his job but kept going to work for months, borrowing money from banks to cater for his family and also to take care of Obi’s high medical bills. Soon the bank began to mount pressure on him to pay back or forfeit his house which he had used as collateral. He resorted to gambling and loan sharks whom he now owes millions of naira. He said he had to abscond when he realized the loan sharks were getting ready to draw blood since he was not forthcoming with their money.”

Looking at Mama when she was done, Iphey saw that her mother looked skeptical. Ngozi had the same raw look she wore two weeks ago when Iphey was in her house.

"Is that all? Ngozi said the same and I was hoping you could add something more."

"There's really nothing else."

There was silence in the room. Finally, Mama in a small voice quite unlike hers said, ”I think that was a very brave thing James did.”

Both Iphey and Ngozi looked at their mother in horror. How could Mama approve what James did?

Mama faced Ngozi, arms on her hips, "It is fine for you to feel that what he did was unfair, making you go through so much agony all alone and turning you into a single mother overnight. But believe me, at that point, I think he was left with no choice. I've told you this and I'll say it again, James had to make the painful decision of abandoning you and Obi thereby guaranteeing your safety or staying and bringing about your death. He made the right choice.”

"You say he did right? Abandoning us for three years and refusing to see me even now?" There were tears in Ngozi's voice.

The doorbell rang. When their mother rushed to answer it, Iphey shook her head. One would think Mama owned the house. It was Otunba, Ngozi's benefactor and the quick way their mother returned to her seat left Iphey wondering if she was expecting someone else.

Ngozi got to her feet. "Otunba, are you back already?"

"Yes I did," he replied. "You sounded so worried when you called earlier I had to take the next flight back and come here immediately."

"Thank you so much." Otunba folded Ngozi into the thick folds of his Agbada and stroked her hair.

The long hug was Iphey's first clue that the couple's relationship was more than business as she had thought. Her raised eyebrows to her mother got a nod with pursed lips.

"He called me and asked to marry her." Mama whispered. "No way!" She folded her arms and sat back in her seat.

"Good evening Mama," Otunba greeted. Mama sniffed and Iphey almost choked on the laughter bubbling up her throat. "Iphey, how are you?"

Iphey got to her feet and walked towards him and they shook hands. "I'm fine, thanks Otunba." She turned to the others. "I have to return to the office now." There was obviously a lot of gist but she could wait.

"No, Iphey wait. There's..."

"Mama please, not now. My boss will have my head on a platter..." Iphey opened the door and the words flew out of her head.

Someone stood at the door, hand upraised to knock.


And that's it folks. Do you think Mama is right? Are you with their mother on team James or have you moved on to team Otunba? Most importantly, who is at the door? You just know you have to come back for the next chapter, vote on the left as usual.

This was a collabo I did with Basola Afolake. Folake is an aspiring writer who saw the series on Facebook and became hooked. I enjoyed the challenge of working with an upcoming talent and maybe I'll be doing more of that. You can read more of her write-ups HERE.

PS, we are looking for contributors. If you've written before and want to do so again, please shoot me an email.

I will Survive

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First I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live
without you by my side
But I spent so many nights
thinking how you did me wrong
I grew strong
I learned how to carry on
I will survive
as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive
It was Gloria Gaynor who first sang this song about ended relationships, heart break and how the lady got over it and moved on. And moving on to our topic, this is spring, the beginning of the rainy season in many places. The time to plant new seeds and watch them grow and flourish. Leaves come back to denuded trees and the fields turn green again. Easter is just round the corner, associated with the resurrection of Jesus Christ and new beginnings. My article will deal with surviving a negative experience in a relationship and moving on. This is a topic close to my heart because I have witnessed a lot of people who have found it difficult to come into a new life after such an experience. In my book, A Heart to Mend, I wrote about characters who overcame their pasts of adversity to blossom again in love.
I am your quintessential romantic but I do know that love and relationships sometimes are not forever. Some of us have suffered heartbreak. It can hurt as hell; we think our hearts are literally broken and seeping blood into our chest. We feel small, wounded, beaten and left to die. But the truth is that we get over it. It may take some time, it may take some strong words, it may take physical or mental breakdown but in the end, we will overcome. The lady in the song, we will look our heartbreakers in the face and tell them to go eat s**t. We will rave, we will cry, we will weep and mourn the dead relationship. But if we tap into the strength inside each of us, we will recognize when it is time to move on.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross in her book, On death and Dying, listed five stages of grief and loss; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Losing a relationship is a bit like losing someone to death. Most people go through similar cycles and stages as they make their way back to a place of balance for them. They deny that the breakup ever happened; they do not let others know. Not their family, not their friends and certainly no other person beyond this group. They boil with anger towards the ex, maintaining that there is no break-up or acting like there wasn’t. They refuse to move out if they were living together; and then begin to give reasons to remain in the relationship. Even when separation is complete, they still find themselves cooking enough for two, speaking to an empty house, just depressed. Painful right? I agree. It is difficult to think of new beginnings at this point but it is possible. This is the story of a friend. If you’ve ever had your heart broken, check if it’s similar to yours.


