Monday, March 31, 2014

Different Ways to Pamper Yourself Before Your Wedding Day

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Every bride wants to be beautiful on her wedding day. Women typically dream of having the best wedding whilst still maintaining a pretty face, a great figure and a healthy, buffed physique. However, with the long list of things to prepare, organize and be apprehensive about, often times the bride loses “me” time to relax and have a breather. She usually ends up being uptight, distraught and cranky. The pressure can just build up and be overwhelming for everyone.

Because of this, every bride needs some pampering before exchanging “I do’s” with her groom-to-be. It’s vital that she gets some down-time after the long and various preparations for her wedding day.

Here are some ways the bride can pamper herself before her wedding day:

Stay fit and healthy

Believe it or not, being healthy is a pampering treat for your body. If you exercise regularly and eat well, you will definitely have a good figure to flaunt on your wedding. Apart from this, you will also be stronger, more productive and ready to take on whatever challenges you may have to face in regards to your wedding day. You may get a personal trainer to help you stick to a routine and get advice on healthy eating to retain or reach your ideal weight. Being able to reach your goal will boost your confidence in yourself and your appearance on your altar date.

Start a skin and/or hair treatment

Nothing uplifts a positive self-image, better than having a great looking mane of hair and unblemished skin. As early as 6 months before, you should consult a dermatologist or someone who will give you the best advice for your skin type or hair requirement. Seek professional help so you can have flawless skin that would be honeymoon ready. Also make time to anticipate any possible hair treatment requirement in case you may need a rebond, change hair color or any other salon procedure. Your hair should be ready two weeks before the set wedding date.

Have a facial 

Remove the deep-seated dirt and impurities on your face, then restore and rejuvenate your skin’s health. Remember not to have your facial done a day before the wedding just in case you might have any possible allergic reaction to the beauty products used.

Soak in a mineral bath

Mineral baths are said to be effective in reducing stress if done 1-3 times a week. Soaking in a mineral bath for at least 15 minutes helps reduce inflammation, aches and pain, improves sleep, removes toxins and most important of all, it relaxes the muscles and relieves stress. Try this out yourself to see how it can help both your mind and body to loosen up and be calmer before you walk down the aisle.

Get a massage 

Massages are often included in bridal pampering packages to help the bride relax before the wedding day itself. Ideally, it would be best to get a massage the day after you had a mineral soak bath to release any muscle tension retained afterwards. It will help relax the body and release any toxins in the muscle tissues.

Have a body wrap

It’s often called the European Body Wrap. It is a detoxification process which can help the bride to lose 6 to 30 inches in an hour. The procedure is done by wrapping medical bandages, that have been soaked in an herbal solution on the body. The herbs’ medicinal components penetrate the body through the pores of the skin. It then cleanses the body of toxins with the end result that makes you feel refreshed and revitalized. An added benefit of body wraps is that it reduces the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks, while it tones and tightens the skin.

Pamper your hands and feet

Take time for conditioning and moisturizing treatments for the most utilized human appendages. Don’t forget to have a manicure and pedicure to make your hands more presentable, or your toes to be pretty when you pull up your gown to reveal the garter.

Cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize

You may be naturally pretty but if you neglect these simple rules, you may end up with acne sprouting all over your face. It’s a necessity to pamper your face by cleaning, exfoliating and moisturizing it regularly.

Ladies’ Night Out 

The bride would truly appreciate spending quality time with her bosom friends. And remember, the get-together is not for discussing more wedding details, but just to have good, clean fun.

 Get a Good Night’s Sleep. 

It is important that the night before the wedding, the bride needs to relax and catch some z’s. It may be a difficult feat to accomplish (because of excitement and nerves), but it is important to have some rest to have that bridal glow that she’s expected to have.

Best Tip: The key thing to remember is that it is your wedding, so you have to be in control. Control means you can delegate. So if you can assign tasks to other people, go ahead. In the meantime, find time to relax. Stand tall, proud and gorgeous, because it is your wedding day after all.


C:\Users\user\Pictures\rsz_photo0010.jpgAbout the Author:

This special blog post on how to prepare for your wedding was written by Charlene Sampilo. Charlene is the content writer/editor for – a “go-to” website for all tips, guides and inspiring ideas to help make your wedding perfect!

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