Friday, April 5, 2013

Traditional Wedding Pictures - Nse Ikpe Etim and Clifford Sule

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Nse Ikpe-Etim had her traditional wedding with husband, Clifford Sule in her hometown, Ikot Etobon, Akwa Ibom. The two exchanged customary marriage vows in front of family members and guests at the St. Stephen Primary School, where the event held. They were both dressed in native Akwa Ibom traditional regalia, and in my opinion, that staff makes her look like royalty. Even the guy's Aladdin headgear. Nice one :)

You can read more about Nse and Clifford Sule at the following links; Nse on Finding a ManPersonal Journey to Love, Civil Marriage, and her Stepson.

Tribute to Roger Ebert by his Wife, Chaz Ebert

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I have always known about Roger Ebert since I started being interested in Hollywood and it's movies, and more recently since I got the Fandango app and started checking out the critic's reviews more often, I've been drawn to his blog for the Chicago Sun times. He is witty and fun, and yet can be serious too. I like his approach to movie reviews, and if I read his review before seeing a movie, I enjoy it more, reading the reviews after equally gives me another or a deeper insight into what I've seen.

On a personal level, I've seen him a few times in interviews, twice alone, and once with his wife, and I found his survival in the face of aggressive and repeated cancer amazing, the strength of the woman who had stood by him inspiring. Roger Ebert had attributed the success of his fight against cancer to his wife of over 20 years, Chaz Ebert, and now in announcing his death, she has penned an equally touching tribute.

CHICAGO, April 4, 2013 -- Chaz Ebert issued the following statement Thursday about the passing of her husband, Roger Ebert, a day after he celebrated 46 years as a film critic:

"I am devastated by the loss of my love, Roger -- my husband, my friend, my confidante and oh-so-brilliant partner of over 20 years. He fought a courageous fight. I've lost the love of my life and the world has lost a visionary and a creative and generous spirit who touched so many people all over the world. We had a lovely, lovely life together, more beautiful and epic than a movie. It had its highs and the lows, but was always experienced with good humor, grace and a deep abiding love for each other.

The Adventures of a Miss Series - Episode 1

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Why am I still single oh Lord? These were my first thoughts this early Monday morning. I didn’t think I should be grateful that I was alive oh, or was able to get out of my bed with no problem or that I have a job and a business to go to this morning. My thoughts were consumed by one of my best friend’s weddings I attended this past weekend. I’m the last one in my group of friends who is still single, Semi and Tayo are married, Sope is engaged and Kehinde has been with her boo for a year and half now.

I don’t know what I am doing wrong. I do want a man who is mine and I don’t want to settle for just anyone out of desperation. It’s not like there are no guys. I am a beautiful woman and there are always at least 2 or 3 guys trying to wife me up, but they just don’t feel right or am I just too picky? I have prayed and I know for a fact that they are not my God ordained husbands.

The first one Muhammad is a Muslim and while there is nothing wrong with being Muslim, it goes against everything I believe in. I think of my life with him wrapped up in my hijab all the time and I’d have to convert my religion and raise my kids to be Muslim. I don’t think it’s something I want to do at all and in all honesty I have completely shut down any feelings that may develop there. Although he’s still trying to convince me by giving me lavish gifts every week. I have never known a man as persuasive as him, but even with all the gifts I know in my heart it’s not going to happen.

Healthy Salad Dinner

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Roasted chicken drumsticks with shredded green leaf lettuce, tomatoes and lima beans topped with hickory bacon dressing. Surprisingly filling.

Watch Gidi Up Episode 6 - Snakes and Ladders

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Gidi Up is a thrilling adventure centered around the lives of four friends in pursuit of happiness, success and independence. However, a few wrong choices quickly turn their Lagos dreams into a Gidi nightmare.

In this episode of Gidi Up, things are looking up for Tokunbo, we finally get to meet Sharon, Chief's daughter and Obi's life is spiraling into a Gidi nightmare

Catch up with Episode 1 and 2 HERE, Episode 3 HERE and Episode 4 HERE.

