Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Money, Marriage and Infidelity - A Nigerian Love Triangle

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Foluke Daramola and Kayode Salako

There are some stories I read and I'm just like, wow, I thought this only happened in Nollywood? Now I am certain that the writers I thought were pulling rabbits from a heart actually have a basis in reality for their scripts, or is it some people who have started mixing up real life with a very good imagination? Forgive my confusion, but this story a lady called Bukola told to E24-7Mag is enough to do the same to anyone.

She spoke of how she introduced her friend to a married man so they could milk him for financial assistance, and how they used Juju to get a firmer hold on him. What she didn't expect was that the friend would actually marry the man, and relegate her to the background. Sounds like a movie script really, and now I see where those who talk about the other woman are coming from.

I actually introduced her to Kayode, who,  for a very longtime was my toaster but I told him I could not date him because I was not really interested and there was really no feeling for him. I told him I was not really interested because I was in a relationship. About the same time, Foluke  had asked me to introduce her to someone who could help, so I introduced Kayode to her. I know he spends a lot on women, at least, he was dating a lady Princess Bimbo Olagunju, and he was spending so much to keep the girl. The same Princess knew how much Kayode liked me but I was not interested. So precisely February 13, 2012, I introduced Foluke to Kayode at Mama’s Place in Omole, Ikeja.

5 Relationship Myths To Beware Of by Z.R. Moore

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People believe what they want to believe when it comes to relationships. Beliefs about relationships lead some people into horrible situations. By not having any evidence that make these myths true people still base decisions of commitment on assumptions. Myths can really be harmful when it comes to choosing who to be with. Here are five myths that get people into trouble when it comes to relationships.

1. They will always be the same: People tend to believe that their partners won't ever change who they are. This is based on an assumption that this person won't continue to grow as human being as the years go by. Time tells us that this is not the truth. People do change as they age, as situations change, and from troubling situations that they go through. The problem with this myth is that sometimes people outgrow the relationship that they're in. Once this happens it's hard for that person to remain in that partnership when it's representative of who they once used to be.

The issue with this myth is that the other mate is basing their level of commitment on the stability of this person's character. When this changes the whole dynamic of the relationship changes. This is why when people get older they tend to end long term relationships, since these relationships are more reflective of who they once used to be. Know that when you're in a relationship with someone to not put all your hopes on this person remaining the same until they die. This isn't likely to happen.

Adaora Akubilo on Sports Illustrated and Being a Black Model

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Adaora Akubilo is a Nigerian American model and has appeared in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition for two years in a row now, 2012 and 2013. She was born in the United States to two Nigerian parents and lived in Nigeria for six years from when she was 10 till she was 16. Soon after returning to the States, she began to get coaching to become a model. She combined modelling with her education, before going into the career fully after college. She spoke to Culture Shock Nigerians on her experience.

When did you begin modeling?
I started modeling probably around 17. I was a sophomore in high school when I was approached by a scout. And it really wasn’t anything I thought about. I think my mom mentioned it to me when I was younger but you know, my father always drilled in my head to go to school so I was always academically oriented. It was all about school, school, school so I just didn’t see where the modeling thing fit in, but I talked to my mom about it and she was like sure. So, it was actually a modeling school.

 I’m sure people have heard about those and they’re like a little leery about them but my experience was actually a positive one. I went to the school, I took classes, and kind of got myself familiar with what modeling was and stuff like that. I got placed in the city and got placed with an agency and I would kind of go in the city in the summer time to kind of model because I was in college. I eventually went to college and stuff like that, but it wasn’t until after I graduated college that I decided to pursue it full time.

Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools Day - Special Message From the President

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This morning, the White House released a special video message from the President. Even President Obama and the White House have a sense of humor :)

The Obama Daughters Dressed For Easter and More Pictures

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Malia and Sasha seem to be both at that phase where they're growing taller everyday. Malia is taller than President Obama and Michelle, and her sister whom I thought would be of more average height, has shot up since the inauraguration, just two months ago.

For Easter, both girls attended church with their parents, and everyone is buzzing about their appearance. I think they look great, and I just love the whole family together even more. Below are some more pictures of the first family from various occasions...

