Thursday, September 6, 2012

Family Contingency Plans - Accounts and Wills

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I'll share a personal story. Some of you may know that our trip to Nigeria was mostly for my father in law's burial. My FIL was a lawyer and had had a Will. In it, he had described where and how he wanted to be buried. My MIL and his sons knew this, and this made the period of his passing as well as the plans for his funeral relatively fuss-free.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Michelle's DNC Speech - Love Letter to Barack Obama

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I listened to Michelle Obama's speech on Live Network yesterday [she looked great as always and her pale purple nails and slim fingers were quite eye-catching] and what struck me most was how personal it was. It was a politicized love letter, and I loved that aspect of it. Around the middle of the speech she said, "...when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage. We were so young, so in love, and so in debt."

Dear Myne - Should I Run Away or Stay?

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I´m dating a nigerian guy, but I don´t know if he is Igbo or Yoruba. The thing is, he is extremely romantic, sweet, likes to cook, clean, etc. but he gets angry for small things. He has to have the last word for everything.. including my hair color and style, the nail´s color, clothes, friends, etc..he controls everything..common! He is very religious and smart but the last thing he did was he showed me a pic of the wedding dress he wants me to wear..I´m confused cuz he is a mix of romance and control at the same time, but he respects me and pampers me too much.. SHOULD I RUN AWAY OR STAY??

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Omarosa and Michael Clarke Duncan - Love and Loss

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Michael Clarke Duncan [actor in Green Mile] passed away yesterday at the age of 54. I was shocked when I heard the news, I remembered the movies I'd seen him in and how he came across, so huge and yet so serene. May his soul rest in peace. He has certainly left a mark in his field as an actor. He also left behind his girlfriend, Omarosa, with whom he had been planning to get married. Omarosa issued a statement, saying, “I am devastated. He was the love of my life.”

Dove Intensive Repair Daily Treatment Conditioner

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I am usually leery of hair products that are not specifically marked for ethnic or African hair so I almost turned down the opportunity to review the Dove Intensive Repair Daily Treatment Conditioner. However, my dove body wash has been making my skin really happy for the past few weeks, so I decided to give the hair conditioner a try. So far, I'm glad I did.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Young Men in Nigeria also Prefer Multiple Girlfriends

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Nollwood Reinvented commented on my last post about how many boyfriends a Nigerian girl has that she "felt sorry for the men after seeing this video... that was until Battabox released a male version yesterday titled HOW MANY GIRLFRIENDS SHOULD A NIGERIAN BOY HAVE?" So I had to go look for it, and the male respondents were even more outspoken.

How Many Boyfriends Does A Nigerian Girl Have?

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I saw this video and I didn't know whether it was made in jest or it was a serious, view-on-the-street kind of documentary. To the question in my title, the majority opinion was from at least 2 or 3 to as many as possible. Before we get our knickers in a twist, remember it is possible the makers of the video had several one-boyfriend respondents and decided to feature more of those with the less conventional 2-or-more opinion. Anyway, this post is not to condemn or support the views in the video, but to muse on some of the points raised.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Musiq Soulchild - If You Leave [feat. Mary J. Blige]

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Musiq Soulchild is a favorite for when I want to listen to soulful tunes to get to a deep place. In this collabo with Mary J Blige, they sing of break-ups and make-ups...

The Iconic White House and Washington Monument

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Is there anyone who visits Washington DC and who does not go see the White House? I knew I couldn't miss it, I even sent a notice to Obama that I was coming. Unfortunately, he had to meet with Hillary that day, the only excuse I would accept of course, lol. Seriously though, you can send a request through your local rep to get a tour of the White House, our timing was just off as the days we were in DC were not in the schedule.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Teju Babyface Weds Tobi Banjoko - Photos

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Teju Oyelakin is popularly known as Teju Babyface because of his lasting youngish looks, and over the weekend, he got married to his fiancee, Tobi Banjoko, at the Chapel of Christ Interdenominational Church, Ikeja, Lagos. See more pictures below and read their love story on Reasons some men get married.