Friday, July 4, 2014

Photos of 2 Gay Dads Crying as They Meet Their New Born For the First Time Go Viral

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A photographer was on hand to capture the emotional moment two gay dads met their son for the first time. The photographer Lindsay Foster, shared the photo on their Facebook page, writing;

"I had the opportunity to photograph this amazing birth on June 27 for a surrogate and two expecting and anxious daddies. Hours were spent with them in the hospital room while the surrogate mom was laboring and I got to know them quite well.They are two compassionate people who felt all the emotions that every new parent feels. They asked all appropriate questions of the birthing mom and the midwife and educated themselves as best as they could for their son's arrival. I am so proud of these two dads."

The pictures were liked over 6,000 times but also attracted negative comments.

Andrea Kelly Publicly States Her Support For 14 Years Old Transgender Son

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Andrea Kelly’s youngest child with ex, R. Kelly, recently came out of the closet with his transition from female to male.

The 14 year old's decision to go public with the story sparked so many debates online, especially after father R. Kelly said he didn't want an interviewer addressing his daughter as a son [read here].

Jay's mother, Andrea Kelly has been supportive all along according to Jay, and now she is speaking out and reiterating that support, even though she admits it's still a learning process for her on how to treat her child as a son now, and not a daughter.

Andrea also says in the new interview with VH1 that parents are wrong for not supporting their transitioning children. Check out some excerpts from the interview below;

Nicki Minaj Steps Out on a Bad Hair Day After Rumors of Beef With Iggy Azalea

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Nicki Minaj was photographed on her way to rehearsal yesterday, and she was looking fairly disheveled and not like her usual fashionable self. The award-winning rapper's hair was a mess and she was wearing old sweats and sneakers and with very little to no make up on.

This is coming just days after Nicki Minaj gave an acceptance speech at the BET Awards on Sunday, that appeared to throw shade at other female rappers, especially Iggy Azalea, an upcoming rapper who was also nominated for the same award.

Nicki said in her speech that when "you hear Nicki Minaj spit, Nicki Minaj wrote it." Some say this is a pointed dig at Iggy Azalea who's been rumored to work with ghostwriters and who some say is on her way to taking Nicki Minaj's crown as the best female MC.

Soldiers in Lagos State Set BRT Buses On Fire, Attack And Shoot At Onlookers

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Angry soldiers in Lagos State went on a rampage some hours ago and set buses belonging to the Lagos State Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on fire after one of them was hit by one of the buses in Palmgrove area.

According to eye-witnesses who discussed the incident on Twitter, it all started when a BRT driver changed his lane and accidentally knocked down one soldier on a bike. The soldier wasn't killed or seriously hurt, but made calls after he was hit to call his colleagues to come and wreak havoc on the bus.

The passengers in the BRT bus including the offending driver tried pleading with him but he was adamant.

What Does Makeup Mean To You? Letter From a Father to His Daughter

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Dear Little One,

As I write this, I’m sitting in the makeup aisle of our local Target store. A friend recently texted me from a different makeup aisle and told me it felt like one of the most oppressive places in the world. I wanted to find out what he meant.

And now that I’m sitting here, I’m beginning to agree with him. Words have power, and the words on display in this aisle have a deep power. Words and phrases like:

Mommy Time - Beyonce and Blue Ivy Get a Mother-Daughter Mani-Pedi

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BeyoncĂ© has been on the road for the On The Run tour with her husband Jay Z  for over a week, and some would be wondering, what about Blue Ivy? Their little daughter travels with them, and just like Bey and Jay make time for each other, Beyonce also makes sure to spend quality time with her baby daughter.

Beyonce shared these adorable snaps from a mother-daughter time out she had with Blue Ivy getting a manicure and pedicure.

Blue Ivy went for pink and while Queen Bey matched her on one hand, she went for a more grown up red for the other hand and her feet.

They also swam and played with the dolphins. That's the life, isn't it? LOL....

Karrueche is not Pregnant or Engaged To Chris Brown But Their Relationship is in a Good Place

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Chris Brown's girlfriend Karrueche Tran has hit out against pregnancy and engagement rumours, saying she is neither pregnant nor are the two engaged.

The confusion surrounding their on-off romance has finally been cleared up by the model, who said "I have been pregnant one hundred times, I have been engaged one hundred times but no I am not".

Tran also insisted that following Brown's recent release from jail, the couple are in a "good place" in their relationship.

 The 25-year-old beauty said: "I'm just happy he is home and not in that state of mind anymore. I'm working, he is working and we are in a good place in our relationship, we are happy".

7 Extremely Effective Couples Therapy Exercises You Can Try at Home

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There are quite a few couples therapy exercises you can try at home, especially since everyone has a lot of daily responsibilities, long to-do lists and big stressors in their life.

That’s why it’s sometimes so easy to neglect your partner or to take them for granted. That special connection you share with your significant other needs to be cultivated, and couples therapy can help you strengthen your relationship and work through difficulties.

Here are a few very effective couples therapy exercises that you should try, since they will help you get closer to your partner and nourish a stronger bond:

Magazine Covers - Nicole Scherzinger Talks Bulimia, and Lewis Hamilton For Cosmopolitan

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Nicole Scherzinger came to prominence as the front singer for the girl band, The Pussycat Dolls and since them she has moved into being a judge for different talk shows including X-factor UK.

In the coming issue of Cosmopolitan, Nicole Scherzinger opened up on alot of issues including her relationship with Lewis Hamilton and her battle with Bulimia.

On Bulimia and getting past the shyness that made it worse for her, she said;

What is Ebola and Why is it So Deadly? Should You Be Worried? What Should You Do?

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In March, an outbreak of Ebola began with a just a handful of cases in Guinea. As a public health afficionado if not practicioner, I've had my eyes on the reports of the outbreak, but recently Atala has been asking me what I know about the virus and he is becoming worried. So what is Ebola?

The Ebola virus causes viral hemorrhagic fever, and symptons can resemble the flu. The virus is named after the Ebola River in the DRCongo (formerly Zaire), where one of the first outbreaks occurred in 1976. Of Ebola's five sub-types, the Zaire strain is considered the most deadly.

The WHO has said preliminary tests on the Ebola virus in those cases in Guinea in March suggest the outbreak there is the Zaire strain, although that has not been confirmed.

However, as of June 30, at least 759 people in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia have been infected by Ebola since its symptoms were first observed four months ago. 467 of them have died. That's a 61.5 percent mortality rate.