Monday, November 24, 2014

PSquare Loses Dad Two Years After Mom Passed Away

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The Okoye family have lost their patriarch as their dad is reported to have died earlier today, as reportedby Linda Ikeji;

Two years after losing their mum, the Okoye boys have lost their father. Mr Okoye died today November 24th.

A source close to the family told LIB exclusively that the late Mr. Okoye recently had a successful knee surgery and was about going for physiotherapy when he just fell. So sad. May his soul rest in peace...Amen.

Halle Berry Sues Gabriel Aubry For Straightening Daughter's Hair To Make Her Look White

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Halle Berry recently took her ex-boyfriend and baby daddy Gabriel Aubry to court to reduce the amount of child support she has to pay to him for thejoint custody he has of their six-year-old daughter Nahla.

Now, the two are back in court again over what Halle thinks are racial tensions. Halle Berry took Aubry to court this week for trying to make Nahla look "white," and always straightening her hair.

Stephanie Linus Addresses Rape Allegation Against Brother, Daniel Okereke.

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Stephanie Linus has spoken out through her press people on the recent rape allegations against her brother, Daniel Okereke. Prince Daniel Okereke is currently facing criminal charges of rape in court after a Unilag student accused him of brutally raping her.

Stephanie's statement reads as follows;

I am distraught and devastated to hear of the recent allegation of rape brought against a relative of mine, Daniel Okereke (my brother).

While it is a very difficult time for me, and my family; I feel the need to make clear my position, lest there be any doubt. Rape is rape, regardless of who the face of the accused is.

Eldee Receives Backlash After Calling Out Runs Girls As Prostitutes

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Eldee is a semi-retired Nigerian rapper, and record producer, married with children, and currently living in the United States with his family. He shared the above message on Instagram and Twitter as his own views on the current trend of transactional sex in Nigeria, or the Aristo mentality. He wrote on Twitter;

‘A “Runs Girl” Aint Nothing but a High Priced Prostitute, Stop Celebrating These Hoes & Making Them Role Models for Young Girls’

Covers - Kim Kardashian For Elle Magazine

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Kim Kardashian is always having fun on her photoshoots whether nude, balancing a champagne glass on her derriere or licking cupcake from her fingers.

This time, Kim is covering Elle UK magazine’s “Confidence Issue,” coming out January 2015.  Photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino.

Jennifer Lopez is 45 And She Looks It

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That Jennifer Lopez is 45 and looks much younger is currently trending on Twitter after her jaw-dropping performance at the #AMA2014 show last night. But I beg to disagree. I think she looks great, but she still looks 45.

9 Things Men Get Wrong About Women

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By Katherine Schooner 

1. We use PMS as a “get out of jail free” card.

Guys seem to think that we use our period as an excuse to get out of everything. I have heard countless—I repeat, COUNTLESS—guys complain about the fact that women get a “get out of jail free card” during that time of month. These same guys complain about how we constantly bitch about everything. They think PMS is only a psychological frame of mind. OK, there is no pretty way to say this next part: When you are bleeding for days from your womb, you have a right to complain. PMS is a real thing, and the pain that comes with it is also very real.

How To Date A Soccer Player

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Most women love soccer players, they are generally good looking, physically fit, athletic, and well paid. They are the type of men women want, and other men want to be. A lot of women have dated a soccer player at one time or the other, because that's often how those guys play.

It was because of ballers like them that the term WAG - Wives and Girlfriends - came about. Sometimes players have them at the same time, in multiples. Yet women want more of them.

Woman Delivers Quadruplets after 18 Years of Infertility and Childlessness

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44-year-old Clara Dominique, who had been childless with her husband for 18 years, was reportedly delivered of quadruplets - three girls and a boy - at the Graceland Medical Centre in Benin City, Edo State last Saturday. The report did not state whether the couple had used infertility treatments.

The couple got married in 1996, and experienced the usual turbulence that infertile couples go through. Clara Dominique said it was God’s grace that kept them through the trials of childlessness. She said they refused to keep friends because of the problem.

My Entire Thoughts About The Bill Cosby Rape Scandal [RE - Verastic]

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This is a response to Vera's questions on the allegations of sexual assualt and rape on Bill Cosby, one of which is why it seems some people have already convicted Bill Cosby of the crime. I can't answer for those people, but I can speak for myself.

I cannot categorically say Bill Cosby is guilty of rape because I'm not a court of law. However, I tend to go with the women on this. More than 20 unconnected women telling almost the same story cannot ALL be lying. Like you noted, they have nothing to gain as the statute of limitations has passed.

You have to know they didn't start talking today. 13 of them were willing to talk 10 years ago, but Bill Cosby PAID one of them and closed the door on the others coming forward. One still continued talking and has been vocal since then, Barbara Bowman.