Monday, October 15, 2012

Dear Myne - I Want to Meet Ladies on Your Blog

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I got this email on Facebook from a guy who wants me to do some matchmaking for him. He wants a god-fearing virgin. I believe this is a honest request and that's why I'm posting it, even though it might not be for everyone.

A Failed IVF Caused by Non viable Eggs

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It is quite difficult when you have always assumed you would have children, to then find out that you need some form of treatment in order to conceive. But it shifts the ground from under you when even that treatment fails. In the cases, it is only the grace of God and the reactions of the people around you to stabilize you. I thank God for my faith, for the person He has made me to be, and for the man I chose to go through life with.

Stories of Chance Romance Book Tour

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Tell me in the comments about a story of chance romance you've had or heard and stand a chance to win Kindle copies of “Crazy for Cowboy” by Roxy Boroughs (a sweet romantic comedy) or “Witch in the Wind” (a sweet paranormal/fantasy romance) by Brenda M. Collins. Just state which one you prefer. You can also click on the banner to follow the tour and get other chances to win. Cheers!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad - Weekend Pictures

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So a few weeks ago, we decided to take my mum and ourselves on an adventure. Mount Rainier is one of the highest points in Washington state, but while it might be too high to climb, or too far of a drive, we can take a locomotive train ride around it and enjoy the view. And that we did. And no, green is not my favorite color, it just so happened :)

Why Do Girls Love Lies? by Tofarati Ige

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There are two ways to catch a woman’s attention! If you want to be a ladies’ man, you’ve either got to be rich, or be a darn good liar!

I know so many girls reading this would be like, what? But yes, sister, that’s the truth, and you know it.

Girls love to be told stories that are out of this world. Girls love to be pampered and made to feel very special. They love to be treated like queens, and demigods.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Flavour - Baby Oku : Music Video Romance

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This video is in two parts - the first is slow and romantic and the other is dancehall. While I prefer the song in the first part, the chemistry between Flavour and his leading lady is as flat as mud water and so the dancing before the end looks even more interesting. Enjoy!

Should couples use the same Bedroom or Separate?

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Atala and I share the same bedroom and bathroom and I can't even imagine having to use separate ones in the near future. But I know that lack of privacy has been identified as one of the reasons strain develop in some marriages, and if an individual had their own space to get a good sleep, or just do them in peace, they may be more amenable when working on other issues. And some people can be so messy, it gets on their partner's last nerves.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Michelle Obama Speaks on the International Day of the Girl

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Today Oct 11 has been declared the first-ever International Day of the Girl, and in an interview with Yahoo, the American first lady talked about her hopes for her own daughters. When it comes to raising her girls, Michelle Obama says that she's much like any other parent.

My First IVF Experience

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I think I first heard about IVF in my late teens. This couple, our family friends, had not conceived in almost twenty years of marriage and the woman later had twins through IVF. This was in the 90s and it was called test-tube baby. Luckily for me, my parents were overjoyed for her and though it was announced on sorta like the hush-hush, it wasn't too secret either and those in our social circle did not treat her with stigma.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Latest Review of A Heart to Mend

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I get a little thrill like a little kid whenever google alerts me to reviews of any of my books and when it is a thorough review, and unexpected, it is doubly exciting. The icing on the cake is when it is as positive as this one by Bookshy, 4 out of 5 stars. Yay!

Gladys, twenty-something, has just moved to Lagos after completing her compulsory one-year National Youth Service in Enugu. She has secured an interview and test with a company in Lagos and has been invited by her estranged aunt to live with her. Edward, thirty-something self-made business tycoon, is instantly attracted to Gladys the first time he sets eyes on her. But there's a problem, Mr. Ice does not give his heart to anyone - he's had a bad past and doesn't trust anyone with his heart - but his attraction to Gladys makes him want to be around her, and have her.