Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Keep Believing, Keep Fighting, Keep Working Hard - Linda Ikeji

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There were many nuggets of inspiration in the online letter Linda Ikeji shared with her blog's readers yesterday. In the first part of the letter, she responded to critics, and assured her readers about stories they may have heard from those whom she may have offended, and whom may be peddling rumors about her.

However, the part that interested me the most came towards the end of the letter where she revealed that this August, she's starting a Youth Empowerment Program for young girls that would help to finance their small businesses. She also plans to make her media and entertainment business reach into TV also. She goes on to share more words of encouragement that really moved me.

In her own words;

Anyway, more stuff will be written about me and I'm cool with it. I write about people so it's only fair that others write about me. You know what they say; you get what you give! I know that. I understand it and I accept it. And I don't plan to respond to most of the talk...sometimes I will but most of the time I won't. You choose what you want to believe and what you don't. And those who are worried about my reputation, don't be! You see, when God stands by you, no one can bring you down. Plus none of the people writing are holier. Besides, it comes with being on top. So many people will try to bring you down, but you never ever give them the chance. They can try, just don't ever let them win.

The thing is, I plan to be around for a long time. I'm only 32 and I'm just starting. Blogging is just a starting point for me. I'm planning to build my own studio here in Lagos, produce TV shows and be a media mogul. That's my dream and I'm already on that path. I'm looking forward to my future!

Also I'm starting a youth empowerment program where I will not only guide and mentor young girls, but also help finance their small scale businesses. That starts in August. It's my way of giving back.

Having said all that let me give advice to all the young people reading this:
1. What people think about you is not important...because they will have an opinion and there's nothing you can do about it. But remember, it's what you think about yourself that matters the most. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're less than what you are. Never let anyone make you think low of yourself. Always think up. Remember, whatever you think about yourself, that's what you are!

2. You can be anything you want to be. For all the dreamers out there, here's something you need to know. The time while you're waiting for your dreams to come true is not a bad time. All you have to do is keep moving, keep believing, keep fighting, keep working hard and keep praying. You see the God we serve? He's not a foolish God. He's a marvelous God. His ways are not our ways. There's an appointed time for everything. When He's ready for you, you won't believe what hit you. When your dream takes off, you're going to be running, trying to keep up with it. Your dreams will come true because you deserve it. Just never give up! I'm a living testimony!

3. Remember, one day this life will be while you're still here, you must live the best life you can. You owe that to yourself. Feel as much love, as much joy, as much happiness as you can handle. You can have a good life. You deserve to be happy. You deserve good things. Be good to yourself and others and all good things will come to you.

Linda Ikeji was one of my motivational women's stories for March and this letter also reminds me that she's the author of a motivational book. I wish her all the best in her future plans, and I hope you're as inspired by her letter as I am.


  1. i am very inspired oh, God had made her big. a lot of people need to learn from her

  2. Do not be deceived its only when theres sumfin Bad about Linda that she remembers she wants to do some Empowerment thing,The Other time it was because Toke said somefin about her..

    If she really wants to give back do it privately dont Blow ur trumpet..Shes just resorting to emotional blackmail and y'all cant see it..

    1. Well said.

    2. there are all kinds of wrongs with your comment but I'm tired. Summary of it is - you seem to have expectations of when she should speak and what she should say or not say. However, people are different and she is who she is.
      I'm like that too; I only respond to bad press when people around me put pressure on me to do so. Otherwise I couldn't care less what you think about me.
      Lastly, what on earth is wrong with her talking about her plans for the youth? Na wa for you people oh, you will criticize everything.

    3. I pity the man wey go marry that girl. Dude will die from overdose of emotional blackmail. The girl is an expert at it.

    4. Emotional blackmail or no emotional blackmail though, she is doing a good thing that's going to benefit others regardless of the motivating factor.

      For things like this I believe it's not about why people are doing it, I am simply satisfied by the fact that they're doing it. Did I read it and lift an eyebrow? Maybe. But we need to realize that our opinion really is not important in the matter

  3. Myne I cannot for the life of me understand why you call this below mediocre human being inspiring. There is nothing inspiring about Linda Ikeji. The low standards we accept as Nigerians is just beyond me. Half the time, the information Linda posts is not correct and not even newsworthy. She goes to the highest bidder as she clearly stated. Of course she would paint things from her perspective.

    Youth empowerment?? O gini for what? To tell young girls that you can make a career out of being a gossip. Oh its good that you don't sleep with men for money but yeah its totally cool to say untrue things about people and have meaningless conversations really about nothing. What Toke Makinwa said about her is absolutely correct. Please Linda is going to pass away because I believe Nigerians are waking up and would demand more than the mediocre stuff Linda forces down her throat. Myne abeg don't let me boycott your blog too. You to sometimes ride a thin line but for the most part your posts are worth spending 5 mins of my life reading.

    1. if you are expecting to read something newsworthy, you should be on slate or NYT.