Wedding Photos - Mekhi Phifer Marries Reshelet Barnes

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I loved Mekhi Phifer as Dr. Gregory Pratt on the NBC show ER, and on many movies he was in. Still don't know why he wasn't getting more roles in movies, I think he's a really good actor. Well, on Easter Sunday he got the role of a lifetime when he married his long-time girlfriend Reshelet Barnes. Both of them wore ivory [see other non-traditional grooms] for their intimate wedding with just 100 guests.

Joan Rivers Says Adele is Fat And Needs To Lose Weight

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What do you think on people calling you, or others, out on your weight. Rude, or just being realistic, or maybe even solicitous of your health? On a HuffPost Live interview, Joan Rivers was asked to defend comments she made on Adele's appearance at the Late Show with Letterman, instead Rivers was even more critical of Adele and her weight.

"It's not mean. She's a chubby lady who's very, very rich, and she should just calm down -- or lose weight! She wanted an apology, so I took an ad out on her ass. I said, 'You are not fat.' And then I had room for a lot of other ads," Rivers quipped. "Adele is beautiful and successful and has what, $100 million? Let's face reality: she's fat!"

What do you think, plain mean or simply saying it like it is?

Dear Myne - My Mother Destroyed my Last Relationship

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I've actually learnt quite a lot from reading your blog and I can say its a fab piece of work. Pls keep up the good work. I'm a young doctor of 27 years currently undergoing NYSC in Lagos. Relationship wise, I could say I'm a late bloomer; 1st kiss at 18 years, 1st boyfriend at 19years.

I also happen to come from a typical Yoruba household where love isn't openly expressed and sex education isn't a topic. I happened to have had a rough childhood with my dad straying a lot and some cases of physical abuse on my mother, my dad I can say is kind of chauvinistic in all its definitions. Thus, I grew up with the mindset of not marrying a man like him.

When I was 22, I met this young man who literally swept me off my feet,though from my stand point as a mummy's girl he was supposed to be bad for me, but I loved him anyways. We had quite a good relationship and to me, I could settle down with him. His parents were well known to our family.

About a year into the relationship,my mum came to me that she had been to some spiritualists who said we weren't compatible, in essence it was said that "my getting married to him would shorten his lifespan".

How to Increase Your Blog Traffic From Google Search

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As you can see from the picture, my biggest traffic on this blog comes from Google Search. The google.com search brings traffic three times either those from Twitter or Facebook, my next biggest traffic sources. Then there's also google.co.uk, .com.ng, and other localized results. In fact, Google organic search traffic is responsible for up to 70% of my traffic, and because they are relevant, most of those new visitors end up coming again and again.

 I am not a guru yet, and I have to be honest and tell you increased traffic did not happen for me overnight. It took a lot of luck, chance, and hard work. Not just writing on the blog, but also looking underneath the hood, reading articles on SEO and blogging, making google search my friend, reading the blogger forums, tweaking and re-tweaking my blog template, focusing or widening my niche, etc.

So how do you get traffic from Google? Before you do anything, you have to know that it is imperative that you first have great content on your blog. Also, the more numerous they are, the more chances you have of appearing in Google search results. And the longer your blog has been online, and the more relevant visitors find it, the more likely it is that google will start ranking you high. Before you know it, you will be ranking on the first page, and maybe even at #1. And then the traffic will start pouring in.

Ufuoma Ejenobor on Her Interracial Marriage and Motherhood

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Ufuoma Ejenobor is a Nigerian actress, model and aspiring TV producer. She is also a wife and mother, with her first baby born in December 2012. She spoke to Bellanija about being married to her European husband, Steven McDermott, choosing to wear a non-traditional wedding gown [see other non-traditional brides], and building her family at the same time as trying to remain plugged into her career. Enjoy...

Can you recall the proposal? How did your husband propose to you?
It was in Cape Town. I don’t know if he planned to propose and that’s why we went to South Africa or he just thought about it while we were there but it was so beautiful. He had just finished filming a commercial and he said we had to talk. He is not really the talking type so I knew it had to be something serious. I can’t remember his exact words but he said something like he wanted us to spend the rest of our lives together and I thought it was romantic. I said yes.

Your eyes really lit up when you said that. How did you meet him?
We have a mutual friend; they both work as advertisers. I met his friend while I was filming ‘Everything It Takes’ for Wale Adenuga. There was a particular day we went out for drinks and my husband who was his friend was with them. We hung out, became friends, started spending time with each other and started to feel very comfortable with each other.