Thursday, July 25, 2013

How To Find Information on the Internet 3: Group Discussion Sites

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As mentioned earlier, a group discussion site contains content, typically about a specific topic, that has been submitted by the members of the site. This makes such sites invaluable if you are looking for information on that particular subject, because the members of the site who contribute the content are likely to be either enthusiastic or knowledgeable about the subject.

These sites could be blogs, where the submitted content is in the form of blog posts and comments, or they could be bulletin boards where the content is in the form of threads of posts submitted by the members of the site.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

#Royalbabyboy Shall Be Called George Alexander Louis

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His Royal Highness, the Prince of Cambridge now has a name. Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton, chose the name George Alexander Louis, ending speculation over what their baby's name would be.

Types Of Men To Avoid On Twitter and Facebook

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By Jummai

In 2013, in the age of twitter, facebook, instagram, myspace, blah blah blah it’s no surprise that a good number of the people we end up meeting and dating are from the virtual world. If you want to lie to yourself then lie, but for those that do set P or intend to set P with those peeps online, here are some tips of type of guys to avoid.

Top 10 Reasons Why Women Cheat

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by Tosyn Bucknor

Find below ten of the reasons I got while speaking with friends and family, and even via comments on a facebook post!!!

Keep Believing, Keep Fighting, Keep Working Hard - Linda Ikeji

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There were many nuggets of inspiration in the online letter Linda Ikeji shared with her blog's readers yesterday. In the first part of the letter, she responded to critics, and assured her readers about stories they may have heard from those whom she may have offended, and whom may be peddling rumors about her.

Couple Love - Tuface and Annie Idibia

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Tuface and Annie Idibia are newly weds by some standards having only just got married last March. But they've been dating for much longer and have a daughter together. Do you see their hands? Says a lot to me. Wishing them more love.

The TIFF Trailer of the “Half of a Yellow Sun” Movie

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This trailer has just come online, and the buzz is building. Why? Though there was some delay, the film has now been accepted to be shown at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in September. This is where movies primed for Oscars and other major film awards are first presented. HOAYS movie will also be opening the 2013 Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) in Nigeria closer to the end of the year.

Giving Compliments by Sisi Yemmie

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If you've not seen one of Sisi Yemmie's videos, you may be a learner, or blogger newbie. Sisi Yemmie is the blogger behind and now also produces and presents amazing lifestyle videos. Watch the one below on how giving compliments cements friendships and relationships, and subscribe to her channel.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

#RoyalBabyBoy - William and Kate Show Off Their Newborn Son

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Kate, with her husband, Prince William who was right beside her for the birth of their son, left the hospital today with their newborn, Prince of Cambridge. Both 31, the couple looked cheerful and unhurried as they talked and joked with journalists and reporters.

Dangers of Long Hair - Beyonce's Weave Caught in a Fan

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While performing at a show in Canada, Beyonce's hair got caught and stuck in a spinning fan near the stage where she sat to sing. Surprisingly, she continued singing without missing a beat. The show organizers quickly put off the fan, and her loyal bodyguard helped her to untangle and finally cut the weave. See video below;