    2. At Anon 1.43PM- It is because of people like you it would take time for this country to progress

    3. Anon 2:54 here I am trying to get the logic or sense in your comment. Yes, I am anon 1:43PM and my dear, it is exactly because of people like me that this country will progress. Why? The answer is - because I have comprehension skills. One of the reasons given against Linda in the initial comment is "Half the time, the information Linda posts is not correct and not even newsworthy."
      Now, in response to that, I said that she could go to slate or NYT for newsworthy items. My answer correlates with her post. Yours? Not at all.
      Linda Ikeji blog is a gossip site, why should she be expected to post something newsworthy. And since when did it become mandatory that all media sources be serious and provide newsworthy content?
      I read slate, I read NYT, I read other newsworthy publications but I also read blogs with non-newsworthy content. Everyone has their role to play.
      My question to you is what sense does your comment make in relation to mine?

  4. Anon July 24, 2013 5:39 AM; correct. Can't believe Myne is sucking up to her. Thank God there are some people who can see clearly and aren't her stans. LI lies through her teeth and is so big headed now. Anyway, I blame it on her background. When you come from poverty and see small money you will think you have hammered. Good for her but she should watch it. Good she wants to go into others things like Radio shows, having a studio etc. I hope she knows that the married men that she lies she doesn't sleep with will harass her to sleep with them for sponsorship. Say no and you are going nowhere. Another sick story because she was outed yet again.

  5. Hi Anons, As a blogger, I know how much hard work goes into Linda's blog. Obviously her topics and business model are her choices which she is entitled to. But I believe her worth ethics, futire goals and her words are a motivation to any one with dreams.

    1. Oh yes if you believe all that.

    2. Myne- I would agree except that it is not work.

      Linda cannot even write articulately. This woman writes like she is texting. I mean is this journalism or what do we call it.Even if this is blogging, at least be articulate.

      This girl has no work ethics because if she did she would find out the trut before formulating half baked stories. As she claims the stories about her are not true but she is the main person who propagates false stories. She then makes a stupid pity line, I deserve it because I do it. Actually you don't deserve it and no one deserves it. If not you won't be writing us a sob story.

      Future goals maybe, but anyone can have goals. Words?!?!?! don't get me started, I can write a sob sorry too.

      We all choose who can or should not inspire us but on this one I disagree 100%. I am not hating on Linda, I am hating on the Nigeria mumus who glorify her. We are all Lindas because we are the ones who supposedly appreciate her. God forbid Linda be an inspiration for my daughter.

      Ok I'm done.

    3. Actually, I assumed you meant work ethics and not worth ethics. But in case it is worth ethics, I wait for the day where she starts to account for her part in messing up people's lives The fact that she can ignore it doesn't change a thing.

    4. I did mean work ethics, and future goals, forgive my typos :)

    5. Which words?
      Those poorly constructed grammar of hers?
      L struggle to believe that that girl is an English graduate. Even for a secondary school leaver,her written English is atrocious.

  6. Linda Ikeji always brings up a Sob story anytime something is said about her online. She knows how to ignore right?(According to her) Then y didn't she ignore toke makinwa when toke made her comment?
    Instead she enabled over 2000 hate comments on that lady,the effects of which have not cleared till now.
    She did the same thing with susan peters.
    Linda ikeji is mean and spiteful.and whenever she has beef with someone,uses her commenters to do her dirty work for her by putting that person up on her blog,and then enabling loads of horrible comments.
    Her sob stories are just what it is. Sob stories.

    1. Nigerians will write loads of horrible comments whether it's linda's blog or another blog.
      Why censor horrible comments? Let us see ourselves for what we really are.

  7. I have never respectied her for some of the graphic photos she routinesly shows of people who died tragically. Once she even put up the photo of a dead baby, I think another time the family members were probably not even fully notified and she had the graphic photo of the deceased on her blog. If it was her family or loved one she would never put up such photos. She is unscrupulous, and will do anything for clicks. I cannot stand people who lack reverence.

  8. @Madam and Anon, obviously I do not agree with everything Linda shares or allows on her blog, but it is HER blog and she has worked hard to make it what it is today, that someone like Chimamanda namechecks it. I won't be surprised if Goodluck Jonathon reads it too :)

    1. My statement has nothing to do with you, Myne. I am simply expressing my thoughts about one of the reason I lost respect for her and HER blog. Good that she has climbed out of the gutter, but to do so on the backs of the suffering of others greatly depreciates her success. I wish no ill-will on her, I simply hope she learns reverence.

    2. reverence in what way? that is a Nigerian mentality. Demanding reverence and humility because suddenly she is dining and wining with her betters abi?
      if she acted like uriah heep now, you people will like her better.

  9. I am shocked at the level of hate people express at others. I don't like everything Linda puts on her blog and a lot of times I feel she plays to the gallery against her own believes but that does not reduce the fact that she has made a name for herself and has done well. Her hard work if not her job is worthy of emulation. If u guys hate her so much why do u still visit her blog to see what she has on there?