So it's a new month and a new issue over on Afrikan Goddess. In the spirit of spring and all things new, I wrote an article on overcoming heart break for the online magazine. The excerpt above is just the preamble, you should all go over THERE and read the whole story. Do leave comments on what you think...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Greetings + Blog Roll

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I want to wish all of you my wonderful friends and blog readers a Happy Easter! I wish everyone a day filled with enjoyment, friends and family. In the midst of all the celebrations and happiness this Easter Sunday and Monday however, let us not forget the true importance of Easter. 


It is not the bunnies, eggs or chocolate, but the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ which has ushered in a hope for life eternal. I want to also use this opportunity to wish you all a blessed and happy new month of April. I know that great things will surely happen and keep happening to all of us.

In other news: Thank you all so much for reading and commenting on my blog, supporting me in this exciting adventure of writing! I always want to show my appreciation one way or another. This one is a quick and easy widget on my right sidebar titled April Blog Roll. Simply fill in your names and link your blog. I promise to visit, comment and if possible follow any blog listed there, that is if I'm not doing that already. I will also remind other blog visitors to check the blogs out in all the posts I make through out this month of April. So let the blogs roll!

Happy Easter!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Introducing my Family - UPDATE

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Thank you all for the beautiful comments, the wonderful prayers, and the total belief of my prank. Those who know these things better and how they are done say it should not pass twelve noon. I guess they did not take into account different time zones. I know it is evening and almost midnight in some places but it is just 11.50am here in my corner of the world. So permit me to say, mea culpa. The little mischief imp stole my hands, my thoughts and my laptop for the day.

Those pictures were NOT of Atala and the baby. They were the first pictures that came up on a search for CUTE African babies on google images. I think they fit the bill and BTW, Atala fine pass that guy sha, lol. But that baby, chai! God please give me that baby look alike, LOL.

Finally, thanks to all my FB friends who did not come around to spoil the show. So yeah, if you want to see Myne and Atala, find me on facebook.

ps, I am keeing all the prayers and wishes o.

pss, Abeg no curse me too much, you hear? Hehe

psss, I hope your chuckling now, please just laugh it off

pssss, Somebody thinks this was over- mischievous, what do you think?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I wish to be (Poem)

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Remember to catch up on the latest episode on Cupid's Risk Here. The match-making mother is back!

This one is for the fans of my poems. Hope you like, enjoy!


I wish to be
The music of your soul
Like the chorus of birds
Serenading you at dawn

I wish to be
The smile on your face
Caused by the sweet nothings
Whispered into your ears

I wish to be
The beating of your heart
The gentle rhythm-like throbbing
Deep inside your breast

I wish to be
The sunlight in your life
Like the mild morning rays
When you open the window blinds

I wish to be
All that you’ve dreamt of
All that you’ve hoped for
A gift of love forever

Monday, March 29, 2010

Uppers and Downers

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Hi people,

Just to ask for some slack. I know I have not been doing my rounds as usual. I'm really missing knowing what's up with you guys. The reason is that the past couple of days have been chaotic for us, both good and bad.

So what was good? We had a housewarming for our new place and it was a great get together. Good company, great food (allow me to hail myself, I and flowing conversation. Trust it all boiled down to Nigerian politics once the Non-Nigerians present had left. And let me mention that our naija people sabi come late eh? Talk about fashionably late, some guests came more than two hours after the time we gave for the event. It was also nice that we had some of the food left over especially the great salad SO had broken a few nails over.

