Sunday, January 19, 2014

Was I The Only One Who Read Flowers in The Attic by VC Andrews in Nigeria?

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Flowers in the Attic is a horror story, of children locked up in the attic after their father's death by their weak mother and wicked grandmother, and gradually poisoned so the women could inherit a massive fortune. The book is by VC Andrews, and comes as a series, I read three of them as a teenager, Petals in the Wind and  If There Be Thorns.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

So Toke Makinwa is Married to Maje Ayida - Why Does it Feel Like a Media Gimmick?

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I'm just reading news that Toke Makinwa got married to Maje Ayida in secret - though an anonymous person was kind enoug to send the pictures to key gossip blogs. Well, after a much publicized breakup such a low-key wedding makes me go hmmmm.

In Which I Find Myself on TVC

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Soon after I arrived in Lagos last November, I attended a writing and publishing workshop as part of the Lagos Books and Arts Festival 2013. At the event, TVC was one of the channels there to cover it, and the producers asked for a quick interview which I granted. I do not have TVC at home, and it was friends that called or wrote to tell me they saw me on AfricArts, a TVC programme that promotes all things Art. Today, I finally learnt it has been on Youtube all the while. Enjoy...

The Principles of Courtship - How to Get What You Want [Part 1]

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By Dolly Singh

Have you ever known someone who seems to be able to get everything they want? The ones who seem to breeze through life effortlessly, making up their own rules as they go along, unaffected to the mundane realities of everyday life?

Friday, January 17, 2014

Daddy Time - Kanye Hangs Out With Daughter North West

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Dads and their daughters make such pretty pictures! North West, Kanye's daughter with Kim Kardashian seems like she already has her daddy round her little fingers :)

Psst…Here's What Women Secretly Hate In Their Dates

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By Vani Chugh

What do women really want? Hard to figure out right, since most men aren’t given the gift to eavesdrop on their mental conversation like that lucky sod Mel Gibson! Good news is that women talk and discuss about what they like, so there’s some plenty of information out there. Then of course, yours truly is a woman who knows a thing or two about a thing or two!

Playing by Her Rules by Sifa Asani Gowon - Novel Excerpt

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Kay was furious, cursing his bad luck and more convinced than ever that he was being punished for something. This time the instrument of his torture was some random lunatic woman who couldn’t drive. He had seen the shock on her face when he had come out of the car, feeling a slight pang of shame at the fear in her expression as he took a step toward her. What did she think: that he was going to attack her? As he approached he noticed that she looked unwell, her face pale with the sheen of sweat as she swayed lightly on her feet.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Vibrant Lagos - A Photo Story by Devesh Uba

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The city of Lagos is like a wonderful mosaic of colours and energy. The streets here have captured the imagination of Indian street-photographer Devesh Uba, who is in Lagos these days. In these pictures, he tries to share the colours of the city as seen through his camera.

Family Time - It is The Carters: Beyonce, JayZ and Blue Ivy

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Beyonce, JayZ and Blue Ivy look great all dressed up to welcome the New Year. I love JayZ's blue suit :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fugue - Short Story by Thelma Nwogbo

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She woke up with a start. Where was she? How long had she been this way? She didn't know.
No one could tell her. It was dark outside. Where was Mark?

He should be home by now. They had fellowship that evening, she was to lead the choir, Mark was to do the Bible readings. Where was Mark?