Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sophia, Ex-Wife to Tchidi Chikere Releases Rebuttal to His Twitter Diss

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TChidi Chikere took his ex-wife Sophia to the cleaners on Twitter some days ago [read here] and in this statement released to Linda Ikeji, she insists on keeping her cool and her dignity. Kudos to her.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Flavour - Black Is Beautiful [Music Video Romance]

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Flavour N'abania has released his latest video ‘Black Is Beautiful’ off his album ‘Blessed’. Directed by Trademark Pictures, the video showcases a host of beautiful black women, all from different walks of life, posing with happiness as Flavour captures them on his camera lenses.

TChidi Chikere Takes His Ex-Wife to Twitter Court

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Newly married Tchidi Chikere, who had earlier tweeted that he would not comment on his previous marriage has made an about turn. And what a way to do it. While his ex-wife Sophia has only good words for Tchidi, she insists he was seeing his new wife Nuella while they were married. Now, Tchidi is putting his story with Sophia on twitter for the public to judge.

Couple Love - AY Celebrates Wife Mabel on Her Birthday

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Comedian AY celebrated his wife, Mabel, with a small party to mark her birthday. The couple have a daughter together, Michelle. RML wishes them more years and love.

Nigerian, Sede Alonge, Finds Her Perfect Soulmate on The Guardian's Comment is Free

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Sede Alonge, a Nigerian hooked on reading online news articles, dropped a comment on such an article written by fellow Nigerian in the UK, Remi Adekoya. Her comment began a conversation between them on the comment is free discussion forums. The took it off the pages and several phone calls, emails, meetups, and a about a year later, Sede and Remi are engaged and planning to get married. Read her account below..

Daddy Time - Paul Okoye and Son, Andre

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Paul Okoye, new husband and proud dad shared this cute photo with his son tagged playtime. Like father like son, baby Andre sure has lots of hair!

How to Detect and Avoid Signs of Domestic Violence by Police PRO Frank Mba

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Public Relations Officer of the Nigerian Police Force, CSP Frank Mba has written a two-part article on his blog about how to detect spouse battery in marriage and relationships in general. He used the death of banker Titilayo who was murdered by her husband, Akolade Arowolo as the springboard to advise both men and women on how to avoid abuse - the killer of marriage and the people in them.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Which of These 10 Female Body Shapes Do You Have or Prefer?

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0. Skinny

1. Boyish

2. Normal

3. Curvy

4. Chubby

5. Fat

6. Obese

7. Morbidly Obese

8. Athletic

9. Muscular

Monday, March 31, 2014

Different Ways to Pamper Yourself Before Your Wedding Day

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Every bride wants to be beautiful on her wedding day. Women typically dream of having the best wedding whilst still maintaining a pretty face, a great figure and a healthy, buffed physique. However, with the long list of things to prepare, organize and be apprehensive about, often times the bride loses “me” time to relax and have a breather. She usually ends up being uptight, distraught and cranky. The pressure can just build up and be overwhelming for everyone.

Couple Love - Pastor Anselm Madubuko and Wife, Emmy Kosgei

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It's so much fun to see love in action and from the most unlikely people. Pastor Madubuko married Emmy Kosgei last year in an intercultural and multi-country celebration of marriage between Nigeria and Kenya. Emmy Kosgei shared this funny pouting picture of them on a trip and it's no wonder it's going viral. Love nwantiti will always do that :)