The bad? We were so tired afterwards that we went almost directly to bed. The next morning, it turns out that my delicious rice, the leftover of which I had left in the oven, had gone off. Ahh, it pained me oo, that rice was sweet. I had been looking forward to some ready made dinners and packed lunches for Atala. Oh well, we wrapped it in a trash bag and he went to throw it out. Guess what he found out outside?

Bad stuff number two! His bike had been stolen! That was a huge surprise and disappointment. Someone had broken the plastic pipe he'd chained it to and carried it off. Totally unexpected I tell you. Atala goes to work everyday with that bike and loves riding on nice weekends too. He really liked that bike. Anyway we chose to look on the bright side. It wasn't a work day when he would have come out all ready to leave for work with it and then found it missing. And in all things we thank God. Such is life. He has ordered another one today, and life goes on.

I've tried to catch up at some of your blogs but I think I needed to get this out of my system. So how have the rest of you all been doing? See you at yours soon.

Have a great week.

What's Sex got to do with Love and Marriage?

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A review of Perfect Picture (First published on AfrikanGoddess)

I recently saw and loved The Perfect Picture, a Sparrow Productions movie. It was directed by Shirley Frimpong Manso and starred Jackie Appiah, Lydia Forson, Chris Attoh, among others. Technically, I was impressed by the picture quality, it was well edited and the colors were sharp and made everyone look more attractive. The audio also was clean and not overshadowed by background music. The soundtrack was a mixture of both Ghanaian and foreign music, each well suited to the scene except for a brief clip of the James Bond theme which I felt was unnecessary. I was completely blown away by the two dance sequences especially the one at the end of the movie, it were simply great.

On the story angle, I was not too disappointed. There were a few holes but I liked how they wove the three strands of the plot concerning the major characters and their love interests together. The story is about three friends in urban Ghana living everyday middle-class lives. The film opens with a wedding footage of one of the girls, who is getting married to her long term boyfriend. She is surrounded by friends and family including her two best friends. Along the line, we get to see their lives. There is the earthly sexy one who all the men are attracted to, and the workaholic who is being pressured by her mother to get married and have children. The man-eater ends up falling for an unavailable man, while the more reserved one falls for an unsuitable man.

The three girls navigate their love lives with the flair and panache one would imagine for their ages – they seem in their thirties. OK, so maybe the dialogue was a bit corny in parts and predictable in others but for a romantic sucker like me, I didn’t really mind. I like that the producers were bold enough to make a movie that tackles the issue of sex in relationships front and center. The married one and her husband cope with getting used to each other in bed once again. Our well-endowed lady goes clubbing and sleeps with her man friend with no questions asked. Even the quiet one has sex with her lowly mechanic and declares it, the best she’s had. I think she added “ever” but I am not sure now, lol.

A summary of the movie I saw somewhere said that “Girls will not settle for anything less if love is not in the picture”. So we are left to assume that love makes the perfect picture of a relationship. Totally true but eh, not so fast! What about sex? Here I will focus on the married couple, Aseye and Larry. The sexual incompatibility between them is very true in some marriages and was addressed full on.

We see at their wedding that they are in love with each other. They had dated for years and been celibate for about a year while planning the wedding. The reason was “to make it fresh and new” in the marriage. So wedding night comes and, they couldn’t get past the awkwardness of sex. The scene was over extended and there may have been some exaggerated head bumps and inexplicable elbow nudges but we saw what could happen when a married couple cannot consummate their love relationship with sex. The actors (Jackie Appiah and Chris Attoh) did their best to portray the emotions even though the script could have been better.

The Perfect Picture shows that when the sexual advances by a man or a woman are turned down by their partners, they can sometimes view themselves as being poor lovers. A lot of people believe that their desirability is defined by the love they receive from their partners. So they take sexual rejection very personally, because their sense of self-worth has become coupled to approval from their partner. It is not different between Aseye and Larry. She is depressed and despairs, while he is frustrated by his erectile dysfunction and suffers a lowered self-esteem. There had been no prior history but the resulting stress does not help matters for both of them. Larry tries to ‘handle’ the trouble on his own without much success. Work also gets in the way when Aseye wants to spice things up.