This 8-part webseries shows how Tokunbo (Deyemi Okanlawon), Eki (Oreka Godis), Yvonne ( Somkele Iyamah) and Obi (Karibi Fubura) deal with love, sex and making a living in one of Africa's biggest cities.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Jada Pinkett-Smith Defines Open Relationship For Her Marriage

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Jada Pinket Smith and Will Smith have not hidden the fact that their marriage is an open one, even if in the past we were not sure what that meant for them. In a recent interview she clarified that it means "respecting that you're in a partnership, but knowing that you're an individual as well."

I am fine with that kind of an open relationship, and even polygamy as I said here. I am not an advocate, nor will I promote it, but I think the relationship with one's husband is something each woman has to make a personal decision about and not be influenced unnecessarily by those who aren't living it with them.

For me, open relationships are those in which you tell me when you begin to fall for someone else, and we can decide what to do about it. Will I give permission, probably not. 

Some may say this opens the door to cheating, but I think it promotes honesty and communication first of all, and who says there's no cheating in relationships where the parties are all jealous and possessive?

I think that cheating cuts across both genders. However, in a relationship with friendship and mutual respect, I think it is easier to make cheating a non-issue.

Would You Wear A Black Wedding Dress?

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"There has been a growing interest in black wedding dresses," Tova Marc, a wedding gown designer who specializes in non-traditional colors, tells Shine. "They are tired of the same old white and ivory." Marc also says Lady Gaga's edgy look has had an impact on brides-to-be. Who knew Lady Gaga's fans would translate that into their weddings?

Supposedly, this trend in black gowns started with Vera Wang's runway show in 2011 which paraded 15 black-ish wedding dresses. But, black isn't for everyone, certainly not for me though the designs of some of these dresses below are very lovely. Check out other non traditional brides, here, and Ufuoma Ejenebor's Gray and White gown, here.

Throwback Thursday - Jambite

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Another picture from way back when, this was 97 after the October rush of my first year in the university. I really loved this blouse, which was thrifted from my mum's 70's closet by the way, and would wear it all the time. And how adventurous I felt then, using colored extensions, this was the very first time, and I'll always remember this picture for that, lol...

Public Proposals - Yemi Sax Asks Girlfriend for Forever Joy

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Towing the line of a public proposal, a Nigerian Saxophonist, Yemi Sax, proposed to his girlfriend, Shola, yesterday at an ice cream place in Lagos. Linda Ikeji was able to get a copy of what he actually said to her, corny but sweet :)

Adeshola Sholatayo Durojaiye...
The first day I met you Shola, my heart beats, and something said to me, this is the mother of your children and the woman specially made for you from heaven. This has never happened to me ever since I've grown up to be a man. I've met so many ladies but you are a rear germ and can't be compared to any of them.

Today i look in to your eyes to tell u this
0. U are the true definition of love
1. U are the true definition of a good woman,
2.U've brought nothing but hapiness to my life
3.Your love to me is more than anything in dis world
4. You are the apple of my eyes
5. I love u so very much shola
6.I cherish u very much shola

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Impending Nuclear War Between United States and North Korea?

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Is it time for us to become scared? Over the past few days, the rhetoric has been escalating on the relations between North and South Korea, and the role of the United States if it ever came to a war between both countries. Today, both North Korea and America took it a step further. North Korea said it had "ratified" a merciless attack against the United States, potentially involving a "diversified nuclear strike".

"We formally inform the White House and Pentagon that the ever-escalating U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK (North Korea) and its reckless nuclear threat will be smashed by the strong will of all the united service personnel and people and cutting-edge smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear strike means of the DPRK and that the merciless operation of its revolutionary armed forces in this regard has been finally examined and ratified," a spokesman for the General Staff of the Korean People's Army said in a statement carried by the English language service of the state news agency KCNA. (Reuters)

Meanwhile, CNN reports that the U.S. military is sending a land-based missile defense system to Guam to defend against possible North Korean ballistic missile launches, according to a news release from the Department of Defense. The statement said the missiles, a truck-mounted launcher, and radar and target acquisition systems will be deployed in the coming weeks.

In a discussion with someone on Facebook some days ago, I actually called it Initial Gra Gra (IGG) on the part of North Korea, and I felt America was being too aggressive in their responses. With these latest events, I'm not so sure. For those who live in the US or in South East Asia, how concerned are you?