Thursday, April 29, 2010

My angel (Poem)

Posted in:
I dream the ringing up
From the depths of my wishes
Yet when I listen closely
The phone is really beeping
Are you really calling?
Or am I night dreaming again?
It is definitely not a figment
Of my fertile imagination
I’m filled with joy unspeakable
As I hear you through the earpiece
The happiness is unstoppable
And I break into a smile
A flush spreads over my skin
Your cool voice upon my senses
Brings relief to my scattered thoughts
There is no more need to worry
As above all these things is Love
There’s naught else to do
But to put a halo on you
You’re my angel...


I can't wait for TGIF and the weekend, what about you? Enjoy a poem for today and check out some blogs from the right while at it. See you soon with something from the WIP.


  1. First!!! Happy days!.Oh I like a lot especially the halo line.. :)

  2. Very interesting poem!
    I love poems. . .

  3. Nice! I like. Cant wait for the weekend too.

  4. Not into poems but I read this to the last line...I'm featuring your book on my blog...any quote you wanna give me? And'll still wait for some hour to TGIF!

  5. Really nice. I love.

    TGIF tomorrow. Have a great weekend, dear.

  6. tres nice. so i know all is well now......

  7. myne?
    where do you get your poems?
    nice piece!

  8. Thanks for all the comments.

    @Wildboy, I know :C, wish it were sooner. You're featuring my book? Mwah! You can use any quote from my blog please, thank you!

    @Tisha, they just come o. You are talented yourself too.

  9. Lool!
    Myne, I just have to ask, are you this lovestruck in person too?

    Na wa ooo!

  10. Lovely poem. You should sing it or lease it to be sung. It will make a hit.

  11. oops! sorry MYNE am not into poems though i read them. have a nice weekend.

  12. lol @ Fabulo-la. NICE POEM AS ALWAYS MYNE.

  13. Thanks all.

    @Fabulola, am I as love-struck? What do you think? LOL. I am o, the love is just striking me everyday, lol.

  14. ....Then love is wicked!lmao

  15. Hahahaha,Myne is LOVE BITTEN!!!!Oooh do tell us more!!!Be more explicit!!!!I like I like, feels like being 16 again!!!!

  16. Yesssss TGIF soon too. Its been a crazy week. Uhmmm love... love... especially when there are phone calls involved... *sigh*

  17. nawaooo myne nwanti ti...had to propa ponder on this line

    It is definitely not a figment
    Of my fertile imagination

    love the clash its apparently a figment which means confused...

    and then u call it fertile which means composed and sure..nice mix..i fit analyse dey it..more pwease

  18. nawaooo myne nwanti ti...had to propa ponder on this line

    It is definitely not a figment
    Of my fertile imagination

    love the clash its apparently a figment which means confused...

    and then u call it fertile which means composed and sure..nice mix..i fit analyse dey it..more pwease

  19. Thanks Beautiful, you give it even more meaning, lol.

    @Wildboy, love wicked abi?

    @TNotes, love dey strike me, now you say it should bite me too? Now who's being wicked? LOL...

  20. You see... as soon as my laptop messes up, I'm down to beign 22nd... 22ND!!! SMH...

    Loved this... I like the way you used a typical fone call scene to illustrate thhe message here... We all can definitely relate... Especially when you've been waiting for that person to call... ***sigh***blush***sigh*** LOL... :)

  21. Love d poem Myne & can't wait or d weekend either even tho it goes by super fast.

  22. Halo....hello...

    The things love will do to you!

  23. I think the first 6 lines (up to where it says "Or am I dreaming again") are truly magical. You're transported to wherever the persona is, and you feel their emotions and the mire they're in. And the poem while developing refuses to move on at the same time. That symbolises the persona's sense of confusion(?) and even conflict. I loved the structure of this one. Thanks for sharing.

  24. beautiful poem, have a great weekend myne!

  25. Thanks all

    @Nana Yaw, your type feedback I really like, cos I am still learning.

    @Shels, speechless eh? LOL...

  26. This is so cool!Since I'm in that season, I'm also reading yours and smiling.I love it!

  27. A phone call is nice, but nothing beats seeing the one you love in person.

  28. 2cute, I'm happy for you, please enjoy.

    @Jen, that is absolutely true. Phones are just second best when the first is not possible.

  29. Love this poem ,myne
    have a nice weekend

  30. It's past 1am so some poetry feels right. Glad I came across this piece, very uplifting!

  31. very gorgeous piece.
    You know what I love; when poetry brings meaning with such simplicity. It takes a night long ponder to decipher what most people call poetry. ur gorgeous

  32. Thank you Kennis and MsAfro.


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