Monday, March 25, 2013

Dear Myne - I Don't Love My Fiance Like I Used To

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I’m a huge fan of your blog and I really admire your approach to life. Ok, here's the gist... I was dating this guy since my first year in the university and I equally assisted him in getting entry into school the next academic session. I loved him but we had unending issues for all the years we dated and I broke it up when I graduated. I felt we weren’t close any more, there was little or no communication, and I’m igbo, he's not. Also he became verbally abusive and to crown it all, he's a Muslim while I’m from a strong catholic home.

Now after I called it off, we never communicated for over a year and only reconnected early this year. I am a corp member now while he's about rounding off with his final projects in school. He wanted us to continue from where we stopped and hopefully get married.

After much thought, I obliged because the other relationship I entered after him didn't even last up to six months. My supposed lover who promised to mend my heart practically jilted me and got married few months later. I was wrecked and made a firm decision to find true love that is indeed true to the word.

Comments That look Real but are Spam Comments

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I could also title this post the scourge of the anonymous, but the truth is that sometimes, these spammers come and register blogger profiles, or they fill in a name with their link. But whether they come as Anonymous or as "seemingly" real comments, I'm writing this post to share with you guys how to recognise them and keep them as far away from your commenting section as possible.

So how do you know if the comments on your blog are spam? Obviously if someone post content that's not related to what you posted about, you can consider it as spam. Such comments as "Great Info! I Love it!! Will be back later to read some more. Can I add you to my Xanga group?" may not be unrelated, and will even stroke your ego as a blogger, but it is spam.

Some of the spam comments I just deleted are below

6 Reasons To Appreciate Your Mate by Z.R. Moore

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Appreciation is the act of giving something or someone their proper value, and everybody has value. Value in a relationship is important because it lets a person know where they stand, and what they mean to you; appreciation is a way of letting that person know these things. When someone is dedicated to a relationship, and they don’t know how valuable they are to that partnership it changes how they function, and how they operate in that union. When a person believes that you don’t value them they tend to devalue the relationship they’re in.

Relationships tend to develop problems when one of the partners doesn’t feel appreciated. The longer that person feels unappreciated the more likely it is that they may come to resent being taken for granted, so by purposely showing your partner that you appreciate what they do, you’re eliminating a lot of problems that can happen when you don’t. Here are some good reasons why you should show them how you feel.

Reason 1: It makes them happy
Most people enjoy doing things for other people, and many derive happiness from being generous and giving.It’s when they never get a thank you, or other acknowledgement, that they become disgruntled about doing so. Most people don’t need payment for the acts of kindness, and love that they do for you, so simply telling them how much you appreciate their efforts will make them happy. They can never hear this too much.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Awakening - The Movie: Now in Nigerian Cinemas

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It has echoes of Final Destination but the trailer shows that it is a totally Nigerian movie, even with ties to some time in history and to ancient gods or oaths.  I saw the trailers to this movie earlier and was impressed. Reading two positive reviews [here and here] made me publish this post calling on people to go see the movie for those in Nigeria. It seems they shot on a really small budget and had little left over for promotion. I think good producers and directors need to be encouraged, so go see the movie at your nearest cinema if you can.

I have contacted the director to ask for those of us who live in the US, if there is any chance that Awakening is coming soon to Amazon or Youtube for paid streaming? Or even Iroko+? There is also the option of Distrify? Nigerian movie makers should get with the diaspora audience already jare.

This is the blurb of the movie and you can watch the trailer below;

A story about a young man who suddenly starts to have strange dreams about people dying and discovers his dreams are actually premonitions to real life events. He begins to investigate his connection with the deaths and discovers a sinister plot by greater forces that have existed even before the foundations of this nation. Together with a top newspaper journalist, they race against time to find a solution to the strange events.

Uru Eke on Single Parent Upbringing and Her Kind of Man

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Uru Eke is an upcoming Nollywood actress. She used to work as a IT Consultant in the UK but moved back fully to work in the movie industry in Nigeria because that was what she felt more passionate about. She has been moving up gradually and and has now featured in several high profile movies including Last Flight to Abuja by Obi Emelonye. Uru Eke spoke to the BN Weekend interview crew on various subjects including her work, her family life, and thoughts on relationships. As you can imagine, I was very interested in the latter two. See some snippets from the interview and more pictures of Uru Eke below;

What kind of upbringing did you have?
I was raised in a strict environment. My Mum is a hard woman, no messing about with her. But she is my hero, my rock; I don’t know what I would have done without her. My Mum is the most positive person I know.

I notice you’ve only talked about your Mum. What about your Dad?
My Mum is a single parent but she did an amazing job. I don’t even feel like I grew up with a single parent. I turned out all right.

Real Love Story - Couple Find Love on Instagram

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Matt Fleming and Robin Coe

When I read this story on the MSN Heartbeat blog, it just melted my heart. With echoes of how I too found love online, I think their story is one worth sharing to encourage anyone out there still wondering about online dating and long distance relationships. Honesty, and a commitment to see as soon as you can is definitely key.

Matt Fleming and Robin Coe followed each other on Instagram, and though she had over 200K followers, she would sometimes comment on his pictures and reply to his comments on hers. In the winter of 2011, she shared a photo of someone walking a dog through Toronto's cold landscape which reminded him of his childhood in the midwest. He finally asked her to send him a private message.

"What's up?" she replied. This prompted Matt to send her an eight-paragraph email about himself and his childhood.

"He was just so endearing and sincere. I could feel the warmth in his words," Robin, 34, told The Heart Beat. "I'd long been struggling to find my place on this earth, and despite the differences in our individual circumstances, I could relate to every single word. I didn't hesitate to write back."

Pictures From Tuface and Annie Idibia's Island Wedding Reception

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Tuface and Annie leave wedding venue

After the wedding was complete, Tuface and Annie Idibia's mostly celebrity wedding guests socialized at the Jumeirah Hotel venue before heading off via a boat ride to their island wedding reception. Enjoy!

Watch Ay's Crib - Full Episode of August Visitor

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AY's Crib is a family sitcom from popular Nigerian stand-up comedian, AY. In this first Episode titled August Visitor, AY plays himself with Alex Ekubo as JJ, Bucci Franklin as KC, Justice Nuagbe as Ushbebe and Venita Akpofure as Mimi, AY's girlfriend.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Omotola Jalade Pays Tribute to Husband on Their Wedding Anniversary

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Omotola Jalade Ekeinde's new twitter profile picture

First it was the PDA at Omotola's surprise birthday party [Photos], and now the actress and wife of Matthew Ekeinde is speaking out in appreciation of her husband, whom she calls "a GOOD MAN".  Omotola and her husband are celebrating 17 years of being married, and it so happens that they got married on his birthday, so it's a double celebration. Omotola doesn't often talk about her family life [Interview], but when she does, she is always full of praises for how supportive her husband is.

Often we hear about the worrisome dysfunctional marriages, but in as much as all relationships have their ups and downs, there are quite a number of good men and happy marriages out there. I love that Omotola paid this tribute publicly to encourage those who need it, and also her good man. May we all get the good man we wish for.

Happy 17th anniversary to Omotola and Matthew Ekeinde.

See her tribute tweets below;

2Face and Annie Idibia’s Dubai Wedding Pictures

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Tuface and Annie after the wedding

Tuface and Annie Idibia's Dubai wedding event is currently going on right now, on the beach in the shadow of the Burj Al Arab. These are pictures being shared on social media by celebrity guests. Come back later for more.