Friday, November 7, 2014

53-Year-Old Has Performance Scorecard For All The 140 Men She Has Slept With

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Many people are ashamed of their so-called 'body count' but not 53 year old Sandy Nardo, who not just keeps track of the names of all the men she's had sex with over the years, but has a scorecard too. And for the mom of one, there are 140 men on her list.

Woman Has Sperm Extracted From Dying Fiancé So She Can Have His Baby

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22-year-old Stephanie Lucas has decided to give her fiance, Cameron Robinett, what he's always wanted, children of his own, even though he is almost dead.

After a tragic motorcycle crash on Friday left 25-year-old Cameron Robinett brain dead, his family were in the difficult process of deciding to turn off his life support machines when Stephanie came up with the idea of sperm extraction.

Omoni Oboli Looks Smashing As She Switches Up Natural Hair Look With Wigs

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Omoni Oboli did the 'big chop' earlier this year to start a natural hair journey as she wanted to live a generally healthier lifestyle as she got older.

But recently, the actress, mother and director has been switching up her look with wigs, and it shows she's just one of those people who look gorgeous either way. Below are some of her smashing looks...

Short Story - The Day Boko Haram Killed My Brother

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By Onyinye Orabuike

The day started like any other until it was not. My brother was an officer in the Nigerian Army and everyday we prayed that he would survive. He was my eldest and only brother, and had stood in for both my parents since my mother died 2 years ago. I was the youngest and never knew my father.

First, my sister called and told me our brother's latest assignment that put him face to face with the terrorists and something was wrong. I couldn't believe it and dialled my brother's line immediately.

RML Woman : Funke Phillips - Mom and Business Woman

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Funke Phillips is the mum of 3 adorable girls. She runs a business that deals in the supply of gifts and souvenir items in Lagos. Three words she uses to describe herself are weird, funny and random.

Her favorite thing to do is to read.....and yes, she loves watching movies too. Not to forget she loves food. And wine. And beer. Check out our RML Exclusive chat below...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

UK Man Turns Cannibal And Eats The Face Off His New Girlfriend

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In a horrific attack, a 34 year-old man, named Matthew Williams was yesterday found eating off a woman’s face after gouging out her eyeballs in a hotel room.

The staff at the hotel in South Wales, UK, had warned him not to bring girls in the room, but when they heard noises, they began to knock on the door. They called the police when they realized what was happening and burst into the room after the murder suspect refused to let them in.

Why Jim Iyke Went Without Boxers On His Early Morning Flight

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Jim Iyke confessed in a recent Instagram post why he had no underwear for his latest flight pictured above, and it had nothing to do with the pretty flight attendant beside him. Check out his caption below...

Raves & Reviews By Chioma - StGenevieve/Jumia Clothing Collection Experience

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By Chioma Obiekwe

Recently went through and purchased some items from Genevieve Nnaji's / clothing line called StGenevieve. This is a video about how that went.

Online Campaign Forces Victoria's Secret To Change 'Perfect Body' Ad

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Victoria's Secret, one of the most popular brands for women's bras, recently launched a new set of underwear describing the fit of the bras as "the perfect body".

However, not a few people disliked the ad as they felt it would exacerbate the insecurity that women already feel about their bodies.

Stevie Wonder Denies Triplet Rumors - Says It's 'A Bunch Of Bull'

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Stevie Wonder has now put paid to the rumors which have been circulating online for the past few weeks. Gossip tabloids claimed that Stevie Wonder and his girlfriend Tomeeka Robyn Bracy were expecting triplets, which would bring the number of his children to 11. Stevie Wonder has denied that this is the case.