In a perfect world of love, one would have expected Aseye to assume the role of an understanding mate, and attempt to motivate Larry to be optimistic so that they could deal with their problem together no matter how long it takes. However, like it sometimes happens in real life, she becomes difficult, antagonistic and blames him for what is happening to them both. She only stops short of directly denigrating his manliness. The doctor they consulted pointed out to them that a healthy and relaxed mind is very important for a mutually enjoyable sex life. They go on to try some of his tips but all are for naught. Aseye then arranges a switch with her sexy friend to see if her friend could arouse Larry.

There is a whole misunderstanding after this which forms the climax of the movie. Afterwards, the couple had to ask themselves the question; “can love go the distance without sex?” Their answer was no as they go their separate ways. Is that how it ends? Watch the movie and find out.

Before then I ask you my dear reader, what’s sex got to do with love?

If it were you, what would you do?

ps, check out the latest episode of Cupid's Risk by Spesh...

Time to move on? Spesh.

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Ngozi still didn’t get it!

It had been two weeks and yet, each time she came back to it she was baffled all over again. She wanted to respect James wish to stay away but anger burned within her. What would make her supposedly loving and caring husband, to abandon his family for this long? Did Iphey leave out something? Because it that was all there really was to the story, then she was disappointed. She thought their relationship was better, she felt the bond was strong enough that he could confide in her. But instead he'd lied to her for months, even before finally disappearing.

The memories of her sick son having a brush with death made angrier at James...the way she had suffered, running from place to place to make ends meet. The showdown with his family, the nights she had cried herself to sleep, the nights when she found solace in looking through his stuff; some documents, his TM Lewin shirts, his shoes. She always believed he was still alive somewhere and that he would surely come back for her. But now that she knew he had been in this lagos all this while, she was beginning to think that she was mistaken afterall.

“Mtsssss,” she hissed with all the energy in her. She sank into the cream sofa in her living room, still lost in thought.

She caught an image of herself in the adjourning mirrored wall.

“So, this is how I’ve become,” she said out loud as she looked closely. There was definitely a look of sadness in her eyes. Her once-upon-a-time model's body had shrunk with time. She was slimmer and looked darker. She noticed something in her eyes, stood and moved closer for a better view. She just couldn’t believe it but yes, there was a blood spot in her right eye. That was a new one.

"James, how could you?” she wailed in anguish, and then the tears came again. Just like the night with Iphey, she broke down, and let it all out. She sobbed uncontrollably for a while with her hands covering her puffy eyes and then she told herself to stop!

She wiped the tears and said “Ngozi,enough!!!” At that moment, she made up her mind. James wasn’t doing this to her anymore. She was a successful “single” mother, and a force to reckoned with when it came to gourmet cake making in Lagos. Her shop which was her garage was always bubbling with the high and mighty trouping in to check out her latest cup cake designs.

She had always loved baking and so her business was more like a hobby for her. She made sure she had the right things at affordable prices and she was supplied directly from the wholesalers which made her shop even more unique. Her mind diverted to Otunba’s side. Hmmm...that man was just too good to her.

A superior at her former office, he had stood by her through it all. James disappearance, her son's illnesses, her business. Otunba had really done well to help finance the expenses to start her up, but she had refused to remain indebted to him. She had insisted and actually paid up just a year after she started. That hadn't stopped his friendship. In fact, after Obi's near shave with death, he had proposed. He said she was the first woman to have ever made him feel this way since his late wife, but she thought his marriage proposal was just a way to entice her into an affair. Alas, she couldn't bring herself to 'cheat' on James.

To now find out that the man she had been keeping herself for did not even want to return to her. She shook her head vehemently and strode back to the sofa. One man couldn't do this to her. As much as she thought he was worth it, she had mourned him enough. If he didn't want her, it was time to move on.

She walked into her bedroom and hurriedly reached for her Louis Vuitton bag. She ransacked its contents for her W90i…her resolve began to weaken, but she caught herself, and dialed the number instead.

“Hello,” the masculine voice on the other end supplied.

“Hi,” she replied almost regretting the action, short of words.

“Are you still there?”

“Ehmmmmmm, yes...I...” her voice failed her again.

He must have decided to take over the conversation even though she had made the call.

