Monday, April 1, 2013

How to Increase Your Blog Traffic From Google Search

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As you can see from the picture, my biggest traffic on this blog comes from Google Search. The search brings traffic three times either those from Twitter or Facebook, my next biggest traffic sources. Then there's also,, and other localized results. In fact, Google organic search traffic is responsible for up to 70% of my traffic, and because they are relevant, most of those new visitors end up coming again and again.

 I am not a guru yet, and I have to be honest and tell you increased traffic did not happen for me overnight. It took a lot of luck, chance, and hard work. Not just writing on the blog, but also looking underneath the hood, reading articles on SEO and blogging, making google search my friend, reading the blogger forums, tweaking and re-tweaking my blog template, focusing or widening my niche, etc.

So how do you get traffic from Google? Before you do anything, you have to know that it is imperative that you first have great content on your blog. Also, the more numerous they are, the more chances you have of appearing in Google search results. And the longer your blog has been online, and the more relevant visitors find it, the more likely it is that google will start ranking you high. Before you know it, you will be ranking on the first page, and maybe even at #1. And then the traffic will start pouring in.

Ufuoma Ejenobor on Her Interracial Marriage and Motherhood

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Ufuoma Ejenobor is a Nigerian actress, model and aspiring TV producer. She is also a wife and mother, with her first baby born in December 2012. She spoke to Bellanija about being married to her European husband, Steven McDermott, choosing to wear a non-traditional wedding gown [see other non-traditional brides], and building her family at the same time as trying to remain plugged into her career. Enjoy...

Can you recall the proposal? How did your husband propose to you?
It was in Cape Town. I don’t know if he planned to propose and that’s why we went to South Africa or he just thought about it while we were there but it was so beautiful. He had just finished filming a commercial and he said we had to talk. He is not really the talking type so I knew it had to be something serious. I can’t remember his exact words but he said something like he wanted us to spend the rest of our lives together and I thought it was romantic. I said yes.

Your eyes really lit up when you said that. How did you meet him?
We have a mutual friend; they both work as advertisers. I met his friend while I was filming ‘Everything It Takes’ for Wale Adenuga. There was a particular day we went out for drinks and my husband who was his friend was with them. We hung out, became friends, started spending time with each other and started to feel very comfortable with each other.

Dear Myne - How Do I Get Over My Ex?

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Been dealing with a break-up situation that had me over-thinking everything that went wrong.

*sigh* one year plus after, I still cry over him. How do I get over all this :(

Sunday, March 31, 2013

How To Get The Guy - Kids Talk Dating Problems

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Honestly, I'm not sure whether to laugh at this or not. But it sure is cute and funny. Watch it and decide for yourself :)

Where Do You Buy Groceries - Shoprite or Mile 2

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I saw this picture of an alan poser woman, who is buying tomatoes at Mile 2 and telling her friend she's buying salad tinz at Shoprite. I reminded me of those #godiswatchingyou tweets sometime last year. Seriously though, where do you prefer buying your cooking ingredients, especially the fresh ones?

Wishing Everyone a Happy Easter

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Happy Easter!

I Stand For Change, Do You? By Banky W

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I recently celebrated my birthday… I was fortunate enough to go to Dubai to attend my friend Tuface Idibia’s wedding… and I want to start off my speech by showing you a couple of pictures of Dubai, because what I saw there inspired me.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is the same oil that was discovered there in the 1960’s that they used to transform that society. The very same oil that was discovered here. But what have our leaders done with it?

Benjamin Franklin once said “when you’re finished changing, you’re finished”. I’d like to take that a step further by saying “we must be a part of the change we seek, or risk being changed ourselves”.

The question is no longer “will Nigeria change”… but rather, it’s “will it change for the better or worse” and “who will lead that change”.

GTBank Orange Ribbon Initiative For Autism Awareness

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Are you a Medical Practitioner, Caregiver, Teacher, Social Worker, Counselor or Parent?

Guaranty Trust Bank cordially invites you to register to attend the GTBank Autism Seminar on 8th & 9th April, 2013 at MUSON Centre, Onikan Lagos. Log on to for registration.

The Guaranty Trust Bank Orange Ribbon Initiative is a community development program on child healthcare. It is a selection of projects to create awareness about developmental disabilities especially Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and help people living with these challenges.

Autism Spectrum Disorders as with other developmental challenges, arise from insufficient development of a child’s physical, emotional or intellectual capacity. Autism Spectrum Disorders are largely misunderstood by society and this make it difficult for affected children to cope with everyday demands of their environment and may lead to varying stages of social stigmatization.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Some Reasons That Keep Men From Getting Married

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Sometimes, you see handsome, hardworking men who are single, and say they are searching and ready to get married, and you wonder, "so what is stopping you?".Uti Nwachukwu and Mikel obi were both selected nominated as February man candys, for looking good and working hard. They were among those who were single and still searching.

Today in different interviews, they reveal some reasons they are still that way. One reason I appreciate their comments is that they made about them rather than about faults in women in general or about a specific woman.

Uti Nwachukwu thinks it is aspects of his character that's keeping the woman he wants away;

“I am an extremely jealous guy but I am praying to God to make me less jealous and less possessive. I believe that if you find somebody that’s for you, that person should be for you only. I’m a bit extreme because my lover must focus on only me. Now that’s a bit difficult and that’s why I say I am a very difficult person to be with. Perhaps, I’m very demanding when it comes to relationships. Apart from being a jealous lover I also expect you to give back to me what I am giving you. I expect 100 per cent attention and care and nothing less. So, it’s going to be hard but I know God gave me this standard in order to connect me with the exact person he has created for me.”

How to Make Tomato Stew in Pictures

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Tomato stew is one of those meals all Nigerians are supposed to know how to cook, and it is a base to a lot of popular foods like white rice and stew, with dodo, with okro for swallow foods, among others. I find it one of the easiest to prepare as it doesn't need much attention, except when it does.

Yes, I've had some of my stew burn at the bottom of the pot because I forgot it for about five minutes or so. But if you pay attention towards the end, and remember to keep the heat low, it should not be too hard to get it just right.