Thursday, December 11, 2014

Man Who Lost All Four Limbs To Flesh Eating Bacteria Plans To Walk At Wedding

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Alex Lewis, 34, was left fighting for his life when the normally harmless bacterial infection Group A Streptococcus, quickly turned critical, eating away at his flesh. He suffered multiple organ failure, septicaemia and toxic shock syndrome.

Alex survived but lost three limbs, part of his nose and his lips in the fight. Later, his remaining arm had to be amputated after surgery to save it failed. So now he's a quadruple amputee, but one who insisted on living the life he's won to the full.

Man Photographs His Wife And Her Sisters Every Year For 40 Years Starting 1974

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A series of photos, taken by Nicholas Nixon, are reported to be currently on display at the Museum of Modern Art until Jan. 4. The exhibit, tagged 'Nicholas Nixon: Forty Years of the Brown Sisters', shows the physical transformation and aging of a group of four sisters over four decades.

At the time of the first picture above in 1974, from left to right, Heather was 23, Mimi was 15, Nixon's wife Bebe was 25, and Laurie was 21, and . Over the years, Nixon and his wife went on to have 2 children.

44-Year-Old Queen Latifah Says She's Ready To Have Children

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Oscar-nominated actress and former talk show host, Queen Latifah says she's ready to become a mother, and hopes to be able to withstand the responsibility that comes with it.

The 44-year-old Grammy Award winner, who is rumoured to be in a lesbian relationship with her longtime companion Eboni Nichols, didn't specify if she would conceive naturally, or go down the route of surrogacy or adoption.

How Bill Cosby Drugged Me - Top Model Beverly Johnson Shares Her Story

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Beverly Johnson is a name that rings many bells in entertainment circles, but especially in modelling. She lists on her Twitter page, "First African-American model on the cover of Vogue. Model Mogul. Oprah Legend. Hair Maven."

Today, the former super model shares her Bill Cosby experience, she alleges he brought her into his confidence and then took advantage of her after drugging her. This aligns with what so many other women had also reported. She told her story to Vanity Fair and Bill Cosby and his attorneys are yet to respond.

The Lonely Life Of A 58-Year-Old Virgin

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Many of us have watched the movie, 40-Year-Old Virgin with comedian Steve Carell and laughed, but in real life, missing out on such a big part of life as you get older and older may not be so funny. A California man with a difficult upbringing, blames his looks, social awkwardness, and extreme shyness for still being a virgin at 58.

As the years have gone by and his sex drive dwindled, the man says he doesn't have high hope's of ever having sex. He says the hardest part is not missing out on the sex, but in finding a mate and companion for the everyday intimacy.  His story is a touching one, read below...

Woman Raped Beaten and Left For Dead Names Facebook Lover As Her Attacker Before She Dies

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Eliza Dragne, 30, was said to have been unlucky in love, so she kept it a secret when she met Nicu Alin Cristea, 29, on Facebook. Unfortunately, when they met up, he allegedly beat, raped, and stabbed her in the neck with a screwdriver and then left her to die in a field on the outskirts of town.

Despite her injuries, she managed to crawl to a road and was airlifted to Bagdasar-Arseni Hospital in Bucharest, where she slipped into a coma and died. However, before she passed away, she mustered enough strength to give a brief interview to police, who said she named Cristea as her alleged attacker.

Beyonce Reportedly Gives JayZ A BJ In The Office

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Someone who works for Jay Z's Roc Nation, has just tattled to MediaTakeOut, about the sex lives of their boss Jay Z and his wife Beyonce. And I think the person who did this probably either doesn't like their job or wants to get everyone there in trouble, or it's all made up. But even if it's true, they won't be the first or the last.

Anyway, the amebo claims to have recently caught out the couple after Beyonce came into the Roc Nation offices to see Jay Z and probably gave him some head in his office before leaving. The person says what alerted them, including Jay's secretary was Beyonce's smudged lipstick and Jay's open pant's zipper.

Football Fan Passes Note To Man About Cheating Girlfriend Who Kept Texting Another Man

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An American football fan who went to watch a game passed a note to a man sitting in front of him after spotting the man's pregnant girlfriend sending romantic text messages to some other guy named 'Jason' through out the match.

The man named Lye said he was there to watch a game when he saw the woman sending messages like 'I wish I was with you all day' and 'I will see you as soon as I am done with him', and couldn't help himself but tell the woman's partner at the end of the game what she'd been up to.

Two Boys Kidnapped By The Househelp In Lagos Found In Shagamu

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Remember the two boys - Rafael and Michael - who were abducted from their home in Isheri Magodo Estate, Lagos on Sunday December 6th?

Actress Kate Henshaw was the first to put out the alert about how the family househelp took the little boys away while their parents were out. It turned out the househelp was hired online just a few days before. [read here].

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Nigerian Woman Allegedly Murdered By Husband In Texas, Baby Missing

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Houston police are now looking for the husband, Achilles Lambert, of a Nigerian woman named Anastacia Oaikhena Lambert who was found dead in her home in Houston, Texas on Monday December 8th. The estranged husband is said to have gone missing with the couple's 11 month old baby son.

27 year old Anastacia was found stabbed to death and her body stuffed inside a refrigerator in the Houston apartment. The decomposing body was found by maintenance workers after a strong foul odor was perceived coming from the woman's home.