“Ngozi, how are you?”

“Otunba, I really need to talk to you,” she said, hitting the nail on the head.

“Is anything the matter?” he asked with worry in his voice.

“No! but its important, I need to see you…..are you free this evening?”

“I am not even in town at the moment. I’m in Abuja for a business meeting, but I’ll come over once I get back.”

“When will that be,if I may ask?” she was getting impatient, and she just couldn’t hide it.

“I’m taking the last flight back today.”

“Okay, I guess it can wait……see you then.”

“Alright and please don’t panic. Whatever it is, we can handle it,” he replied affectionately.

She ended the call still not satisfied. Her thoughts just seemed disjointed……she wanted someone to convince her that this wasn’t happening.

Afterall she had been through? James had shown no remorse, had not even wanted to see her or talk to her. Her mind played back that fateful night on its own………

“I have to see him Iphey, I have to see him.” she had mumbled into her sister's shoulder.

“You will, we’ll find him” Iphey had said firmly.

But did she really want to find someone who didn't want to be found. Maybe it was time to start divorce proceedings and accept Otunba's offer. "It's just that I don’t want wahala with those his ajebo kids sha,” she thought to herself.

She was brought back to the present by the shrieking sound of the doorbell. Relunctantly,she walked to the door and peered through the peephole. She was taken aback by the sight of her mother on the other side of her front door.

“When were you going to tell me, eh?” Her mother charged at her with eyes filled with annoyance once Ngozi let her in. She dumped her overnighter just inside the door and marched to the sofa.

"Mama, please let me call Iphey. She's in the best position to tell you about it. She was the one that talked to him." Ngozi dialled her sister immediately. "Iphey, Mama is here. I think she's heard about his return..." She stumbled to a stop as she noticed her mother looking strangely at her.

"What has Iphey got to do with Otunba's proposal to you? Who did she speak with? Whose return?" The older woman walked back towards her in measured steps.

"You're not here about James?" Ngozi could have kicked herself. Her mother was standing right before her shaking her head.

"Tell Iphey to get over here now!"


So that's it folks. Yet another chapter of the story. There is a new character to play with and the meddling mother is back in the picture, lol. This is so dramatic that I'm almost tempted to write the next chapter myself but I'll desist. I think this calls for an audience vote for who will write the next chapter of the family showdown. If interested, please comment or send me an email with your ideas on what you think will happen in 50 words. These will be put up for readers to select their preferred choice.

Our contributor today is SPESH of Spesh's World. She is a hard working lady with a beautiful and big heart. She inspires me with both her words and actions. This is an excerpt from one of her poems;
"I love truly,
I love crazy.
I trust completely.
I dont do reservations.
I share with loyalty.
I give unconditionally.
I dnt wait to recieve...
But meet me half-way!"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Temitayo Ilori - Doom's Wing

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You have read a chapter of his work, now to meet the man himself. Temitayo Ilori is the self published author of Doom's Wing, an epic fantasy novel. I was quick to ask him for an interview after reading an excerpt of the book which is available at the following places.

1.Silverbird Galleria Lifestyle shop V.I
2.Ebeano Supermart bookstore VGC
3.LaternaBookshop V.I
4.HUB media store, Palms Shopping Mall, Lekki

Tell us a bit about yourself. Who is Temitayo Ilori?

I am just an idea; an idea that must be created. Every moment of my life is spent doing this. Temitayo Ilori is many things to many people; to some, he is a biology graduate while to some he is an author. But I am just me, nothing extra-ordinary about me at all.

Did you ever envision yourself as an author/writer? Where did the interest come from?

I had loved writing since I was a kid and always know I would be a writer. I started a book project with four of my friends in the junior secondary school, though we didn’t bring it to a concluding end as a result of inadequate experience and resources. As for the interest, I grew up with books around me, and I was always wondering who wrote them all and how they had such ideas to write some big stuffs.

- About your debut novel - "The Doom's Wing" - where did the concept come from?

Doom’s Wing! Hmm. Doom’s Wing was a revelation. The whole concept was given. I just finished a very long manuscript of my first writing for a different book and said to myself that now I can go to bed and at least rest for a while when in the middle of the night, a phrase that started it all clung to my spirit, woke me and never let me go until I put a full stop to Doom’s Wing 14months after, while writing almost every day.