  10. You people should be reading your bibles instead of Linda Ikeji's blog if you find her so vile. Abeg live and let others live. I think Linda has toned down the content of her blog in recent times which is good. I'm sure she has realized that some of her gossip has hurt people. If she was really a shylock, she wouldn't stop. And I do believe her when she says she doesn't get paid not to post some stories. Like she said, that would come around to bite her in the butt.
    That being said, she doesn't write the comments. She puts up a post about someone getting married and people write all sorts. If they don't type it on her blog, they will say in their houses. What I'm worried about is the mentality of most Nigerians not about the medium they use to express themselves. Most Nigerians don't need anyone to instigate them to doing or saying bad things so why blame Linda?

    1. Isee your point but i actually think she toned it down cos she does not have the liver to face some of the threats that were coming her way. The reason why she has not backed out completely is because of her love for money. The girl is actually amazed that folks can generate cash on her behalf for doing very little. Have you seen her written English? For an English graduate,her degree sounds dubious.

  11. Wendy Williams started off doing the same thing as Linda only difference is she was on radio with her "hot topics" which back then were half truths and outright lies about celebrities her hater list is from here to Capetown among celebs especially black celebs. Now she is a talk show host. I wonder if it were Wendy that Myne had written about would the comments still remain the same or are we hating because it is deemed not Nigerian or African to do what Linda does? i wouldn't be surprised if the same people hating on Linda here will be hailing Wendy, Perez Hilton, Nicole Bitchie and all those "celebrity gossip bloggers". I may not agree with everything Linda posts on her blog but I respect her for finding her niche, tapping into it and making money out of it. I guess more people are more jealous of her than hating on her it is what it is. There are tens of Nigerian bloggers who post worse stuff than Linda does some go all out to make up stories you don't see people hating on them so this "beef" with Linda appears to me to be more to do with jealousy at her self made millionaire status than anything else.

  12. There is probably a saint out there who is hated by I am not surprised Linda has these unwarranted haters who cannot even celebrate her accomplishment or see any good in her. All these anonymouses or anonymi, I wonder how much "reverence" they practice in their lives....I wonder that they seem to think of themselves as perfect and capable of passing judgment on someone's scruples or/and articulation...goodness. That being said, I wish Linda much success in all she hopes to accomplish and if some little girl or old woman or anyone out there dares to achieve a dream because of her words, I say kudos to her for doing what we all hope to do...make a positive difference in someone's life.

  13. Linda apologised to students in an online newspaper for carrying a fake story etc. Didn't people see it? I think it was Premium Times.

    Her recent manipulation of what she is looks laughable. She has a degree in English yet makes simple mistakes.

    Why did she reveal that she was circumcised? It was uncalled for. Obviously looking for sympathy.

    You cannot be Denrele Edun's friend from Uni and say you are a saint. I refuse to be gullible. Nigerians only want to be associated with successful people. Linda should enjoy the internet holiday while it last. She should have kept mute. Very childish and boring explanation of herself.

    @Myne, what happened to that blogger who cut off people from her blog? Some people have issues and should see a shrink. Another childish blogger?

    1. You must be a saint then in contrast to Denrele's friends that are not. Why can she not reveal that she was circumcised?
      I leave you with this - to the pure, all things are pure.
      PS: I don't know if you have a degree in English but I should let you know that your sentences are too short and disjointed.

  14. @Pure Anonymous, nincompoops would not know that a comment like this is not a thesis and can be short or disjointed. Over here, we don't bribe our way out of university. Thank you! Hehehe!

  15. Then you should also realize that someone with a degree in English can make simple mistakes. After all, it's a blog and not a scientific publication. My dear, don't taint your brain cells with the bile rushing through you.

  16. I am not surprised Linda has haters, that is how this world his people love the underdogs once you become successful people start looking for ways to tear you down. It happened with Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Serena Williams etc. Very soon people will start hating on Taylor Swift too. Stella Dimokoko (whatever her name is) is now the new bride, once she is successful people will start hating on her too.

    My advice for Linda is. she should upgrade from and turn her success into a business machine.

    1. Upgrade how? Except she changes the name. Some toes she had stepped on bought up and its variants.

  17. Stella Dimokokus or whatever was a Linda hater. Ask Linda and get your facts right. Stella once said that Linda's blog will not last. Whenever Linda has a disagreement with people, she is fond of using her readers as online thugs e.g., with Jim Iyke.

    Later, linda tries to make up with them by saying good things about them. It shows that she does not like malice therefore I don't understand the claim that she is good at ignoring people. No offence o. That's my observation. ..

    1. Linda is fake when she does all that making up thing.

  18. We have heard this Linda's life story enough times. Please tell her that it haff do.
    This her rag to riches story has been retold enough times. Let us hear something new,i beg.


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