- How did you come up with the title?

Like I said, it was a phrase I heard and had. It says, “If you dare ride on Doom’s Wing to achieve a means, it is just a thin stretch of time between deeds and rewards, you will soon get to an end called destruction. I will say again Doom’s Wing was a revelation and if I didn’t somebody else would have.

- As someone who self-published, can you tell us about the process? Was it hard? What resources did you use?

The bottom lines in success are “BE WILLFUL” “Believe in yourself and don’t care what the world thinks” “Don’t be too sure, but Dare to succeed”. With these attributes, you will attract people, resources and power that will make your dream come true. Self-publishing isn’t easy, but I have an ideal, “If it is not tough and challenging, success is not there.” If you can drive it to success, the joy is great. Therefore you must take self-publishing as you take a business that must later succeed.

- How would you describe your writing style and how do you find the inspiration to write?

Nothing extra-ordinary, but poetic. My inspiration comes from God.

- Who are your key literary influences? Any favorite authors?

James Hadley Chase (pseudonym for British writer Rene Brabazon Raymond), Cyprian Ekwensi (especially his book Burning Grass) and God, the way he writes the stories of our lives amazes me.

- What's your opinion on Nigerians becoming more interested in books and writing?

I will say that is wonderful. Writing and reading helps a country’s culture and economy. So we are expecting a boom in Nigeria soon.

As a Nigerian writing in a relatively unpopular genre, what is your hope for Fantasy novels?

We are Nigerians, we are capable. We are not limited. Creativity knows no bound, it knows no culture, and it knows no tribe. When it wants to express itself, it takes the shape it desires for the best of it. I hope more people will see it in this light.

Now that "Doom's Wing" has been published, what's next?

Until success no stopping! Putting Doom’s Wing on every table and shelf and for everybody to read in their individual languages is the vision, and it has started. Doom’s Wing is intended series and the first title in that series is “Legend of Tellam” which is now published.

Any words of advice for up and coming writers, bloggers, and authors?

Be yourself, Believe in yourself, Be Fearless and don’t write to win awards. Just WRITE your best always! Also don’t be limited by what you see and what you know alone, go beyond all those by reading books or taking account of your gleaming thoughts. W.H Murray wrote, “Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless dreams and splendid plans, that the moment one definitely commits oneself, providence moves too.” Commit yourself to excellence and you will be amazed what will happen afterwards.

Thank you!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Office Politics: Like a woman Neefemi

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When Iphey woke up the next morning, she promised herself she was not going to bother about Dapo or his sister. They could call if they wanted but Chinedu was on her mind now. From the way Bisi had been behaving the last couple of weeks, Iphey realized that it was entirely possible that she had gone over to the Chinedu's House after getting the text from her, but why did he even open the door to her? What she felt right now was anger at herself. How stupid and naĆÆve can I be? “I am a grown woman and I know better than to make childish mistakes like I did. Sending a message telling Bisi I was going to Chinedu’s house was probably the dumbest mistake, if there was ever one.” she murmured to herself as she got ready for work. She was hoping she could continue to avoid Bisi at the office.

The next Monday morning she walked in to the office looking better than she had in days. Over the weekend she had gotten a new hair cut that made her look considerably younger. Eyebrows done, nails done and she even got herself a massage. She was dressed in a grey tank top and red skirt with a black jacket complimented with red and grey shoes, red lipstick and nice silver earrings. She was determined that Bisi will not get the best of her today. Every day for the thief, one day for the owner. Today was her one day, no matter what Bisi said or did, she was going to continue being the bigger person. At least that was the plan.

She walked in with all the guys at work whistling at her. Tunde came over from Marketing to flirt as usual. She kept him at arm's length but was glad that she decided to make the decision to spend more effort on her looks. She saw Jane waving at her furiously and she quickly walked over.

“Haha Iphey, na you be this, you look good o, what’s the occasion? Is there something I should know?” Jane asked.

“No now Jane, I just decided to get myself out of this rut I have been in this past couple of weeks. With all that has been happening," Iphey thought of her sister and Obi and the whole episode with the still missing James. Her mother was still disturbing her about a husband, and it had become worse with Chinedu not working out as she hoped.

She continued speaking. "I have let myself go and forgotten myself. To be honest I would rather be on a vacation right now, so I can clear my head but I cannot afford it so I decided a makeover will have to do.”

“I feel you my sister, you have tried and you deserve it, you look really good," Jane replied. "But don’t let Bisi see you, I heard that she is leaving earlier than expected. We should be having a situational report from Ayo today. And I don't have to tell you the witch. Funmi is on the rampage, she is vexing because of her pet.”

“That’s the plan o, shey I will see you at lunch? We can go get Designer rice?” Iphey asked.

"Sure I will come get you then.” Jane said.

Iphey quickly walked over to her desk, managing to avoid both Funmi and Ayo. She was busy all day and didn’t even realize time had gone until she looked up to see it was 1.30pm. She needed to go use the bathroom before she stepped out for lunch. As she passed Funmi’s office, she noticed that the door was cracked open a little. Though she figured no one inside will be able to see her, still she was going to tiptoe across so no one noticed her.

“That Iphey girl walked right into that trap.” It was her Boss talking and Iphey stopped in her tracks. Funmi continued, "I know you've told me before but I like hearing about the expression on her face. I can't wait till I see it myself when she is sacked from here."

Bisi hissed, “Funmi I can have any man I want. Can you imagine Chinedu telling me he wants Iphey. What does she have that I don’t have, except my job now, the bitch cost me my damn job and then had the nerve to text me she was going to his house. She set herself up for that. I wish her more heart break sef.”

“I trust you girl, that was very smart of you, I tried to talk to Ayo to change his mind and he wouldn’t listen to me. Where is the Iphey girl gan? tell me she’s not here so I can have a reason for me to fire her now now!”

“I don’t know o, haven’t seen her today, I know she's avoiding me. She better!” They both laughed. “Wo let me go to the bathroom we will talk later,” Bisi said.

That was Iphey’s cue. She rushed into the bathroom stall and Bisi walked in half a minute later. She waited for Bisi to get done and then come out. Bisi saw her from the mirror and appeared shocked to see the fierce look on Iphey's face.

Iphey looked at her with disgust through the mirrors. “What have I ever done to you Bisi, I have barely worked here 6months and in that time I have treated you with all the respect you deserve. You were nice to me and I was naĆÆve to think that I could trust you or call you a friend.”

"Iphey, now mind your words..." Bisi began.

Iphey cut her off. "People like you can’t prosper, because you don’t ever wish others good and are just selfish. Some people in this office warned me about you but I didn’t believe them. You seemed to be looking out for my interest both here and with Chinedu once you met him. So it was all a lie? Out of spite you went to Chinedu’s place so I could think you slept with him..."

"Who said I didn't?" Bisi blustered.

Iphey stared her down. "You know that is a lie. He is more trustworthy and honorable than that. He called me just before I sent you the text and it took me just over thirty minutes to get there. I was only taken by surprise that was why I reacted that way. Pride has been keeping me away but the scales have fallen from my eyes fully now. I am glad you have been fired, and I don't have to work here with you for much longer. Good riddance to you though I still wish you well.”

Iphey said all this and swiftly turned around to leave the room. She did not even give Bisi a chance to say anything. She didn’t even realize other people had walked into the bathroom. Jane and the another girl were standing by the door. They were smiling at her and Jane gave her a thumb up as she passed.

"I'll be waiting in the lobby for you." Iphey told her not stopping.

Whew!!! She was glad she got that out of her chest. Every day for the thief, one day for the owner and today was her day. The thought was barely out of her head before her phone began to ring.


That's it folks. Please vote on who you want on the phone and leave your comments too. Our contributor today is Neefemi at DIARY OF AN UNPAID INTERN. Neefemi is trying to lose weight through implementing a healthier life style filled with more physical activity. This is what she adds about the whole process;

"Now this is the physical. It’s useless if you are not emotionally and mentally baggage free, stress free. That’s the most important thing. I’m a very busy girl, I always have my hand in multiple projects at the same time, but I’m not one to keep anything in my mind. I also make sure to laugh a lot. I always write lol a lot. It’s because I almost always laugh out loud, for the silliest things too. Besides even when there is something to worry about, I remember I have a God that loves me and I pray (well pray always, but get my point)".